
Latest News

November 5, 2022

If Donald Trump ran for President, why would you vote for him? Or, why not? Please leave me a comment below.

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Comments 71-80 of 1963

  • Cristine Jackson

    11/08/2022 12:56 PM

    Absolutely, my husband and I will vote for President Trump. I like strong men. He is truly a strong man as is Governor DeSantis (please come to Calif).

  • Denise Miller

    11/08/2022 12:42 PM

    I would vote for Donald Trump again, if he ran, because he actually did what he said he was going to do even with the constant harassment from the Democrat party. Just think what he could do if he had their cooperation. And he is the only one who will be able to get our country back on tract, if we have a country by then.

  • Dennis Wiederkehr

    11/08/2022 12:34 PM

    President kept every promise that he made to the voters. I think he was the hardest-working President that I have seen in my lifetime. No President that I know of has ever donated his salary to charity. He is the only President that I know of that left office with less financial wealth than he went in with.
    He is not owned by special interest groups so when he makes a decision or an executive action it is not motivated by a debt he owes to big pharma, etc...
    The man gets things done. The world was more peaceful and the United States was much safer.

    Sarah will be my new Governor and I hope the Red Tsunami paves the way for 2024.

  • Andrew Totten

    11/08/2022 12:21 PM

    I would vote for Donald, unless DiSantis runs

  • Jo Anne Roberts

    11/08/2022 12:17 PM

    If he were the Republican candidate, I would vote for Trump. I hope he is NOT the candidate. His presidency was very divisive to our country. Hopefully Ron DeSantis will be the candidate and I heartily support all I have heard about him-so far anyway. Even Asa Hutchison would be an improvement over Trump. Trump's huge ego is a definite negative.

  • Judy Pinson

    11/08/2022 11:18 AM

    Let's move on and support a new generation. Love Trump policies but DeSantis is also a strong leader with excellent policies. I would also like to see Tim Scott on the ticket as VP.

  • Kathleen Marie Block

    11/08/2022 11:12 AM

    Yes. He stands for everything America is about and has fought hard for us against this radical left. We are on the brink of losing our Country to communism, and he is truly one of the strongest people that can fight against it.

  • Shelley White

    11/08/2022 11:02 AM

    Yes, I would vote for Donald Trump. Trump would make America great again. He would get our economy back where it should be and he would put Putin/Russia and China in their place.

  • Ray Balaguer

    11/08/2022 10:11 AM

    He's done more for our country than any president, of course I would vote for him. Four more years of democratic garbage would completely destroy our once great country.

  • Robin Lightner

    11/08/2022 09:58 AM

    I voted straight Republican absentee as I am a Wyoming citizen and we always go Republican. Yes, if Donald Trump is the Republican nominee I will vote for him but not sure he should run again. Even tho next to Reagan he is the best President we have had there are so many people that hate him it's devisive for the country. Desantis might be better but then again he is disliked because he is a republican. Really the best ticket would be Desantis for President and Trump the elder statesman and in a Cabinet position IF Desantis would really use him and go along with Trumps ideas. Then we would have a Win Win situation. Please let Trump know these thoughts as a lot of my conservative friends feel this same way. Robin Lightner PS: HATE i a horible emotion. It hurts the one that is hated but it destroys the person that is the hater. Hate is not a normal American emotion but the Democrats have pushd it.