
Latest News

January 8, 2021

Our initial condemnation of the Capitol Hill violence has, so far, drawn close to 600 responses. It’ll take a while to go through them all, but here are a few examples from across the opinion spectrum…

From Sherry:

You are so right! This election is so wrong, but this is what we have. The Republican Party is better than this; this is NOT how we behave. Even listening to our President was very disappointing. Somehow the Republicans need to be tough and stand up. We have got to be better than what we show and be stronger! I'm sorry our President lost but HE did NOT help our cause by much he has to say. Our elections need to be better.

From the Gov:

Thanks, Sherry. One important note: Even if elections are tainted by fraud, we HAVE to continue voting. If Georgia Republicans had voted in their senatorial run-offs at the same level they voted on Nov. 3, we'd still have the Senate. People who stayed home turned the whole government over to leftists. Remember: the closer the margin, the easier the fraud!

From David:

As an avid listener and reader of your material and a big fan of yours, I have to disagree. I don't condone violence but "We the People" are fed up with the hypocrisy of our government. Sometimes we need to take a stand and take our country back. As a Christian and a conservative, I will do what's necessary to protect my God given liberties. God bless you and your family!

From the Gov:

David, I appreciate that you wrote, but this action did not “take our country back.” It SET our country back and gave the left a gift tied with a big blue ribbon. With everything good that Trump should be remembered for, his legacy has been largely destroyed, at least for now, by a relatively small group of protesters. We have to find better ways to protect our liberties, ways that don’t backfire spectacularly as this one has.

From William:


From the Gov:

Thank you; I’m glad you like the show. William, we’re all angry and have a right to be. But just lashing out is not going to help the cause of conservatism, and this time, it did a tremendous amount of damage.

We’re in no position to condemn violence on the Angry Left if we’re going to use the same tactics. We can’t become the very thing we hate. The double standard exists, to be sure, as those on the left get away with violence, and as realists we have to be mindful of that when contemplating our actions, as they will be turned and used against us by the left whenever possible. The challenge will be how to channel this anger into responses that will do some good. If I CAN make a difference right now, I hope it will be in helping more people understand this.

From Nick:

I am saddened by the violence. If these people were Trump supporters, it makes us all look bad. Trump did rile up the crowd when stating there would be ‘fireworks’. The media will label all Trump supporters as overzealous conspiracy theorists. My brother says I look silly when I say the election was stolen. He tells me to be quiet. Indicative of the left’s view of us all!

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Nick. Unfortunately, all true, except for the part about you looking silly. Don't let your brother intimidate you.

From Gennifer (excerpt):

Yes, January 6th events in Washington were unfortunate. This is an example of Conservatives being pushed to a breaking point. No person is strong enough to watch day after day, month after month cities being decimated AND nothing was/is done about it and, what’s worse, no one cared...I am one of the people who are outraged over the Presidential election. I might have been more accepting of the results had ANY of the profound evidence been examined by anyone of authority. One more example of adding kindling to the fire!

From Karen (excerpt):

I agree with you. Our Constitution should be followed to the letter. But where was the SCOTUS? They could have stopped all this...By not ruling on the States not following their own Constitution, the States brought forward illegitimate electoral votes. THIS FACT is what lit the powder keg. This is America, we are Americans and we get mad when our rights are infringed upon…All we asked for, or wanted, was an honest election. We would have tolerated a legitimate Biden win. It was not a legitimate win; we have been blocked from proving either way. And now, God worshipping, law abiding, Deplorables are ANGRY!

From the Gov:

Completely understandable. Even so, Karen, we cannot allow ourselves to be the powder keg. The left WANTED to ignite it. Just two days later, we’re already getting an idea of how they plan to use this turn of events. Plus, they’re blaming Trump –- Biden is grotesquely exaggerating on that point –- to the extent that they’re now talking about impeachment (again) or using the 25th Amendment to destroy any political future he might have. Maybe the rioters intended to “help” Trump, but they hurt him immeasurably. If they wanted to change the course of history, they certainly did, but in a very, very bad way.

The way to help Trump would have been to have all 200,000 people show up in peaceful support of him, while legislators offered words of wisdom and truth inside the chamber. Imagine how differently that would have played. How I wish we could get in the Way-Back Machine and go back two days to fix this, but we can’t.

Finally, this from Nancy:

I, too, am appalled at the violence and disrespect shown for our institutions. I share the belief that the election results were fraudulent, but they will not be overturned by behavior that echoes the despicable rioting of the anarchists. I am praying for America that God's mercy would heal our land. I am praying that He will foil the plans of the wicked and give wisdom and courage to His followers.

From the Gov:

Thanks, Nancy. Wisdom and courage are definitely what we need right now. Certainly we all must exercise that wisdom to see what you have pointed out –- that even a fraudulent election will not be overturned by violence. That just results in tragedy and compounds the problems we and our country face.

I’ll end by offering some stories told by people who were there in the crowd on Wednesday, describing what it was like for them that day and what they think of what happened.

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Comments 151-175 of 195


    01/08/2021 12:18 PM

    Thank you Govenor Huckabee for the opportunity to freely express my views regarding the incidents of January 6th. First of all let me say that I am appalled with what I saw happening that day just as I was appalled at what a I saw happening during the demonstrations in the summer. Also thankful for the heroes of the Capitol Police who were able to finally fend off the rioters. I am so glad they did not defund the Capitol Police. President Elect Biden did not help matters any by accusing them of racism in his remarks on Thursday. That is no way to talk about the galliant men of the Capitol Police and no way to bring about healing for this nation. That kind of speech only divides people more, just as trying to oust President Trump from his office which the left have tried to do to a duly elected President for 4 years with no evidence found. There is so much blame to go around for the events of that day. Blame for the right and blame for the left and blame for the media. You can't tell me that the Presidents' remarks on that day was all that motivated the mindless acts of violence. This has been building for years starting with the shooting of Steve Scalise. No one blamed Bernie Sanders for that incident but how quickly the left want to blame Trump. Also with Maxine Waters telling the left to "get in their face", and the incident when your daughter was refused service in a restaurant because she is a conservative who supports Trump, and with Hillary Clinton calling Trump supporters deplorables. No, this didn't just happen because of what Trump did or said that day. The people who perpetrated the violence had already made up their mind to storm the Capitol before Trump's speech. They came prepared to do violence. It is a sad day in our democracy that things have come to this. How can we now go about healing this nation? How can we all come together and stop the hating on both sides? I pray that we will find a way and that our new leaders will work tirelessly to bring about healing.

  • Tom Bass

    01/08/2021 12:15 PM

    The left continues with threats of various legal actions against President Trump. I wonder if it would not be advisable for him to resign on say the 17th or 18th and VP Pence (acting President) grant a pardon for any crimes committed or those presumably committed by President Trump. Thereby stopping any and all legal action AND keeping his Presidential retirement. I believe this would also leave the door open for 2024 should he desire.

  • Duke Mecartney

    01/08/2021 12:13 PM

    Antifa and some radicals pulled of a great diversion. Conspiracy? Where was the multiple million dollar security? Where was the National Guard called out by the DC mayor three days previously?
    75 million people are questioning the validity of the election and the questions will be buried now. The manipulation worked so a better system will be used next time. How can we the people control this rampant corruption? We can vote and try to convert misguided voters but can we defeat the machine?

  • James Kallenberg

    01/08/2021 12:11 PM

    How is it that no one is taking a closer look at who the instigators of this breeching of the Capitol actually were? Mike Lindell (My Pillow) said that 'these protestors' were already at the steps of the Capitol waiting for the rally crowd to get there. Too, he spoke of several of the 'protestors' as scaling the walls which doesn't seem to characterize the peaceful, hymn-singing patriots. Lastly, he and others have identified at least a few 'Antifa' rioters in the mix; even Laura Ingraham's program last night showed a clip on which one Antifa member (face-painted, buffalo-horned hat, caped individual) has been identified from a June protest as a rioter; also, two others have been identified as 'Phillyantifa' members. It seems more credible to me, that this was an orchestrated set-up, pre-planned (not spontaneous), paid for by the same sponsors of the fraudulent election of 2020!

  • Nelda Hanzi

    01/08/2021 12:10 PM

    The events on Wednesday were unfortunate but after months of rioting, destruction of property and the dems calling it “peaceful protest” I find it appalling now the outcry from the same group now that they were faced with limited violence! I wonder what business owners who lost everything to the thugs think? There were no calls for defunding police from the left in Washington on Wednesday!! Also, when people feel they have no voice and no recourse they take drastic measures. Kinda like at the founding of our country. The courts folded and did nothing!!

  • Caroline Garritano

    01/08/2021 11:59 AM

    I will never condone violence. But I am angry. I am sick of seeing the fake news, the rinos and Dems try to blame our president for everything that went down on Wednesday. I am also sick of the traitors that jump ship because they're too weak to stand for what's right. We the Patriots are not stupid we know what happened we know it was a rigged election. Our frustrations come from all of them trying to silence us.

  • Bruce Wilson

    01/08/2021 11:57 AM

    Although there appeared to be Trump supporters in the Capitol, I still believe the breaking in was done by ANTIFA/BLM. A few Trump supporters may have followed when the doors were open, which was a mistake, but the videos I have seen even those inside were peacefully walking around. It did not appear to me that anyone was in danger. The “so-called violence” has been exaggerated and sensationalized by the media, although there may have been a scuffle here and there.

  • Rhonda Killough

    01/08/2021 11:52 AM

    I agree the breaking in to the Capitol and ensuing looting and violence was terribly wrong! And the lives lost were a tragedy!!! But a simple statement condemning the action would have been sufficient! Especially from our conservative legislators and friends. The entire day was filled with this person and that person trying to convince the left how sorry we were!!! And as far as the liberals and Democrats? I cannot stomach their hypocrisy!!!! It is unbelievable!!
    I will accept the conclusion because President Trump officially endorsed the election results- but I will never trust the Democrats- not one of them- and I fear we must fasten our seat belts because we are in for a wild ride!!!
    Just my humble opinion.

  • Jay Vance

    01/08/2021 11:48 AM

    There were people in the crowd that some commentators said appeared to have been at Washington and/or Oregon protests this summer as reps of ANTIFA.
    Wouldn’t it be ironic if there had been opposition members planted in the crowd to start an attack aimed at the Capitol building.
    Just wondering.

  • Marilyn Madore

    01/08/2021 11:47 AM

    Dear Governor Huckabee-I still believe people should not assume these people were Trump supporters. Should there not be a complete investigation? Louis Gohmert believes these were planted antifa. Also don't know if you are familiar with Lance Wallnau, but he was there, also strongly believes this to be work of antifa and gives his reasons on his facebook page. What is frustrating is that republicans stopped looking into election fraud because of the violence. The questions surrounding this election did not disappear! I am totally disgusted by the weakness of republicans and have been for quite awhile, the left always stand together, we devour one another. I went to my town hall this morning and dropped my registration as a republican, I believe many more will be doing the same.

  • Dawn Neuschwander

    01/08/2021 11:41 AM

    Dear Mike,
    I am saddened by all that has gone on! The Capitol protest was peaceful and if you watch the video in slow motion you will see that Antifa, in the helmets & facemasks, were at the front door breaking the glass! It was the Trump supporter that stopped him while the rest of Antifa jumps on top of the Trump supporter. No, we won't have to say crooked Biden after 2024 because it will just be another criminal that will take his seat. If you don't punish the lawbreakers NOW then it is over. The law is for no one but the people who will be made slaves to it, as we have been radically made for the last 40 years! If we usher in Biden then we usher in communism and that is obvious by our castrated Congress, courts, governors and local governments who would not defend our Constitution but they made a show anyway ! It is time for martial law because the Law SHOULD APPLY to everyone and treason is a CRIME in this country!! We should NOT reward it! We should NOT reward the overthrow of our Constitution!

  • Billy Ross

    01/08/2021 11:37 AM

    Mike I really appreciate all you do for America and the way you present your views on what is going on in America. I like many believe the election was stolen as many reports came stating this. On the recent takeover in Washington, I believe this was a set up of some kind to make President Trump look even worse and cause cries for impeachment. This march wasn't a suprise to anyone especially the police in Capital Hill or Washington D.C. Where were the guards, why didn't the mayor of D.C. have police there protecting the capital. Earlier in the year when Antifa came for a march the steps of the Capital were covered with armed security. I believe the march was infiltrated by Antifa, BLM, & others wishing to cause problems and make the President look bad. I am truly sorry this happened and our Capital was invaded, damaged, and desecrated. I will never trust the politicians of Washington to do what is best for America. They are only interested in being re-elected and helping their party platform. I truly believe as long as America is basically shut down that the elected politicians should not be paid except for the $300 they are giving to other Americans. I truly wish term limits could become law, but I know they will never vote to do this and put themselves back into mainstream America. I pray daily for a Great Awakening of God in America. Revival is our only answer. The church must rise up and be heard because only God can heal this land. No politician or political party can ever bring peace to America. Only God can do this. Again, thank you for all you do and may God bless you and may God bless America.

  • Kathy Hoffmannbeck

    01/08/2021 11:34 AM

    I’ll be honest, I think there were left supported Antifa people who were playing Trump supporters and getting folks riled up. I’ve also seen some videos that seem to show this small group getting set up.

  • Stephen Russell

    01/08/2021 11:31 AM

    Cap Hill protests outcomes:
    Reform CH Police
    Update CH Police
    Change outdoor security
    More CCTV
    Change protocols

    & I feel Antifa caused the violence since one caller on Prager stated it was Antifa.
    & same for 1-20.
    Feel for Trump allies who stormed Hill vs those outside Hill.
    90% were outside & did NOT enter Hill.
    Its that % that caused damage
    & I feel Antifa donned MAGA disguise to enter Hill.
    They pre planned prior final rally.
    Rigged day 1.

    CH police need a Command Post in Hill someplace

  • Ora Lee Peters

    01/08/2021 11:24 AM

    Dear Governor,
    I love your newsletter and tv show. I have a problem with everyone assuming that the Capital rioters were all Trump supporters. Could it be possible that anti Trump factions were in the crowd and at was all planned to make President Trump look really bad? Will we be told the truth about who really broke into the Capital. Sure was easy for them to do too! Sounds like a Democratic planned assault on Trump and his supporters.

  • Mike McKelvy

    01/08/2021 11:24 AM

    While I condemn the violence, do we even know for sure that it was done by Trump supporters. There is a lot of conflicting evidence out there that this may have been Antifa people disguised as Trump supporters (wouldn't be the first time).

    I really think everyone needs to calm down and take a rational look at all that happened.

    Also, with Facebook banning Trump, I think we see the level of censorship that the left wants to impose on us all.

    God help our country!

  • Paul Bergeron

    01/08/2021 11:21 AM

    Governor, you have fallen into the same trap as the Democrats! Regarding the 6th all you say is We, We, We shouldn’t. Fact is you jumped to a conclusion as THEY wanted you to, and gave us the blame when we weren’t the ones who breached the Capitol. Evidence clearly shows that ANTIFA was at fault, aided and abetted by the DC Mayor. Why was the Capitol undefended?

    Perhaps you should focus on what did happen! A small left group captured the Capitol to make Trump look bad. Imagine if indeed the huge hundreds of thousand strong group of Patriots began the second revolution? The Capitol and all the Congressional Traitors would lay in ruins and blood. It has now been demonstrated that it is not the police, the mayors, the Congress, the Judicial, the President that hold the power! It is WE THE PEOPLE that hold the power. Clearly you and especially the Democratic Leadership did not hear the message! They want to focus on blaming others instead of looking in a mirror. So be it, the proof was in the streets, not in the Capitol. Spread the word, before it is too late.

  • Terry I. Davis

    01/08/2021 11:18 AM

    Now that the Democrats have taken the presidency and the House and Senate, what should we do when they begin decimating the Constitution, upending the 2nd Amendment and packing the Supreme Court as they have said they will do? What recourse do we have now?

  • Connie Thomas

    01/08/2021 11:18 AM

    I fear the retaliation and cancel culture most. I heard Josh Hawley’s publisher cancelled his book deal because he stood up. Trying to impeach Trump. House members demanding actions against those who stood up. Lawyers quitting because their family is treated. People losing jobs because they support Trump. Businesses refusing to give contributions to those stood up for what was right. Because they fear retaliation. At some point who will stand up for what is right ? Who will continue to go through this?

  • John W Pugh

    01/08/2021 11:13 AM

    The Republican party will never hold the presidency again. I will never vote for anyone with an (R) behind their name. You have betrayed my trust, violated your integrity, ignored evidence, and lied to America!

  • Toni M

    01/08/2021 11:11 AM

    You probably won’t like my comments but you asked and I’m in a ‘tell it like you see it right now’ kind of mood.

    But first, why are ‘Trump Supporters’ getting full blame for the violence?
    There’s ample proof to show antifa infiltrated the ranks and started it all. (OOPS! Silly me, “proof” is now a made-up word. Doesn’t exist. No such thing as proof of anything anymore!!!)
    My ‘supposition’ is that antifa started the violence and the nearby Trumpers just went along for the ride!!!
    But let’s go ahead and let the leftists have their fantasy world. Let’s not stand up and call it what it is! WHEN YOU DON’T REPORT THIS LITTLE (antifa) TIDBIT, YOU ARE DENYING THE TRUTH! Giving the psychotic left affirmation that what they are spewing is the truth!!!

    Anyhow, to answer your question -

    No need to regroup or unify. The GOP is DEAD!!!

    We just watched two elections be stolen from us. There will never be reason to waste a minute of our time standing in line to vote again!
    It is now impossible to win so why bother? I don’t plan to.

    Calls for peace and unity are a joke. Our lives are now “every man for himself!!!”

    I started buying handguns after the election and as much ammo as I could find.
    I will protect ‘me and mine’ for as long as I can against the violent left who decides they want to TRY to take what I have.

    Whilst violence is NEVER the way to go, all we’ve seen for months is unpunished violence.
    I guess “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” is the way of the future. Especially after both the new ‘proclaimed leaders’ of this country stood up and screamed out for it yesterday!

    I will not give in to the commie dictates so I guess I will be one of the first to be buried under this hateful, disgusting ‘new normal’.

    My biggest worry is for the young people, who have decades of life to suffer under this kind of dictatorship. Once a right is taken away, it is never given back.
    The first four years of Harris poisoning this country will irreversibly damage everything and there is no way it will EVER return to any sort of freedom! Our country is completely doomed and that is no exaggeration!!!

  • Cheryl Meyer

    01/08/2021 11:05 AM

    Gov Mike, I absolutely adore you & love your show. It is so uplifting. I also live in the FL panhandle & wish you were my neighbor. I am a USAF veteran & am dying from cancer. I only hope I live long enough to see the start of this great country coming together. My heart swells with love for this country. My family has roots dating back to 1632 & many of them fought for our freedoms, which i am ever so grateful to them. It pains me to see that 1/2 of the population wants to destroy it with tearing down monuments, burning our flag, cancel culture, changing names of military bases, streets, schools. I wish everyone who turns 18 had to spend 2 yrs in the military. It instills respect, love for mankind, courage, pride, honor, acceptance & love for our country. I cry for Trump who so bravely fought against the establishment, I cry for our flag, I cry for our pledge of alligence, I cry everytime I hear the National Anthem. If things don't change, if feelings don't cool, if the left continues down a path of denigrating 1/2 of society, we may see another Civil War. We can not live in a split society & survive. I wish I could meet you. You lift me up with your kindness, love & faith. Continue spreading your work of forgiveness & acceptance. God bless you & God bless this great nation.

  • Celeste M. Bonnevie

    01/08/2021 10:56 AM

    We now know that the those who were destructive and violent were ANTIFA, BLM and whoever else was mixed in there - NOT the peaceful patriots. Was this just a ploy to make Congress think that the patriots were attempting to influence their actions regarding the election fraud evidence? Video evidence clearly shows this was yet another shoddy production by the Left to smear Pres. Trump and his supporters. Mike, I don't know why you did a special on TBN the other night without all the facts. That was way too soon.

  • Yvonne Pepper

    01/08/2021 10:51 AM

    What is left to do when you have done everything the right way and now we have lost anyway? The rioting on the 6th didn't change a thing, good or bad. We weren't going to win anyway. The people now in charge care nothing of our feelings or rights. Now all we have left is to succumb to their tyranny or be destroyed. Physical violence is all we have left. We cannot win by being nice and going through the system because they now own the system. They make the rules and call the shots. The ladder of corruption has now reached the bottom rung. We now have to fight our way out of a hole and we all know the outcome of that. As I sit here writing this I can barely see for the tears. God help us all.

  • Lia Cardle

    01/08/2021 10:47 AM

    Governor, I have great respect for you and I understand what you are trying to say, but you are missing a point here. It wouldn't have mattered what conspired in the Capitol, Conservatives would have still been demoralized and demonized, regardless of their behavior, because other people believe the media lies and propaganda (I would have said rhetoric, but it's way beyond that now). I am literally having a civil conversation, right now on social media, with a man who believes the lies he has been told. So it wouldn't have mattered because we have been drowned out. The dems & far left have the media, the presidency, the house, the senate, the presidency, the judiciary, the banks and the corporations because they STOLE the election and the GOP did nothing to stop it, did nothing to fight it and weren't going to truly evaluate the evidence in congress on January 6th, it was theater. Making an assumption that they would, is naive. We have been drowned out because those who were supposed to stand with us, didn't like our choice of president, were offended & threatened by him. No amount of "hold the line" & "wait till next election" would have been enough. How can you, of all people, not understand what these politicians & unelected bureaucrats are capable of? They didn't like Trump, they allowed the abuse of loyal GOP voters for nearly five years with zero pushback. They allowed the suppression of speech, the doxing of addresses, the smears and degradation, the full on lies in the media and the overwhelming double standard of justice (this brings tears to my eyes) and the desecration & bastardization of our Constitution without ANY fight back. I can no longer support a political party who destroys everything that makes this country the greatest place to call home. No matter what happened on January 6, the outcome would have been the same, the timeline has just been moved up. The far left hysteria has bled into the democrat party & they have embraced it. We are now witnessing the type of hysteria seen in the past with the Salem witch trials and Nazi Germany. The far left is evil and I don't use that word lightly. They only want to conquer and destroy and they are coming for us. Not a conspiracy, I am just taking them at their words. Go read what they say, you'll figure it out.