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July 20, 2022

Fred Lucas, chief correspondent and manager of the Investigative Reporting Project for the DAILY SIGNAL, has a must-read piece that’s perhaps the most important wake-up call we’ve had since the election of 2020. It’s called “How the left hopes to seize control of local election offices.”

Lucas interviewed Jason Snead, executive director of the Honest Elections Project --- which actually is FOR honest elections --- and what he heard is truly terrifying. The left is trying to make sure they control elections in the years ahead, and to further that effort, two big-money leftist operations are ready to spend $80 million. Each.

Run For Something, a PAC formed by a former Hillary staffer, is working to elect “clerks, election supervisors, clerks, recorders and other local officials charged with running elections.” Right now, they’re endorsing 11 candidates in a number of states, but the plan is that they “will promote thousands of election administrators in the years ahead.” They’ll use their dollars to help “their” candidates get into those positions.

These are the people who interpret and enforce state election regulations. For example, they decide how closely signatures must match, whether absentee ballots arriving after Election Day will count, how strictly to enforce voter ID, and how far away poll watchers must stand.

Through a project called “Clerk Work,” Run For Something says it’ll be supporting “5,000+ candidates for local offices in charge of election administration.”

Snead compares Run For Something’s “Clerk Work” to George Soros’ project to elect district attorneys around the country to take a “progressive” approach to law enforcement. I don’t have to tell you how successful that has been. We’re seeing the bitter fruits of that now, with skyrocketing crime rates in big Democrat-run cities and even in some suburbs.
The other big spender is the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence, which is described as “a coalition of mostly left-leaning organizations financed in part by Big Tech executives to train local officials in running elections.” There are seven of these organizations, and the leading one is the infamous Center for Tech and Civic Life, funded by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. Yes, even though the unsupervised dropboxes they funded were found in violation of election law in Wisconsin, the CTCL is apparently still going strong.

Snead says the “training” is a loophole to avoid bans on private funding of election administration that are on the books in 21 states.

These groups are trying to rationalize what they’re doing by saying Steve Bannon is doing the same thing in mobilizing the right. To that, Snead says that “recruiting registered Democrats and Republicans as poll workers and poll watchers is different than a well-financed effort to place party activists in supervisory posts.”

Democrats also see this strategy as a way to put in place the provisions in the current Congress's HR 1 –- the laughably named “For The People Act” –- which was intended to federalize election law in ways that would have made honest, transparent elections impossible. That bill died in the Senate, but this apparently is Democrats’ Plan B.

Consider yourself warned. This plot has to be fought at the local level, in mostly down-ballot races. It’s hard to think of a worse threat to “our democracy” than to have elections run by these power-mad activists. Here’s the full story…

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  • Lynn Duckett

    07/20/2022 12:40 PM

    Standard Democrat deniability...."We're not rigging the elections, but we're making sure other people will".