
Latest News

January 8, 2021

Our initial condemnation of the Capitol Hill violence has, so far, drawn close to 600 responses. It’ll take a while to go through them all, but here are a few examples from across the opinion spectrum…

From Sherry:

You are so right! This election is so wrong, but this is what we have. The Republican Party is better than this; this is NOT how we behave. Even listening to our President was very disappointing. Somehow the Republicans need to be tough and stand up. We have got to be better than what we show and be stronger! I'm sorry our President lost but HE did NOT help our cause by much he has to say. Our elections need to be better.

From the Gov:

Thanks, Sherry. One important note: Even if elections are tainted by fraud, we HAVE to continue voting. If Georgia Republicans had voted in their senatorial run-offs at the same level they voted on Nov. 3, we'd still have the Senate. People who stayed home turned the whole government over to leftists. Remember: the closer the margin, the easier the fraud!

From David:

As an avid listener and reader of your material and a big fan of yours, I have to disagree. I don't condone violence but "We the People" are fed up with the hypocrisy of our government. Sometimes we need to take a stand and take our country back. As a Christian and a conservative, I will do what's necessary to protect my God given liberties. God bless you and your family!

From the Gov:

David, I appreciate that you wrote, but this action did not “take our country back.” It SET our country back and gave the left a gift tied with a big blue ribbon. With everything good that Trump should be remembered for, his legacy has been largely destroyed, at least for now, by a relatively small group of protesters. We have to find better ways to protect our liberties, ways that don’t backfire spectacularly as this one has.

From William:


From the Gov:

Thank you; I’m glad you like the show. William, we’re all angry and have a right to be. But just lashing out is not going to help the cause of conservatism, and this time, it did a tremendous amount of damage.

We’re in no position to condemn violence on the Angry Left if we’re going to use the same tactics. We can’t become the very thing we hate. The double standard exists, to be sure, as those on the left get away with violence, and as realists we have to be mindful of that when contemplating our actions, as they will be turned and used against us by the left whenever possible. The challenge will be how to channel this anger into responses that will do some good. If I CAN make a difference right now, I hope it will be in helping more people understand this.

From Nick:

I am saddened by the violence. If these people were Trump supporters, it makes us all look bad. Trump did rile up the crowd when stating there would be ‘fireworks’. The media will label all Trump supporters as overzealous conspiracy theorists. My brother says I look silly when I say the election was stolen. He tells me to be quiet. Indicative of the left’s view of us all!

From the Gov:

Thanks for writing, Nick. Unfortunately, all true, except for the part about you looking silly. Don't let your brother intimidate you.

From Gennifer (excerpt):

Yes, January 6th events in Washington were unfortunate. This is an example of Conservatives being pushed to a breaking point. No person is strong enough to watch day after day, month after month cities being decimated AND nothing was/is done about it and, what’s worse, no one cared...I am one of the people who are outraged over the Presidential election. I might have been more accepting of the results had ANY of the profound evidence been examined by anyone of authority. One more example of adding kindling to the fire!

From Karen (excerpt):

I agree with you. Our Constitution should be followed to the letter. But where was the SCOTUS? They could have stopped all this...By not ruling on the States not following their own Constitution, the States brought forward illegitimate electoral votes. THIS FACT is what lit the powder keg. This is America, we are Americans and we get mad when our rights are infringed upon…All we asked for, or wanted, was an honest election. We would have tolerated a legitimate Biden win. It was not a legitimate win; we have been blocked from proving either way. And now, God worshipping, law abiding, Deplorables are ANGRY!

From the Gov:

Completely understandable. Even so, Karen, we cannot allow ourselves to be the powder keg. The left WANTED to ignite it. Just two days later, we’re already getting an idea of how they plan to use this turn of events. Plus, they’re blaming Trump –- Biden is grotesquely exaggerating on that point –- to the extent that they’re now talking about impeachment (again) or using the 25th Amendment to destroy any political future he might have. Maybe the rioters intended to “help” Trump, but they hurt him immeasurably. If they wanted to change the course of history, they certainly did, but in a very, very bad way.

The way to help Trump would have been to have all 200,000 people show up in peaceful support of him, while legislators offered words of wisdom and truth inside the chamber. Imagine how differently that would have played. How I wish we could get in the Way-Back Machine and go back two days to fix this, but we can’t.

Finally, this from Nancy:

I, too, am appalled at the violence and disrespect shown for our institutions. I share the belief that the election results were fraudulent, but they will not be overturned by behavior that echoes the despicable rioting of the anarchists. I am praying for America that God's mercy would heal our land. I am praying that He will foil the plans of the wicked and give wisdom and courage to His followers.

From the Gov:

Thanks, Nancy. Wisdom and courage are definitely what we need right now. Certainly we all must exercise that wisdom to see what you have pointed out –- that even a fraudulent election will not be overturned by violence. That just results in tragedy and compounds the problems we and our country face.

I’ll end by offering some stories told by people who were there in the crowd on Wednesday, describing what it was like for them that day and what they think of what happened.

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Comments 176-195 of 195

  • Judy McKinney

    01/08/2021 10:47 AM

    Antifa caused the problems on the 6th. They were bought and paid for. As a conservative I was am convinced those folks did not represent me or what I believe in. The media puts spins on anything to make us look bad. I’ve turned them off and I won’t pay for a paper as they paint conservatives negative as well. The bottom line is we can vote until the cows come home but the democrats know how to steal the elections with their bought and paid for ballots from China. It’s a no win situation for republicans.

  • Lori Nigro

    01/08/2021 10:46 AM

    I appreciate your responses but why is no one saying that Antifa is involved???? I watched the whole thing live on TV you can see clearly Antifa was infiltrated in the crowd.
    There is so much footage and pictures and can clearly see what happened here. But no one is reporting except independent news. This was not Trump supporters doing this. This was arranged. I am asking for someone to PLEASE STAND UP and tell the TRUTH!!!!

  • Peggy Rizor

    01/08/2021 10:34 AM

    I don’t believe 1 second that anyone is okay with the violence shown this past Wednesday . That was evidenced by the many thousands that were there. We have suffered greatly watching our country men killed, looted, and burned to the ground over the past year waiting and crying out for the leaders to lead. They did which fueled the fires of the radical left and yes the crazies on the right. The democratic leadership was and is still driven by their hate for Trump that the American people were not just forgotten but the constitutional rights were completely and intentionally robbed from every American. There has been a double standard, and the corruption runs so deep, sadly we had no clue until President Trump was elected. No our country will never be the same, it wasn’t the same when our framers fought and it won’t be the same now. So we either cave and give to the socialism or fight. Not sure what it will be or what the fight would even look like. We don’t have the same leadership that it took to write the constitution that sits in their thrones now. We are weakened by greed and book deals. I am no longer a republican, the government will have to change for me to vote again. Those weak treasonous people played their last hand for me. I will continue to seek Christ, teach my children to love, and honor my country but I will not give in to liars. One more thought, it has been my concern about this young lady who was shot, why have we not heard anything about her, she was a patriot. George Floyd was a convicted thug his family got lots of money, gold casket, honored and revered???

  • sharon rascona

    01/08/2021 10:32 AM

    Are the President's lawsuits going to continue in the courts to prove the election fraud occurred? If not, then we have no chance at all as conservatives...

  • Daniel Lautaret

    01/08/2021 10:31 AM

    Look, Mike, I cannot agree with you because we both know ANTIFA planned this all out. I saw what appeared to be cops opening the barriers and allowing people to come in. The Mayor shut down the city so people wouldn't even be able to go to the bathroom! All of this was planned to cause the maximum effect. We The People won't put up wit this anymore! Not now, not ever. I have resolved to start my own political party. I won't ever vote for the Republican party again. Trump did what he thought was right, and he can't help how someone interprets what he says. He wanted exactly what you are talking about. The fireworks were to go off in Congress. Not outside. Not in attacks and anyone who believes otherwise is not using their gray matter. At this point, we don't even trust our eyes anymore. Were those cops opening the barriers or ANTIFA masquerading as them? Were the people filming inside real journalists? Was that woman actually shot and killed, or just another actor in this political theater? Nobody is ever going to know MIKE! A revolution is now here. i am choosing to do some things I have seldom done spiritual things like fasting and praying. I am doing them now. I know that will help, but until Men are Men again, nothing is going to change! I believe this is the end game MIke! They want a population so confused and weak that we no longer fight! My heart wants vengeance for what they are doing to our country! However, I know that God settles all accounts! Absolem wanted his father's throne, but he ended up dead! I do think the anarchists and socialists in this country think we will get their political revolution right this time, but they are wrong! They are just another cog in the machine hell bent on destroying our country, and we are letting them win by our civility. You know better than most that evil succeeds when good men do nothing. Remember what the Clintons did to Arkansas? I know that you do! Was cleaning it up easy? No! but you did the work! This is what America needs! If we are refusing to fight and shake things up, then we have already lost! The fact that many of those in front of cameras do not comprehend that is even more frustrating. The Bible says "Be angry and sin not!' But the bible also says that there is a time even for war! Please wake up Mike we are losing our country because the other side fights and we mince words! No, I am not saying attacking the capital was a good move. Why? Like it or not many of those in that building need to clear out but never will until they go out in a hearse. The people who were there understand that and simply wanted to help that process along. Given the things officials have done and are currently planning, who can blame them?

  • Richard Kirby

    01/08/2021 10:30 AM

    Dear governor, with the utmost respect, you do not understand. Please allow me to elucidate the subject, first of all, please know that once upon a time I voted for you and the primaries in a presidential election, so I have supported you for a long time, and supported you even further when I found out you were a Christian and had walked away from the swamp of DC.
    Now with that said, I am a businessman, I own a small business, I would love to have had a big business with many employees, but as a citizen of the State of California throughout the '80s and '90s up to 2005, I started three different businesses, and was put out of business three different times by state and local governments, not because of breaking of any of the multitude of rules, laws, or ordinances that California has, but by the adopting of new laws, new rules and government bureaucracy that I suddenly found myself no longer in compliance of, such as the adoption of a government agency called Cal-OSHA, which is a California version of OSHA, they came into my business and made me teach every person in my business that worked for me at the time how to drive a forklift, I had to put them all through a school to do this and get a certificate to be able to drive a forklift, the problem was nobody in my employment was allowed to drive a forklift because of insurance reasons. I was the only one that drove it, yet interestingly enough I didn't have to have a certificate because it was my business and my forklift, each one of those certificates for those employees was $28,000 out of my pocket, I had 18 employees at the time but could not afford that kind of outlay, and could not afford to stay in business without the employees so I did the only thing I could which was close the door and liquidate everything. now on top of losing three different businesses to ridiculous bureaucracy, they've done the same thing with personal things such as cars, homes, and everything you can imagine, they've got a burdensome amount of regulation. Because I'm an avid collector of space paraphernalia, I have to have large parcels of land to build buildings to store my collection on, over time they kept making me sell my home and move further and further away from my business because of regulations, I kept losing money and losing money and losing money to where I had no choice but to leave the state, but this is not just the state of California I'm talking about, the heavy tax burden that was placed on me as a small business is insane, that tax burden is levied by state and federal governments, the government does not live up to its obligations ever, yet they spend money that they borrowed from China and give it away to other countries, we are not idiots like they think we are. We know what they're doing and how they're transferring Mass amounts of wealth from the citizenry into their own pockets. The insanity and illegality must stop, and it must stop now! Not in four years! I believe fully with all of my being that we don't have for more years! Not as a nation, not as a citizenry. The Democrats and the complicit RINO neocon Republicans are destroying us from within, and we like lemmings keep following them to our destruction. Well I am sorry, but we cannot do this any longer. So I disagree with you even though I respect you greatly.

  • Alice Keough

    01/08/2021 10:21 AM

    I look at our Senators and I see contempt for the great unwashed people that vote for them. I don't think they like us. The house speaks about it but it's virtually crippled. I do think that the silence is deafening. I write congressman, I write my senator I get the wonderful form letters. When there's an opportunity to take on the agenda that they say they would do for us silence appears again. If they don't like Trump, they don't do anything for him they do the minimum as a protest. I don't see what I want to see. I am not represented by the Senate in any way. They don't look like they want to get their hands dirty ever. I am in mourning for our country not necessarily for our president. I think the Senate relishes being in the minority. They do well whether they are in the majority OR WHEN THEY are in the minority it makes no difference. They give a little away every time they are in the minority taking more of our rights. It's about their survival, not ours. I have been silenced and they do nothing. So you say it's all about conservatism and voting. That's great talk but there is no muscle behind it. My dad was a p o w in World War II end he said I don't want to go anywhere else, there's no place better than here. He may still be right but we're the last place, so there is no other place to go to. As you can see I'm disenchanted. My sadness, my prayers, all my patriotism is ignored and ready to give away my rights inch by inch. For a long time it's been a drip drip drip and now where on the other side of the mountain going as fast as we can. And the Senate is quiet until they can echo what the left is saying. They want to be liked. Too many Republicans in name only who who don't believe in anything. May God have mercy on their souls. They do not know what they do.

  • Patty Butler

    01/08/2021 10:21 AM

    Pastor Thank you for your words of wisdom. What is our option here? The March in Washington turned violent it was bound to happen after a summer of violence and the Dems standing back declaring those rioters have a right to “peacefully” demonstrate while the demonstrators in DC are demonized by Nancy Pelosis whose Temple as she called it are labeled domestic terrorist??? I get whiplash listening to the insanity. I vote and vote , I encourage my children to vote our moral view and now a stolen election! We can’t get anything investigated and the courts won’t even take a look. I do not blame the President for this. People are fed up and I feel the government as we know it is self serving . Give the people a few scraps from the table while the elite do what they want. What can we do? Every avenue seems closed and socialism is inevitable. God help us.

  • Dorie Rivers

    01/08/2021 10:19 AM

    How much do the left and turncoat Republicans think Patriots will take! I didn’t see condemnation for BLM or Antifa who caused more harm to our country then the marchers! We can build new buildings but we can’t rebuild our freedom! People seem to forget it’s our taxes being taken so it’s our building too! Don’t want any harm to anyone but you can’t keep pushing people’s back to the wall??????????????

  • Michael Turner

    01/08/2021 10:19 AM

    I appreciate your words of encouragement and positive input. January 6th was a terrible day in which all Trump supporters were painted with a evil brush. The frustration and the emotion after spending do much time in prayer and praying to see an election stolen by evil and our representatives sitting and going nothing. The share as much blame for refusing to hear the evidence.
    It is a sad thing to see. But unless there is a new political party (I like the sound of the Patriots Party) the only votes I will be casting will be blank ones. As long as the system is rigged and the outcome predetermined it will not matter how many of us vote. That is the lesson of November 2020.

  • Theresa f gunther

    01/08/2021 10:19 AM

    Wednesday was wonderful and sad all in the same day. I saw all those people join together once again to cheer our Great Country. Then I saw it get out of control so quickly.
    But we look back and see the hatred & violence over the summer. The riots,violence, burning etc...
    This to me didn’t have that kind of feel to it but it was out of control none the less never &should have happened or gotten to that point. And people should be punished.
    Wednesday or months ago.
    We as a country needs to take a breath.. respect the voice of the other person. You may not agree but they have they’re right to an opinion.
    But we need dialogue
    Two sided conversation
    Otherwise we are not America
    God Bless

  • Bob

    01/08/2021 10:17 AM

    I don’t believe we should give up on the hope of a second term. The Georgia run-offs, I believe were suspect of voter fraud. I believe the socialists that have taken over the left have perfected permanent election fraud so that there will be a one party state moving forward. A Biden Presidency will destroy this country. I’m not buying into a narrative that blames Trump and his supporters for losing the Senate and the White House. The left stole on both accounts. We need to wake up to this reality and continue to fight for Trump and ignore the Democrats talking points trying to pin blame of so called “incitement of violence “. The conservative movement to combat socialism is completely gone including the GOP if a stolen election is allowed to stand. We have 13 days to make this right.

  • Teresa Iodice

    01/08/2021 10:14 AM

    The truth is always slow to reach us. We are beginning to see pictures of those who stormed the capitol or a young man wheeling a suitcase with explosives being identified as Antifa agents. Before we condemn any group let us wait a little longer for the truth.
    Besides the above, how does the underdog speak up?? We are not heard, we are labeled as mere peons, poor beer drinking losers by the left. No one listens to us when we speak and when more aggressive tactics are used, we are thugs, terrorists. If this continues it will not end well. Biden and Harris had a chance to make good and unite. Instead they added salt to the wound. At this pace, we are heading to civil war.

  • Robert Wilson

    01/08/2021 10:11 AM

    You don’t get it do you! The communist rig the election! You or any other patriot will never ever win an election! Did u not see the Trump rally’s did you not know they had 10 million watching Trumps last rally! Do you think any of you politicians will ever match that? I’ll tell you Hell NO ! If Trup can’t win what makes you think you can. Forget it. And I gave. Thousands and thousands of dollars and they stole it. I’ll never give a penny to another politician!

  • Ron williams

    01/08/2021 10:10 AM

    With all due respect, your way hasn’t worked in the past and will certainly not work in the future. The elections are rigged! We can’t win an election that is rigged against us. Your solution is what has gotten us into this mess.

  • Carole Sayer

    01/08/2021 10:10 AM

    The problem is that the Trump supporters did not start this take over. Antifa personnel have admitted on camera that they were paid to agitate the crowd, that they dressed like Trump supporters and infiltrated the protest. This is the Nazi playbook including Brown shirts infiltrating the citizenry and causing trouble. I watched video of police escorting antifa into various protest areas. I'm afraid that we will be in the middle of a civil war soon.

  • Eddie Villarreal

    01/08/2021 10:10 AM

    It’s time for a new constitutional, conservative, and nationalist party. Call it the MAGA or PATRIOT party. Too many Rinos in the GOP who the Democrats have infected with corruption. I am no longer voting straight Republican. Ted Cruz and those other Patriots who stood up to this vote fraud will get my vote but no one else. For Republicans to change their position in voter fraud just because a hand full of rioters pissed you off is totally disregarding their pledge to the millions of voters they represent. Totally disgusted!!!

  • Irena Ralston

    01/08/2021 10:09 AM

    I agree we are better than the rioting forces of BLM and antifa, however we the people have a right to rise against a corrupt government and election. Those rights are protected in our constitution and our government has squashed that power except for violent extremist. You might as well throw the constitution out because our government has. God bless President Donald Trump and what he has tried to do for our nation. Just remember when hard working citizens drop out of the market because we refuse to work for everybody else and not our own dreams.

  • Judee Brann

    01/08/2021 10:08 AM

    I don’t believe it was the Patriots that caused the violence...I think that by the time they got to
    Capital Hill, they had been infiltrated by none other than ANTIFA!

  • Gennifer Horan

    01/08/2021 10:05 AM

    I asked questions and left remarks. Mr. Huckabee... you said nothing concerning my concerns. Another example of the people being ignored