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October 15, 2021

If you subscribe to the mailings from SAVE AMERICA PAC, you receive all the messages that former President Trump would likely be sending out on Twitter if Twitter hadn’t taken him off. They’re a mixed bag --- just as his tweets were, of course --- and a few of them would’ve perhaps been better left unsaid, but many are pithy and spot-on brilliant, and they include links to newsworthy articles.

Some are funny, too, such as the one he sent out on Thursday with the subject line, “DO YOU MISS ME YET?”

The full headline was: “ICYMI: ‘How’s Biden doing? Do you miss me yet?’ Trump attacks Biden’s mounting crises...” There’s a link to an article by Bob Crilley at the U.K.’s DAILY MAIL, and his headline goes on to include the words, “...with new poll giving him 30-point lead over 2024 Republican rivals DeSantis and Pence.”

The Crilley story features a previous email from Trump that noted the many catastrophes erupting on Biden’s watch. “COVID is raging out of control, our supply chains are crashing with little product in our stores, we were humiliated in Afghanistan, our border is a complete disaster, gas prices and inflation are zooming upward --- how’s Biden doing? Do you miss me yet?”

That’s a rhetorical question; he knows the answer. Polling shows that President Trump is the runaway favorite to run in 2024. A Morning Consult poll for POLITICO published Wednesday showed that of almost 2,000 people polled, some 70 percent of Republicans said Trump should run again. As for the nomination, 47 percent of Republicans already thought he should get it, compared to 13 percent for former VP Mike Pence and 12 percent for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. (Mitt Romney got 3 percent; who ARE those people?)

But Trump has said publicly that he won’t make a decision until after next year’s midterm elections. Last week, it was reported that he wanted to go ahead and announce his intention to run but that aides talked him out of it. We don’t know if that’s true but wouldn’t be surprised.

At his rally in Des Moines on Saturday, he enumerated the many disasters that have resulted from the Biden Touch: massive illegal immigration, drug cartels flourishing, inflation, China taking over jobs, the Taliban ruling Afghanistan and more. It’s true: waking up every day to reports of the latest Biden-caused debacle is like watching a very slow-motion train wreck. It goes on and on, with gears grinding and seemingly endless destruction, and you don’t want to look but you do. It’s like a bad dream.

“There’s never been anything like what has happened,” Trump said in Des Moines. And he’s right. I say this having lived through the Carter administration. As bad as some things were then, this country faces more serious challenges now, every way we turn, from without and within.

So, if/when Trump does hit the comeback trail, some things are going to have to be different. Certainly Republicans have to do whatever it takes to have a transparent voting process in states that mismanaged that. We absolutely cannot stand for a repeat of 2020. And if the FBI tries again to tie the former President with the likes of Vladimir Putin, this will be met with howls of derision. I think those in the political middle who might have bought it the first time around are smart enough not to fall for it again.

The image of Trump throwing his MAGA hat into the ring again got us thinking about a commentary written almost a year ago by our staff writer/researcher Laura Ainsworth, about what she thought President and then-candidate Trump should say to America before the 2020 election. It turned out to be quite prescient in its description of a future Biden administration.

“Most Biden supporters really don’t know much about their own candidate --- his fading mind, his serious scandals, his lying and plagiarizing, his creepiness with women and girls, his singular lack of accomplishment, his malleability by the far-left and much more –- or even their own radicalized party,” she wrote at the time. “They just know they don’t like Trump. And for that reason, they’re ready to put into power the worst group of people imaginable.”

This all turned out to be true. The media hushed up the Hunter Biden laptop scandal and downplayed old Joe’s cognitive issues and all his other weaknesses. Most supporters assumed he was a moderate and had little idea what the country was in for with the far-left in charge. What’s also true is that we couldn’t have asked for worse people to run our country than those he brought in. Exhibit A: Attorney General Merrick Garland, a political hack who cares nothing even for the rights of parents angry at the indoctrination of their children.

Since the “Trump” that some voters hated was a fictional creation --- one that Trump admittedly played into with some of his tweets --- Ainsworth had wanted him to give a speech specifically addressing the way voters felt about him, and “most of all,” she wrote, “to show how dreadful for our country the alternative would be.”

“Because they don’t like ME,” she’d wanted him to say, “some Americans might unwittingly put into power a radical political machine that will decimate their most basic freedoms, with ruthless, violent tactics and a long list of demands that will change America into something unrecognizable, probably forever.”

The piece goes on about other forms of ruination a Biden presidency would bring: abuse of the justice system, money pouring in to radical leftist groups, the politicization of science (wow, that one went into overdrive), the continued decline of “journalism,” lax law enforcement, “anti-racism” dividing Americans, the rewriting of history, and more.

This was written in 2020 as a caution, but, sadly, it describes the chaos of 2021 America under the Biden administration. Trump lost, and it all happened. Actually, there was more; for example, the swift destruction of the southern border and trillions in crazy spending.

But this was the speech Trump should have given to the nation in 2020, to tell America who he really was, how much he loves our country, and to warn everyone of what was really hiding within the ultra-radical, rights-crushing Democrat party. Unfortunately, he didn’t. And so, simply because a lot of people didn’t like Trump’s rough style and his tweets, or believed stupid made-up stories about white supremacy and/or Russia collaboration, they gave the “unknown moderate” a try.

As a result, the margin of victory was so close in strategic counties that it’s not even possible without full, transparent audits in a number of states to prove who really won.

Disaster ensued on Day 1 of the Biden administration, and it is still ensuing. If Trump runs again, as he seems itching to do, he has to make sure the left doesn’t hijack the process as they did last time. One ray of hope: I do think voters have learned the hard way and will no longer let a few “mean tweets” stand in the way of what’s good for our country.

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Comments 61-70 of 122

  • Sherry Coates

    10/15/2021 05:11 PM

    I agree with everything you said here, including the American voter’s realizing mean tweets aren’t so bad. I might add though, it would be even better if Mr. Trump has also learned something from this horrible last year, like the nasty tweets were/are neither necessary nor helpful!

  • Carole Banse-Doyon

    10/15/2021 05:09 PM

    Love your show on Saturday. Adding hymns to your editorial is fantastic.
    When the entire world seems to have gone crazy, we have the solace of these time-tested poems which bring us back to the joyous fact that our Home is awaiting us in a new dimension.

  • Ron Besse

    10/15/2021 05:06 PM

    I still think it would be a mistake for the Donald to run. The left will do whatever necessary legal or not to make sure he will not win. There just are far too many haters out there thanks to MSM. We need a strong candidate, perhaps a female since their are several I can think off. It may take at least 2 terms to rectify the damage being done under the Biden/Harris administration. First order of business close the damn border. Next, time to clean house at the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and others. These organizations need to be run as non-political. Take back Congress to get this formally Great Country back to where it belongs here and abroad.

  • Elizabeth Crouse

    10/15/2021 04:52 PM

    I am 88 and just came from the grocery store. My grandson and cousin could not buy toilet tissue, but I did. Our area has paper plants so why toilet tissue shortages. Scare tactics, hoarding. Scary times with no Leadership unreal. America needs to wake up at unqualified president and no leader.

  • Martin sturmer

    10/15/2021 04:41 PM

    Trump should pull the plug on fleecing the American workers by implementing the FAIRtax which will end the IRS.

  • James Evart

    10/15/2021 04:41 PM

    To reject the idea of a proven and known good man running for office again on the grounds that he might draw the flack of his (OUR) enemies is to suggest that we do not want to fight the enemy with a candidate whom our enemy really hates to the point of making irrational decisions out of that hatred. PRESIDENT TRUMP is a proven man of honor, competence, work ethic and integrity whom the Left really is afraid of and hates because he confronts the Left with their own hypocrisy, incompetence, lies, immorality by simply being who he is. He is like the one honest worker in a factory who does his job with joy, strength, diligence, efficiency, competence and a good conscience who unintentionally spotlights everyone else's slovenly, lazy, half hearted incompetent performances making them see themselves as such. The Left hates the Right because they hate the light and how they look when brought out into it instead of wallowing around in the half light of mediocrity and excusing themselves by saying that everyone is doing wrong with no good examples proving them wrong. Ask the Marine officer who is on trial for shining the light on his superior officers horrendous incompetence in pulling out of Afghanistan.

    President Trump with someone stronger than Pence who values, acknowledges and honors the authority and decency of his President is our ONLY choice to clean up this Democratic cesspool of hatred and division. The first order of the day is to clean house completely and fire EVERYONE who has can be who has been in the bureaucracy as most Presidents have done in the past and screw what the press says and as far as the White House Press corps, get rid of them no matter how much screaming they do.

    As stated in the above article, none of this will mean anything if the voting procedure in every state is not changed to eliminate voter fraud and corruption. The same grafters and scum will continue to do what they were created to do if we do not fight them tooth and nail which, for me, means in person paper ballot voting everywhere from now on no matter what excuses they give for wanting to pander to illegal fraud and fighting the people's choice for office.

    I pulled at my heart to see our President hamstrung at every turn by the lying, hate filled Left fueled by the witch in blue. What a fraud she is!

  • katie cesaro

    10/15/2021 04:27 PM

    Hi, Mike. You wrote:
    "As a result, the margin of victory was so close in strategic counties that it’s not even possible without full, transparent audits in a number of states to prove who really won."

    You're kidding, right? This reticence has been a HUGE part of the problem! Even those who have seen the proof that is available are still not telling it like it is. Republicans continue to insist Biden won, and not just the RINOs. This is a critical part of why it's taking so long to get the truth out there.

    I'm disappointed in this lack of courage on your part.


  • Kathy Smith

    10/15/2021 04:11 PM

    The Ainsworth speech was rock solid advice. But trump’s ego & self glory always blinds him & we suffer. I didn’t lose a couple billion dollars. His stubbornness is costing us so terribly. Republicans will get behind a ticket with Scott, Cotton, DeSantis, Rubio, Haley. Please let us choose to move forward. The trump polices are what the nation needs, with trump as a guiding force, just not the candidate. Republicans, Independents, moderate democrats, & libertarians will all get behind a smart conservative policy ticket. We cannot survive as a nation if we do not prevail in 2024.

  • Alma G Walker

    10/15/2021 04:04 PM

    Thank you, Governor, for the facts and humor that i can read each day. I applaud you for using your God-given gifts and talents. I also pray for you and your family, thanking God for you.

    A friend of mine sent me a message that when this Christian believer was praying for Pres. Trumps medical team, (as they lined up each day to give updates on the Covid-19 epidemic) When he came to Fauci, his face turned into a rat. Wow! I believe a truth was revealed to that man. Just thought you might find this interesting.
    Why do we not hear anything on the subject that each Covid shot given is illegal. Bioethics are written into law. Everyone receiving the shots is to receive a full disclosure of adverse event risks.There is no process in place to capture all the side effects. I believe the Nuremberg Treaty is applicable to this subject. A government cannot legally force medical treatment on anyone.
    Thank you and please continue to write. We need you. Blessings of grace and peace, Alma

  • Norma s holmes

    10/15/2021 04:01 PM

    NO I do not miss TRUMP! DeSantis more effectuve, stable and Ble