
Latest News

January 8, 2021

Our initial condemnation of the Capitol Hill violence has, so far, drawn close to 600 responses. It’ll take a while to go through them all, but here are a few examples from across the opinion spectrum…

From Sherry:

You are so right! This election is so wrong, but this is what we have. The Republican Party is better than this; this is NOT how we behave. Even listening to our President was very disappointing. Somehow the Republicans need to be tough and stand up. We have got to be better than what we show and be stronger! I'm sorry our President lost but HE did NOT help our cause by much he has to say. Our elections need to be better.

From the Gov:

Thanks, Sherry. One important note: Even if elections are tainted by fraud, we HAVE to continue voting. If Georgia Republicans had voted in their senatorial run-offs at the same level they voted on Nov. 3, we'd still have the Senate. People who stayed home turned the whole government over to leftists. Remember: the closer the margin, the easier the fraud!

From David:

As an avid listener and reader of your material and a big fan of yours, I have to disagree. I don't condone violence but "We the People" are fed up with the hypocrisy of our government. Sometimes we need to take a stand and take our country back. As a Christian and a conservative, I will do what's necessary to protect my God given liberties. God bless you and your family!

From the Gov:

David, I appreciate that you wrote, but this action did not “take our country back.” It SET our country back and gave the left a gift tied with a big blue ribbon. With everything good that Trump should be remembered for, his legacy has been largely destroyed, at least for now, by a relatively small group of protesters. We have to find better ways to protect our liberties, ways that don’t backfire spectacularly as this one has.

From William:


From the Gov:

Thank you; I’m glad you like the show. William, we’re all angry and have a right to be. But just lashing out is not going to help the cause of conservatism, and this time, it did a tremendous amount of damage.

We’re in no position to condemn violence on the Angry Left if we’re going to use the same tactics. We can’t become the very thing we hate. The double standard exists, to be sure, as those on the left get away with violence, and as realists we have to be mindful of that when contemplating our actions, as they will be turned and used against us by the left whenever possible. The challenge will be how to channel this anger into responses that will do some good. If I CAN make a difference right now, I hope it will be in helping more people understand this.

From Nick:

I am saddened by the violence. If these people were Trump supporters, it makes us all look bad. Trump did rile up the crowd when stating there would be ‘fireworks’. The media will label all Trump supporters as overzealous conspiracy theorists. My brother says I look silly when I say the election was stolen. He tells me to be quiet. Indicative of the left’s view of us all!

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Nick. Unfortunately, all true, except for the part about you looking silly. Don't let your brother intimidate you.

From Gennifer (excerpt):

Yes, January 6th events in Washington were unfortunate. This is an example of Conservatives being pushed to a breaking point. No person is strong enough to watch day after day, month after month cities being decimated AND nothing was/is done about it and, what’s worse, no one cared...I am one of the people who are outraged over the Presidential election. I might have been more accepting of the results had ANY of the profound evidence been examined by anyone of authority. One more example of adding kindling to the fire!

From Karen (excerpt):

I agree with you. Our Constitution should be followed to the letter. But where was the SCOTUS? They could have stopped all this...By not ruling on the States not following their own Constitution, the States brought forward illegitimate electoral votes. THIS FACT is what lit the powder keg. This is America, we are Americans and we get mad when our rights are infringed upon…All we asked for, or wanted, was an honest election. We would have tolerated a legitimate Biden win. It was not a legitimate win; we have been blocked from proving either way. And now, God worshipping, law abiding, Deplorables are ANGRY!

From the Gov:

Completely understandable. Even so, Karen, we cannot allow ourselves to be the powder keg. The left WANTED to ignite it. Just two days later, we’re already getting an idea of how they plan to use this turn of events. Plus, they’re blaming Trump –- Biden is grotesquely exaggerating on that point –- to the extent that they’re now talking about impeachment (again) or using the 25th Amendment to destroy any political future he might have. Maybe the rioters intended to “help” Trump, but they hurt him immeasurably. If they wanted to change the course of history, they certainly did, but in a very, very bad way.

The way to help Trump would have been to have all 200,000 people show up in peaceful support of him, while legislators offered words of wisdom and truth inside the chamber. Imagine how differently that would have played. How I wish we could get in the Way-Back Machine and go back two days to fix this, but we can’t.

Finally, this from Nancy:

I, too, am appalled at the violence and disrespect shown for our institutions. I share the belief that the election results were fraudulent, but they will not be overturned by behavior that echoes the despicable rioting of the anarchists. I am praying for America that God's mercy would heal our land. I am praying that He will foil the plans of the wicked and give wisdom and courage to His followers.

From the Gov:

Thanks, Nancy. Wisdom and courage are definitely what we need right now. Certainly we all must exercise that wisdom to see what you have pointed out –- that even a fraudulent election will not be overturned by violence. That just results in tragedy and compounds the problems we and our country face.

I’ll end by offering some stories told by people who were there in the crowd on Wednesday, describing what it was like for them that day and what they think of what happened.

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Comments 126-150 of 195


    01/08/2021 01:16 PM

    Dear Gov. Huckabee!

    Mercy is merited for Pres. Trump!

    For all the good he’s done for our Country these past 4 years and for all the abuse he’s undergone from, can I say, insurrectionists (The House and media, particularly), I can forgive him for venting his greatly earned frustration at not finding ANY reversal of this voting fraud.

    Heavenly Father continues to forgive me and Christ beckons me to forgive others! I can forgive Pres. Trump for finally stumbling under the cross he’s been carrying! I won’t abandon a good man, but try to do my part to help him, and others, regain their strength to press onward – as others do for me!

    Bless you for your good works!
    Paul West

  • Prudence S Mullen

    01/08/2021 01:12 PM

    From the begining there were calls for voter ID and signature checks but was denied!! I never had to show either from New York and had 3 ballots sitting home I could have used to vote 3 more times! You only had to be registered at that address! That was fishy from the begining and the doubt was planted! now 83% of republicans feel robbed and 17% of Democrats! We need to be made to feel we can trust our vote!!!!

  • Richard V Farrar

    01/08/2021 01:12 PM

    Get way to get Republicans and others to back-off Election Audits and hearings than the Capital Police demonstrating to all elected officials that "We will not PROTECT YOU"! Agitators inserted themselves into peaceful demonstrators to take advantage of event enthusiasm to divert emotions of a select few to attack Congress. Common tactic throughout Trumps campaign and Presidential tenure. After all, didn't former President Obama Chief-of-Stall E. Rahm state that a CRISIS shouldn't go to waste, (especially when they create it). WELCOME TO THE SOCIALIST STATE = D.C. and IL State Capital (Gov. Pritzker orders) are increasing State Police security w/o city and county assistance using to conservative PEACEFUL DEMONSTRATIONS. Curfews and restrictions on lawful public activity. Signs of President-elect Biden changes are starting!

  • Roxanna Forbragd

    01/08/2021 01:08 PM

    My first thought was were the lawbreakers, in fact, Trump supporters or plants from some other organization? A MAGA hat is pretty easy to get.

    This was so wrong from ANY standpoint. Where was all the outrage when it was happening in the Democrat-controlled states and cities? I’m so sick of the double standard coming from the left. I absolutely refuse to accept anything they say or do.

  • Clarke Terney

    01/08/2021 01:06 PM

    When are you going to say something about all of the news coming out of Italy????

  • Phyllis R Murrell

    01/08/2021 01:04 PM

    The media and the Democrats jumped to a conclusion that the violence was done by Trump supporters. I think we should wait until they are identified and possibly arrested and that we find out exactly who they are before we cast blame and stereotype all Trump supporters as thugs. I did see already that one who was identified was previously arrested for protests with BLM.

  • Art Landerman

    01/08/2021 12:58 PM

    i am very disappointed in the republican party as i am in Trumps behavior. He never learned the art of politics. Good ideas, bad delivery.

  • Sharon Faulkner

    01/08/2021 12:57 PM

    So our fighting back against the FRAUD and the Blue Reich made us look bad? That's what they said about 5he Abolitionists. Sorry President Trump has never made me prouder and scaring the ship out of the Swamp rats has never made us look better. I am PROUD of Trump and 5he Protestors and ashamed of jellyfish like you. Go as kiss Joe and 5he Ho. TRUMP 2024!!!
    And why are there so many ministry in government? And hypocrites?

  • Jack Eckman

    01/08/2021 12:57 PM

    Just received an email from my alma mater, Lehigh University. The Board of Trustees voted unanimously to revoke the honorary degree the gave President Trump in 1988. This exactly why I stopped supporting Lehigh some time ago and have supported my younger son's alma mater, Hillsdale College.

  • Emily Yeatts

    01/08/2021 12:56 PM

    My heart is saddened but I am glad as a believer of Gods divine sovereignty and the love of Jesus His son which affords me an incredible flight in the near future because I believe the Son will be calling us home soon my prayer ?? s for those that do not know Jesus God in His timing and His plan give to us kings and takes away kings He judged Israel for 70 years for that sacrificing of its children He destroyed sodom for the sins of homosexuality America too will suffer His judgment God will Not be mocked “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;”
    ??Romans? ?1:28? ? “as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities around them in a similar manner to these, having given themselves over to sexual immorality and gone after strange flesh, are set forth as an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.”
    ??Jude? ?1:7? ?NKJV??
    We will stand in judgment for the millions of innocent lives we have murdered
    On a side note where was the outcry from the left when the Capitol was breached during Kavanaughs hearings

  • Barbara Gerlach

    01/08/2021 12:54 PM

    I believe they fraudulently won this election and we can no longer trust the election process. Since they were successful this time, and there was no investigation and no consequences, they will continue to cheat and steal to accomplish their agenda. I have seen several people comment that they will not be voting anymore because it it a wasted effort. I will continue to vote but I really sort of feel the same way. The 2024 election will not really be any different because the Left will make sure that it isn’t! I feel God is ready to bring judgment on America for all the evil we tolerate and allow to take place. There is no mention of America in Revelation and I truly believe the fall of our country is at hand and that Jesus is coming soon! God will not continue to tolerate the sinfulness of our government and our country.

  • Ernie Nowlin

    01/08/2021 12:51 PM

    I have the great pleasure of being on the same list as you, i.e., people who make up the Trump Support list that needs to be "cleansed" (Klein, ABC News). I see that they took Nazi history out of our schools, so this 40 year old editor probably has never heard about the cleansing that occurred no more than 80 years ago in Europe. This has been coming for awhile. Thanks to the same gullibility that existed then. They know not what they do.

  • Ellen Baum

    01/08/2021 12:49 PM

    Gov Huckabee,
    I love your reporting and your show.
    I also do not condone violence. I have seen photos that show the riot was started by Antifa, bussed in and allowed to go to the Building where the legislative meetings were held. I also have questions about why the most protected building in the US was left vulnerable. And what’s with Nancy Pelosi’s son-in-law pictured with the guy with the horns on his head(this guy with the horns also seen at Antifa protests)? Will any of this be reported? I also saw a post from PBS reporting the violence before it happened. Is this true? There is also some reports coming from other countries of interference in the elections. Is this true? I would appreciate answers. Millions of Americans are hungry for truth.
    God bless you for the work you and your team do.

  • Linda Stewart

    01/08/2021 12:46 PM

    America has been in crisis for some time. We are no longer "united states" as a few states somehow got away with stealing an election. We are at the mercy of Georgia, Arizona and a few other corrupt states. Instead of having their fradulent votes certified they should have been forced to have a new election. I won't bother to vote again. If my vote can be cancelled that easily what's the point? I doubt the Democrats and Rinos will ever allow another election anyway. America has been turned into a laughingstock.

  • Lowell Smith

    01/08/2021 12:44 PM

    While I totally abhor the violent breach of our nations capitol, I actually believe You and many of the officials that blame the rioters on Trump supporters should sit back and wait for a full investigation. I believe Antifa was there in full force and leading the breach! yes there were probably a few Trump supporters that got sucked into the crowd, but I will say, Antifa scored a big win in making Trump and conservatives take the rap! George Soros is probably Dancing with Joy now that his investment has paid big returns!

  • Janean Lamb

    01/08/2021 12:39 PM

    I have a great deal of respect for you, but I am disappointed that you are placing the blame for the rioters on the Republican Party.

    There is evidence this was planned by the left and that they planted and paid ANTIFA and BLM to riot and destroy. I’ve seen that Trump Supporters even tried to stop them from breaking windows.

    It’s our constitutional right to peacefully protest, that was the only thing we had left to do, and that is what our party did.
    Put the blame where it lies—on the left and on the Supreme Court. But don’t accept and go along with the left that we own this OR that President Trump does. He called for peaceful protest.
    God bless.

  • Charles Richard Twilley

    01/08/2021 12:35 PM

    Governor,brother Mike, I agree with you !00 % with your comments. There are now 75 million voters who are "woke". Let's all keep praying and working on the next election. God bless you and your family. We love your show!

  • RT Vaught

    01/08/2021 12:35 PM

    We can say goodbye republicans, forget about the 2022 elections and taking back control of congress.
    Now that the democrats have figured out they can cheat to win elections without any recourse the republicans will win only the most red of the red states. All the battle ground states will now be blue and the dems have locked in 300+ electoral votes for the presidential elections for the foreseeable future.
    We wont see a republican president or majority in congress for decades, if ever.
    2021 will mark the beginning of the new socialist America.
    Sure, we’ll still have elections, it just won’t matter anymore because the outcome is already known unless the republicans learn how to cheat better than the democrats.
    We will be a fake democracy, in name only.
    The socialists have won.
    Democracy and capitalism was fun while it lasted.

  • Mary Williams

    01/08/2021 12:34 PM

    Dear Gov Huckabee,
    Thank you for your Messages and your and comments. I read them all everyday and most of the time I agree with you. However in some of your answers on the violence that took place on Jan 6, 2020 in DC covering the Riots there, in some I thought you were not completely accurate. It appeared to me that you were completely blaming some in the Conservative crowds for the unruly violence that happened. When everyone knows that the DC police LED in 5 buses of Antiva and BLM matter with 40 in each bus that lead and caused the violence at/in the Capital. Some people even thought the DC mayor had brought them in to cause such violence to have something else to blame President Trump for.
    I believe our Nation is in a spiritual warfare and as a Christian I know who the winner will be. Some of the Democrat politicians, Big Tech, msm media, apparently some not Christian, are just digging their hole a little deeper by their thinking they got away with this Fraud. It will be interesting to watch how God plays this out. Anyone with half a brain can see where the evil starts, basically that is the msm media NOT printing the truth so people could note the truth. Even though some would still deny it because that is the way the devil works.
    Pray for forgiveness, Watch, Pray for America, Watch, pray for WeThePeople to have understanding of Gods Power over ALL things.
    God Bless America
    God Bless President Trump
    God Bless WeThePeople

  • Deborah Liebig

    01/08/2021 12:29 PM

    My daughter was there at the Save America March this was always known as a March not a protest or riot. Per my daughter you could tell these rioters were the Antigua thugs but the Democrats and the left never admitted they existed this past summer therefore will never admit they were the ones who did the rioting!! And I will never call Biden President they stole this election and half my family will never vote again.

  • Kenny Gardner

    01/08/2021 12:29 PM

    I agree but here is the problem; it was a setup. You yourself have stated Trump supporters do not act that way. The clothes, masks etc ALL indicate young people and now evidence it was Antifa.

  • Beth Tucciarone

    01/08/2021 12:28 PM

    Governor Huckabee,
    Thank you for providing a conservative viewpoint in our liberal world. I condemn all violence, but how can you blame President Trump? He has fought tirelessly for freedom & transparency. He didn’t give the order to invade the Capitol. Why should another person’s reprehensible acts taint his legacy? We are individually responsible for our choices, and the choices of those that committed crimes should be fully prosecuted & punished. Why was the Capitol breached so easily? You don’t think the Dems are above infiltrating Trump supporters to further their agenda, do you?
    Beyond that, I have questions. Now what?
    We played by the rules. We prayed, we voted, we contributed. 74 million of us are disenfranchised. Every branch of government is complicit in the steal. We’ve established we can’t trust the election process. We’ve discovered our representatives will squelch us in our efforts to forensically audit the vote. Did Vice President Pence shirk his duties?
    The standard response is our vote is our voice, but I voted & I don’t feel heard. Where do we go from here?

  • Nita Downum

    01/08/2021 12:27 PM

    I have been following up on the violence at the Capitol and the more I’m convinced that it was Antifa and BLM that did this.. Some patriots were sucked into their evil and not willing to participate. I feel it was rigged by the Democrats and some Republicans to allow these evil thugs to do what they did. So please don’t say or act like it was the patriots that did this. I am so sick of the cover-up and lies. This was Satan at work and still is. This is a spiritual war and God is still on the throne.

  • Claire Elaine Mccoy, Ph. D.

    01/08/2021 12:25 PM

    I’ve just sent this to President Trump via link. Not sure he ever sees those but maybe a sympathetic staffer will read it. You have connections should wish to share any of these suggestions.
    Perhaps more of your audience could send encouragement to the president. Is there a better way to do that? He needs us now.

    Gratitude. We are a grateful nation that we have had you as our President. Eventually, history will note all of your accomplishments. I still believe you should consider having your memoirs and historical memorabilia kept in Israel or some other safe place. The socialists / communists would attempt to destroy a library here. Stay safe and keep your family safe. If that requires a pardon do it. These radicals will continue to try to destroy you. They will criticize and recast whatever you do in the worst possible light. They may try to incarcerate you or your family. There are no brakes, no counterbalances now.
    Thank you again.

  • Gayle Heyl

    01/08/2021 12:25 PM

    Dear Governor,
    Thank you for being available to us with faithful direction in this surreal time. I have to say that those rioters among our peaceful protestors were clearly placed there by the left. Look how much destruction their craftiness accomplished, once again. I am praying every day for God to stop the left’s craziness but to give me peace whatever the outcome. You and Franklin Graham are my new sources for updated information. Thank you and thank God for putting you out front to help us through this unpredictable time. PS: I never miss your show!