
Latest News

June 15, 2021

Today’s MUST-READ (and share): Fox News reports that Yeonmi Park came to America at age 13 as a defector from North Korea and was able to attend Ivy League Columbia University. Her verdict: the anti-American brainwashing there is worse than in North Korea.

She knew something was wrong on day one when she said at orientation that she liked the novels of Jane Austen and the instructor scolded her that writers of classic literature were racists and bigots and “had a colonial mindset.” She said the anti-American propaganda was like what she grew up with in North Korea. She was also attacked for not getting people’s “preferred pronouns” right when she was trying to speak in her third language.

Park, who had seen people die of starvation in front of her eyes, knows what real oppression is. But she said the Columbia students kept saying how oppressed they were and how much injustice they’d seen when they had no clue how great they had it. She said, "It was chaos. It felt like the regression in civilization…Even North Korea is not this nuts. North Korea was pretty crazy, but not this crazy."

After a lot of arguments, she finally “learned how to just shut up,” maintain a high GPA and graduate. It’s tragic that she had to flee a totalitarian communist state seeking freedom, only to discover that our college campuses have become totalitarian communist states.

This story comes on the heels of another about a mom who survived Mao’s cultural revolution blasting her kids’ school for its “Critical Race Theory” brainwashing that’s eerily similar to China.

When refugees from communist states with no freedom can’t even tell the difference between our schools and the places they fled, it’s time for a “purge.” Not a communist-style purge, but a purge of the school officials who have turned America’s education system into indoctrination camps to brainwash kids into hating their own country.

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Comments 51-60 of 71

  • JoAnn Stockland

    06/15/2021 02:12 PM

    How do we stop this? I am a retired teacher and I am not sure if this going on in my town’s schools—elementary, middle school, high school, and university. This really upsets me!

  • Lynn M. Roberts

    06/15/2021 02:05 PM

    Well the communists said long ago they would overtake us from within and we let the colleges indoctrinate our young to oppose our government. Now they are keeping the people separated with the CRT. Which will keep everyone in the next generation apart from each other that way there will be no unified front to oppose them. God help us.

  • Charles Bell

    06/15/2021 01:43 PM

    Sorry Mike,

    I’m not certain we should be so quick to rule out a N. Korean type purge in our institutions of “higher learning”.... said the guy with an engineering and divinity degree.

  • Jo

    06/15/2021 01:42 PM

    Amen! It is time for parents and grandparents to wake up to what trash their kids are being fed and deterotating levels that basic education core has fallen to. It is time to pay attention and take action before our next generation is totally brainwashed like the current graduates have been. These kids are the key to America's future! Pay attention parents and stand up to stop this NOW!

  • Julianne Eisele

    06/15/2021 01:23 PM

    The left is so full of themselves they have forgotten how to be grateful. Or maybe they never knew. In a heart full of gratitude, there is no room for discontentment. Practice gratitude and your whole perspective changes. Colleges are filled with ingrates perpetuated by the staff who are also ingrates.

  • Anne Turner

    06/15/2021 01:18 PM

    Regarding the Universities: I hope it is not too late. In the late fifties , early sixties when I went to college, I had a poly sci professor who prided himself on never letting his students know his own political opinions. Right now I don’t see a way out but the few publications available like yours are helping. I am amazed at how many Black folks are coming out as conservative. As always the Libs vastly underestimate the abilities of Black people, treating them like children.

  • tommie clark

    06/15/2021 01:15 PM


  • Sally

    06/15/2021 01:14 PM

    Hi Governor Huckabee
    I wonder how and when this indoctrination, brainwashing which starts at kindergarten and goes all the way to universities will stop.
    What happened to our country? Could it be stopped?
    Thanks for sharing the eye opening article

  • Barbara Weghorn

    06/15/2021 01:12 PM

    Please encourage your readers to run for their local school boards. That is where the Communists started and that is where we must start to defeat them.

  • Dennis &Virginia Ragain

    06/15/2021 01:10 PM

    Governor, if something is not done soon to stop this madness in our schools at every level, we will continue to see these younger generations turn away from the ideals of this great country. When our children were going through school we were blessed to be able to send them to a Christian school up until high school. My wife and I reviewed all of their class materials used in the curriculum to be sure nothing was slipped in. Parents need to become aggressive and demand transparency from the school boards and those teachers and school boards that promote such garbage as CRT must be removed whether at the kindergarten level clear through to the universities.