
Latest News

January 12, 2022

Steve Harvey said that cancel culture has “killed comedy,” and it’s caused him to step away from doing stand-up. He says that every joke these days allegedly hurts somebody’s feelings, and that when he finally does another stand-up special, he’ll probably have to call it “This Is It” because he’ll never be allowed to do another one.

Personally, while I understand his viewpoint, I believe that now more than ever, we need comedians to step up and tell as many jokes as possible about the “woke” left. Knuckling under to them only gives them a greater sense of their own power to censor and intimidate. Comedians have always been society’s greatest weapon against arrogant tyrants, and just because the tyrants are self-righteous “activists” with Twitter accounts instead of politicians or military dictators, that shouldn’t make them immune to richly-deserved ridicule.

In a related story, here’s a must-read article by Bari Weiss at Substack about the dire situation in Hollywood, where leftism and wokeism have many people terrified of saying anything that might offend someone and get them blacklisted (just using the word “blacklisted” can now get you blacklisted.)

It’s gone beyond a welcome openness to writers and creators of more diverse backgrounds to the point where there’s blatant discrimination against white job applicants. That means more racially diverse writers, but also means that good, experienced writers are being shut out, which helps to explain why so much of what we’re now seeing on our screens isn’t fresh, creative, thrilling or entertaining, it’s just transparent leftist propaganda that feels as if it were written by freshman UCLA film school students. It’s why, if you want well-written stories with sharp dialogue, original stories and believable characters, you’ll need a subscription to Turner Classic Movies.

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  • Becky Landers

    01/16/2022 03:29 PM

    I totally agree with you that comedians need to step up to the plate now and let go with their creative jokes, because if we cannot make fun of ourselves and laugh for fear of reprisal, we have lost our freedom of speech, our sense of humor, and our ability to see other points of view...a very sad day, indeed.

  • Dana Vincent

    01/16/2022 03:11 PM

    I see where YouTube is still placing photos of Trump over the video portion of various FOX speakers. It was so obvious the other day when Carlson said, "In this video you can see..." and immediately a picture of Trump covered the video portion of the screen.
    Hopefully, the Republicans will take over both houses this November. When that is accomplished here's my wish list for Immediate Things To Do List. 1. Start impeachment proceeding against Biden for aiding the enemy by deliberately leaving millions of dollars of military equipment behind in the haphazard retreat from Afghanistan. 2. Revise Rule 230 so Big Tech can be sued for censoring free speech. 3. Start building the wall immediately. 4. Deport all known or found illegal immigrants immediately. 5. Rescue the Americans stranded in Afghanistan. Immediately start working on the pipeline that was cancelled by Biden. 6. Fire FBI Director Wray. 7. Fire Fauci. (If 6 and 7 aren't able to be accom0plished, find some other legal method to get them out of office.) 8. Openly investigate Hunter Biden's foreign money ties. 9. Investigate Biden's ties to Hunter's money schemes. 10. All foreign funding by the CDC, NIH, or any virology entity must be approved by 60 votes of the Senate and vast majority of the House. 11. Make all government positions with a term limit including Supreme Court judges. 12. Make publicly known all cases of voter fraud and voting machine manipulations uncovered during the various investigations. 13. Have all MSM broadcasts begin with a standard announcement of their bias against the Republican Party and Conservatives. 14. Break up monopolies like Google, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Microsoft, MSM, etc. 15. Make it a Federal crime to teach or in any manner instruct or educate or indoctrinate any teachings of Woke-ism, CRT, Marxism, Communism in any manner whatsoever.16. Start rebuilding our military to be #1 in the world. Boy, if they could accomplish just a few of these things our great country would start to look like what is was meant to be. Love your daily updates!!! GOD bless!

  • Teresa

    01/16/2022 02:58 PM

    I wondered why so many news articles are slanted to the left. Its really sickening that we can't have diverse views on our news.

  • Sally Duncan

    01/16/2022 02:56 PM

    Trruly, Sir, we may never know what Bob Sagit died of. There is no reason it shiuld take months other than to hope we will go away and just forget about his death. Also, laughter is the best medicine for all. If you can't laugh at yourself, you are taking yourself WAAAY too seriously!!

  • Robert Mills

    01/16/2022 02:28 PM

    Is the next step in voter reform is voting by cell phone like we choose the American Idol winner. If you want the D Canidate dial 1235567890 or the R candidate dial 0997654321 no Id required just a cell phone.

  • Paul Lindberg

    01/16/2022 02:11 PM

    Thank you, Mike. I always appreciate your viewpoint, and you are sure right on about "woke" comedy. I hope you don't mind if I copy this paragraph and share it with a friend - she has a son who works in the field of standup comedy.

  • Michael Herlihy

    01/16/2022 02:09 PM

    I totally agree with your observation about TCM. The movies shown there surpass anything today.

  • Kathie Welch

    01/16/2022 01:42 PM

    Sad, but very true. Wokeism doesn’t only cancel the written and spoken word, it aborts thoughts that might inspire.

  • Jane F. Mitchell

    01/16/2022 01:03 PM

    I have recently seen stuff about the Righteous Gemstones, a show that makes fun of Christians, making them anything but Christlike. It is so blasphemous to me that so many people love that show. It is crass and so hypocritical for the writers and producers to find comedy in making fun of God's people. No real Christians would ever be like those "religious bigots" in that show.

  • Katherine Urquidi

    01/16/2022 12:45 PM

    Our purchased from Best Buy dish gets an old movie station. We watch it...a lot.