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January 10, 2021

It should come as no surprise to students of history that when leftists gain power, their first impulse is to launch a purge of their perceived enemies and to criminalize any criticism of them. This is usually predicated on some convenient “emergency.” This time around, it was the violence in Congress by a handful of hotheaded Trump supporters, and, as is now coming to light, other agitators. Democrats usually overplay their hands and infuriate this mostly center-right nation (remember how they were voted out after shoving Obamacare down our throats), but never in history have the party and its enablers been so far to the left and so drunk on power, and never have they dived so quickly into their deepest totalitarian impulses.

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is hilariously demanding the expulsion from Congress of all Republicans who exercised their constitutional right to challenge the electoral vote until alleged irregularities were investigated. She and other Democrats are claiming that they allegedly “incited” the Capitol violence, even though they said nothing whatsoever to encourage it. Sen. Ted Cruz explained why that is utter nonsense (other than the fact that it came out of AOC’s mouth.)

It’s obvious that she doesn’t understand free speech any better than she understands economics, since there are very specific laws that define “incitement,” and nothing they or Trump said falls under that definition. You can’t hold someone else accountable for the actions of irrational people who misconstrue what they said, or else the Beatles would’ve been arrested for the Manson murders.

However, if AOC seriously thinks that egging on protesters on the sacred grounds of the Capitol is an offense worthy of expulsion from Congress, I would remind everyone that in 2018, she joined about 200 “youth activists” who stormed Nancy Pelosi’s office to demand action on climate change and refused to leave, an illegal incursion into the sacred temple of democracy that resulted in 51 of them being arrested by the Capitol Police. If she could tender her resignation by Monday, that would be great.

Oh, and it’s not just those protesters in Pelosi's office who had AOC’s approval. She also excused violent protesters across America, justifying their actions under the need to make people “uncomfortable.” And she did it on Twitter, where it’s now being dug up and retweeted, which is why she’s calling on Twitter to remove it. You see, conservatives are engaging in “misinformation” by quoting her directly. Anyone want to bet against Twitter accommodating her?

Speaking of Nancy Pelosi, she’s attempting to blame President Trump for inciting the violence and demanding that Congress impeach him. That would mark an appropriate bookend for the most recent do-nothing House term, which started with a pointless, groundless, time-wasting impeachment of Donald Trump and could actually end the same way, if they hurry up. They’ll have to hurry, since he’s leaving office anyway in 11 days, and the chances of a trial and a two-thirds vote by the Senate before then are absolutely zero. But why waste time on the people’s urgent business when you can continue attacking Trump with the single-minded hatred of Inspector Javert trying to send Jean Valjean back to prison for stealing a loaf of bread?

As for Trump “inciting” violence: I’ve already made it clear that I disapproved of Trump’s rhetoric and thoroughly condemn the assault on the Capitol, a stupid and counterproductive action that set back the conservative movement and handed the left a club to bash us with. But did he actually “incite” anyone to commit violence? Law professor Ann Althouse read through his entire speech and could find nothing of the sort. Here are the seven quotes that came closest to that, and none of them even come very close.

And it appears that with the Democrats so swiftly tipping their hand that they hypocritically flipped positions overnight on condemning violent protesters and immediately started abusing their power and demonizing 75 million Trump supporters, the backlash is starting with equal swiftness. Rasmussen reports that in just two days after the Wednesday violence and the Democrats’ attempts to exploit it by calling for Trump’s removal by impeachment or the 25th Amendment, his approval rating has soared.

Just before Christmas, Trump was at 45% approval. As of Thursday night, that had leaped to 51%. A source close to Rasmussen told Newsmax, “Americans are disgusted that cities burned for months and Washington and the media did nothing. But they still like Trump.”

Moral: Don’t let leftist politicians and the media gaslight you. They may try to silence what you say, but they can’t stop you from seeing what they are.

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Comments 176-200 of 304

  • Karen Vasquez

    01/10/2021 10:14 AM

    We stand for Freedom! Please assist in exposing the Truths! I am praying for all who are fighting this fight, for your safety and the safety of your families!

  • Carmen Auville

    01/10/2021 10:13 AM


  • Roger Heil

    01/10/2021 10:13 AM


  • Sue Priegel

    01/10/2021 10:13 AM



    01/10/2021 10:12 AM

    Amen to that!

  • Brenda Jordy

    01/10/2021 10:12 AM

    Remember the slogan “they’ve awaken a sleeping giant “? We all know the capital incident was planned and staged by the Democrats. They are so corrupt and have done absolutely nothing for the American people, all they care about is power and padding their pockets. We all know Biden didn’t win, they cheated. And now trying to remove the President again, and the censorship, we are silent no longer! All they’re doing is sending more to the conservative side and we will be heard! We are mad and sick of the corruption!

  • Rose Marcello

    01/10/2021 10:12 AM

    Mr Huckabee, you are spot on!
    I’m from Canada, I follow news all around the world, especially USA, I am a supporter of Trump and the conservative movement!
    I really am saddened by all that is going on with Democrats trying to take down Trumps presidency from day 1, it’s so disgusting to watch, they are power hungry, I believe they are dangerous to to your democratic republic!

  • Ken Amerson

    01/10/2021 10:11 AM

    Drunk with power is an understatement!

  • Vickie Smith

    01/10/2021 10:11 AM

    Good article...I was never in politics at all until Trump, I was hoping he would do the right thing for America, not everyone else in the world. He did this and kicking the swamp door in. They hate him for it. All this has just reaffirmed how I felt before and makes me realize this is worse than I ever thought. I now fight for my daughter’s future.
    Keep up the good work Mr. Huckabee, your a good man.

  • Mary Andrews

    01/10/2021 10:11 AM

    Thank you!

  • Diane Zoet

    01/10/2021 10:11 AM


  • Carole Funk

    01/10/2021 10:09 AM

    Send me your newsletter

  • Jodi presley

    01/10/2021 10:09 AM

    That you for updates


    01/10/2021 10:08 AM

    Please keep fighting for freedom of speech and the Republic under God ! Save our nation!

  • AJ Brown

    01/10/2021 10:08 AM


  • Laurence de Gueltzl

    01/10/2021 10:08 AM

    I understood the assault to the Capitol was orchestred with the antifa to be put once more on Trump.
    Reading you in Paris where we are also very many for Trump.

  • Tammy Durst

    01/10/2021 10:07 AM

    Add me

  • Nancy Mendenhall

    01/10/2021 10:07 AM

    Than you for helping us stay informed

  • Margaret Fanelli-Granger

    01/10/2021 10:07 AM

    Taking away our freedom of speech is unacceptable!!!

  • Debra Paxton

    01/10/2021 10:07 AM

    Save our country!! ????????????

  • Virginia Meloy

    01/10/2021 10:07 AM

    I fear what is happening but don’t know how to stop it

  • Kathleen French

    01/10/2021 10:06 AM

    Prayers are with you!

  • Trina Velasquez

    01/10/2021 10:06 AM

    Subscribing to website/email nenwsletter

  • Barbara Malachuk

    01/10/2021 10:06 AM

    I would love to subscribe but I can’t seem to find it

  • Paula Martin

    01/10/2021 10:05 AM

    I 1000% agree!!