
Latest News

January 6, 2021

“I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order --- respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!”

President Trump tweeted this in response to the violence that erupted Wednesday at the Capitol Building, when some “Trump supporters” broke through barricades and stormed the building, breaking windows, getting rough with police in the halls, even entering the House chamber. As this is being written, news has just broken that one of the people who got shot in the melee has died.

Trump is right: we ARE the party of law and order, but I think most of us will agree that he needs to be a lot tougher in his condemnation of this. The same can be said of the video statement he released. Of course, virtually every news outlet who posted his tepid “go home” video had to editorialize, saying that Trump “repeated false claims” of election fraud. Facebook took it down.

So did YouTube.

Trump also tweeted this on Wednesday: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

Well, yes, Mr. President, but in the USA, at least those of us on the right, also demand that the Constitution be meticulously followed. Vice President Pence obviously was doing what he thought was right concerning his role in this. We may disagree with him –- numerous constitutional experts do, and Alan Dershowitz isn’t sure –- and you obviously disagree with him, but please, right now, stay out of that process and stop pressuring him.

Trump told his supporters to go home, but no reaction to this violence is complete without a total, vociferous condemnation. We all condemned the truly awful violence coming from the Democrat side this summer when their party and the media (but I repeat myself) failed to do it. In this case, it’s just as wrong, no matter who is behind it.

We are aghast at this.


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Comments 201-225 of 1536

  • Tammy Henry

    01/07/2021 01:02 PM

    You are right. Violence is not the answer. But a few questions....were the people who entered the capitol truly Trump supporters or agitators? I am fearful that the double standard between liberals and conservatives is about to “double down” under the Biden administration. The Conservative voice will no longer be heard.
    With all of that...we do know that God is not surprised by all if this and He is in control. Thank you for your work at digging out the truth.

  • Sherilyn

    01/07/2021 01:02 PM

    My country died today. I feel bereft of hope that my children will continue to live in a safe, amazing, republican ‘experiment’. My heart physically hurts and the tears come easily. Trump supporters did not bring the violence and Trump supporters did not fire the shot that killed. Patriots will gather and cast out those who refuse to stand for the founding principles of this constitutional republic. We wont be silent, we wont countenance ‘Rinos’, and we will strive to replace what has been stolen from us!

  • sharon rascona

    01/07/2021 01:02 PM

    I do not believe it was the fault of 95% of Trump supporters. Why was the law not followed to investigate the voter fraud in the first place? Why were the letters from the state legislators ignored by Pence? The outrage did not happen until PENCE and Mcconnell stated they refused to consider our complaints about the election fraud!

  • Robert Taylor

    01/07/2021 01:00 PM

    I am totally against what happened yesterday in DC BUT there is plenty of room for blame to go around on this! I believe that if the complaints on the election had been investigated instead of being handled the way they were this would most likely have never happened! All of these REAL whistleblowers would never have put themselves at risk for criminal charges by signing affidavits as to the charges they were making if they weren't true BUT the DEMS refused to investigate!!!!

  • Karen J Felstead

    01/07/2021 12:59 PM

    Dear Mike,
    I live in Indiana and before he was VP, Mike Pence was our Governor. He totally caved on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. He was against it. Without that act in place, things happen like the lawsuits against people in various industries who do not want to participate in homosexual weddings. Or them living together. Or unmarried heterosexual couples living together. Even though I believe he is a Christian, he seems to be first a politician. Because he caved under pressure when businesses started pulling out of Indiana due to this act possibly going through, I cannot trust him on anything else and doubt if I ever would vote for him in any other office. I was disappointed when President Trump asked him to be his running mate. I knew there would be trouble ahead. I knew it was likely he would cave again on something. This time, he could have prevented our country from turning into a socialist country, but he folded. There are reports out there that Mike Pence is considering a run for President in 2024 If that is true, I am very suspicious he just is considering the optics in his decisions yesterday. I thought you would want to know. I would appreciate an email from you if you have other information. I think you are great.

    Karen Felstead
    [email protected]

  • Brenda Hart

    01/07/2021 12:59 PM

    Yesterday was a very sad day for America and for the Trump presidency. Mike Pence has always been very supportive of the president, and I did not like the way Trump called him out and put undue pressure on him. Very glad that Pence followed the Constitution. On the other hand, I was shocked that the Dems actually called out riots, violence, etc. They have been silent up to now. The media, of course, made no mention of this. Violence is ok on the left, but not on the right?

  • Giovanni Catanese

    01/07/2021 12:55 PM

    Concerning the violence at the Capitol, I believe those who committed it were not Trump's supporters as the MSM widely announced. I believe Antifa and others Dems-sponsored fringes infiltrated the peaceful protest to do the same violence we saw last year in many democrats-run cities with no action to stop the violence. This was a planned move to be used as an excuse to impose more top-down rules, now that the Dems have complete control of the government, and are aided by a complicit MSM, Silicon Valley interest groups, and a two-sided justice system. If I sound bitter, is because I lost trust in our government, especially Congress (both parties), the DOJ, and especially SOTUS who instead of upholding their constitutional duties stood watching as the most blatant election fraud in America's history. Most of the GOP, after being aided in their elections by the president, completely abandoned him and the American people--traitors of the highest degree! The GOP since Obama's election have shown to be cowards and only interested in their own seats; at least the Dems, while completely following insane policies, have been consistently united. As an Independent I've supported President Trump and voted for the GOP these past several elections, but I feel betrayed like the rest of the 75 millions whose voice has been ignored. There have been too many instances of wrongdoings not only in the elections, but in the conduct by the Justice system where clearly criminal acts by the Dems and their cronies have been systematically ignored or condoned while Conservatives have been persecuted. The enemy from within has won! We lost our country, and God has abandoned it because we have abandoned Him and all the basic principles set forth by the Founding Fathers and all those who fought for 250 years to safeguard them. I dedicated 30 years of my life to fight the Socialist/Communist threat in our Air Force only to see the sacrifices of untold millions be discarded by the traitors from within and the greed of a selected few, both in and outside America. I'm totally dejected and ashamed at some of our countrymen. This is my last comment.

  • Lucy Middleton

    01/07/2021 12:55 PM

    These invaders were not truly Trump supporters.....just thugs that wanted to make trouble


    01/07/2021 12:55 PM

    Governor, I agree with you that no matter who is violent and destructive, it is WRONG! However, I'm wondering if there were plants in the crowd; perhaps Antifa comes to mind? This seems out of character but then again, who knows if some "red-necks" were part of the issue? One thing I do know for sure is that there are many Republicans in the GOP who have not supported this president over the last four years and thus, in my opinion, have actual supported the DNC and the media mob. I am now 68 years old and voted in every state or federal election since 18 (that makes 50 years of voting) and out of all those years, there are only two presidents I can say were truly outstanding. President Reagan and President Trump. I would jump ship, so to speak but there isn't another party to align with! What a sad comment on our state of affairs!

  • Jim Ludington

    01/07/2021 12:54 PM

    From the pictures I saw, Governor, those were not Trump supporters who led the "invasion" of the Capital. In fact, many experienced Washington staffers say that normally the Capital police would not let people get as far as they did. As usual, there is a lot more here than we know at this time.

  • Robert J Hearn Sr

    01/07/2021 12:49 PM

    I am sad to see what happened in DC. Not because it happened but because it was long overdue. America is sliding down a slippery Democrat slope toward
    a revolution against our Socialist/Communist legislators. The people simply wanted to be heard by the assholes in congress. Congress couldn't hear the demonstrators from their chambers so the demonstrators were simply trying to be heard. I for one applaud the demonstration except for the murder of the women. These Demonstrators remind me of Patrick Henry and should be applauded for standing up against fraud and the illegal defeat of the best President we have had in my 82 years on earth.
    Bob Hearn

  • Mary Kahl

    01/07/2021 12:45 PM

    The contrast of yesterday’s riots compared with the ones over the summer hit me hard. I DO NOT applaud the violence and law-breaking of the Trump supporters yesterday. It was horrible and the instigators should be prosecuted. My point is how Congressional members were valued enough to be protected at all costs, even bringing in police from nearby states and counties and the National Guard. That was the right thing to do. The difference is why were the police not supported, instead sometimes told to stand down, while the riots in support of BLM happened this summer? There were even efforts to defund the police to the detriment of innocent civilians and the police trying to protect them. Many lives were lost because police were not able to do their job. I would like to think my life was as important as the elite who work in Congress since I still believe All Lives Matter.

  • Florence Ross

    01/07/2021 12:44 PM

    Mike Huckabee your activities & newsletters proves you've been working mostly non-stop, giving
    us facts on current events with no frills. This report exclaiming the crude actions of some Trump supporters Nov. 6th leaves questions in my mind. How do we know if the those initiating chaos
    were all Trump supporters? This seems extremely out of character that Trump supporters would
    create hysteria and harm. Could this current incident have been instigated by persons incognito & in reality the usual destroyers the left finds acceptable?

  • suzanne Schwartz

    01/07/2021 12:43 PM

    Many tears have been cried from my eyes in the last month, and my conversations with Almighty GOD have been argumentative, at best, and asking "Why?" over and over. Thankfully, HE is the one who forgives over and over. Once again, today, i asked HIM "Why", and HE has assured me HE is still Almighty GOD and my faith in HIM to run this universe is still assured all according to HIS plan. The hearts of all the people of this country are in great need of repentance and seeking GOD's will, really seeking HIS will. The last year of life in the USA has been full of the unknown, fear, what-ifs, anger, lies, deceit, and many more subjective and objective expressions of life. In my devotional time with my LORD and Savior, HE spoke to me with verses from Proverbs 2:21-22 and II Corinthians 10:3-6, and i am praying that i will remember these verses today and in the coming days. i, too, am praying for our nation, our leaders--much as i would like to see God's wrath come down on many of them immediately--our repentance and salvation for those that are taking office now and soon. My impatience in waiting on the LORD--i know HE has HIS reasons according to HIS plan--will also have to be forgiven again. My beautiful granddaughters are the citizens of this country that i am most concerned about personally. My son-in-law is a "new" legal citizen of this country. He left Venezuela to come to a country where freedom has been the legacy. He is now very concerned by what he is observing in this country that indicates many steps toward the horror he came from in Venezuela. He has bought guns, and is teaching one of his daughters how to use a gun; he is very responsible and is instilling safety about guns to her with consistency. He also knows more about the great history of this country than too many North Americans know. He did not go to school past the 9th grade in Venezuela, yet, he is very knowledgeable about our history; he is very bright and remembers things easily and well. He has become the manager of an Autozone store in Greenbrier, AR, and he did that over the last 16 years he has been here. He worked hard in several capacities and learned quickly over the last 16 years. He works well with people and loves to meet new people, which has helped him achieve his present position with Autozone. He is bilingual, of course. He would love to bring his whole family to the USA, or at least he wanted to do that. Now, he is not so sure. It is cost prohibitive at this time, so it will not happen anytime soon, but he would love to have them with us. So, you asked for a comment and got way more than you will probably read or wanted. i do appreciate all you do with your newsletters and your TBN television show, which i watch every week. Also, your commentary on Fox News is always good. You and Sarah both do a great service to the audience where ever you are heard. Your godly wisdom is something more people need to hear. Thank you for your government service to Arkansas and your spiritual service to our LORD. GOD save America and help us repent soon.

  • Cynthia Lynne Anderson

    01/07/2021 12:43 PM

    The terrible happenings yesterday are not the fault of any one person. For 4 years the media has shown absolutely no respect for the president and we all know people listen to the news because somehow they still believe it's presented by people who seek only the truth. Democrats are responsible for their brutal attack on this sitting president. Of course, they had their hate Reagan playbook to point out what they'd already done wrong. Republicans are responsible for allowing emotions to control their brains (but, that's human nature). The number one cause of all this is the Democrats. Why they fought so hard against forensic audits of the machines is beyond understanding. If they had nothing to hide, what were they so afraid of? I would think they would want to prove their innocence. If I had been accused of murder, I would have done everything in my power to prove my accusers wrong. Only conclusion, for most of us, they cheated. After all, Pelosi said they would do whatever it took to win that election.

  • Guy Manley

    01/07/2021 12:41 PM

    I was very disappointed in you when I read this article. Trump never advocated violence and only attempted to get the people there to calm down. The real story here is that all of his means of communicating were blocked off. Enjoy the view of our nations downfall from your moral high ground. Keep praying instead of taking action though, it's been working great so far.

  • Dave Beasley

    01/07/2021 12:40 PM

    Though not as knowledgeable as some I can only speak from my viewpoint.

    This was always a volatile event destined to play out, even as it has often played out in the last four years. I am not aghast at this but am aghast at the city's burned, looted and the thousands of good people punished by what seems a lack of protection and support from their governors and mayors.

    I am weary (as many seem to be) of the atrocities concerning humanity and freedom for those whose responsibilities have long been transferred to the shoulders of those who make the wheels turn - yet these receive only the harshest judgment of those in power.

    I am a Trump supporter after I am an American supporter. In all of my adult life I have never had a president who seemed concerned about my livelihood and well being until Donald Trump.

    He is no saint but is welcome to sit in my home and visit at any time and enjoy all the respect admiration and love a family can muster for a great leader.


  • Deborah Graham

    01/07/2021 12:40 PM

    Donald Trump has faced too many turn coats in his own party already. We have watched the Democrats and the Rinos stab him in the back too many times and now we see the dirty rats trying to blame him for what some over zealous supporter and maybe Antifa thugs sent by Obama did. I condemn all you jelly fish that didn't have the courage to stand with the only President to put the American people first. Taking that Republican title off and

  • Rosemary Kirk

    01/07/2021 12:38 PM

    At every "protest" the Antifa group has used it to do violence. Why should this be expected to be different?
    Trump is not responsible, quit expecting him to have been able to do any more than he did. the real fault is that when they were rioting across the country, we did not arrest them and keep them in jail. We chose to show them there were no repercussions from this action.

  • Mary W Danos

    01/07/2021 12:36 PM


  • Victoria Hardesty

    01/07/2021 12:35 PM

    My heart is heavy this morning. I am a Trump Supporter, while my husband supported Joe Biden, only because of the rhetoric foisted on him by the legacy media for the past four years. When the demonstration began yesterday, I saw men and women, some with babies in strollers, walking down the mall toward the capital building waving flags in support of President Trump. Suddenly it turned south when a few idiots decided it was a great idea to force their way into the US Capital building and confront the Senate. I believe they should be prosecuted. I also believe everyone who rioted in the streets across our country this summer should be as well, but I also know that since they sided with the Democrats, there is little chance of that. There are two forms of crime and punishment in this country - one kind for Conservatives and the opposite for Liberals. President Trump felt, like millions of Americans, that this election was not free and fair. If the Democrats really wanted to be free and fair, all the allegations of fraud and misdeed should have been investigated thoroughly. That was not done. Every case brought to court was dismissed for procedure errors and none of the evidence was ever made public in total. That leaves many of us believing that our votes do not count and we have no say in our own government. The opinions and rhetoric spewed by ABC News this morning made me physically ill. If Joe Biden really wanted to become the President of We The People, the election should have been, and could have been looked into to assure the American Public the election was won fairly. The rhetoric I heard on TV news this morning was simply amped up garbage they've spewed about President Trump for 4 years. Do I believe he should have spoken out more strongly to the idiots to stop being idiots? Yes. On the other hand, I never heard Joe Biden or Ms Harris speak against the violence in cities across this nation this summer by their supporters. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd put President Trump as a 4 and Joe Biden as a 10, 10 being worst, in speaking out about it. I also must say, this demonstration ended much sooner than the 100 days in Portland with the Mayor actually participating in the crap as protesters threw fire bombs and shined high powered lazer beams in the eyes of the police trying to stop the violence. What I did not see yesterday was violent hoardes of people breaking into businesses, looting and setting fire to them, spray painting and defacing property that didn't belong to them. I saw no clubs, guns or knives pulled out. I don't defend what happened, I just mentally compare that to the utter violence and destruction all over the country we saw this summer that was not condemned by the party they supported. I am worried about my country. Will it ever be the country of free people who agree to be governed by those they choose free and fairly? Will the media ever tell stories without pushing their own agendas? Will big tech take over and push their agenda on us all? Does money win and we the people lose? I am heartsick today. I thank God I am nearing my expiration. I worry about the younger people I will leave behind.

  • CAROL McElmurray

    01/07/2021 12:32 PM

    We watched your broadcast last night and I for one was appalled that it seemed that you were right along with the media condemning Trump supporters. I do not believe that the Trump supporters were those who stormed the Capitol but no one seems to have the "guts" to say who it really was. I am removing Huckabee from my inbox. It is time that someone stands up for the right in this country and I thought you were the guy to do that but after listening last night, it seems I was mistaken.

  • Priscilla Roby

    01/07/2021 12:32 PM

    Read your article on "The Stream". News should be factual. Antifa dressed as Trump supporters did the storming and damage. There is video out there that shows identification of them and of the capital police stepping down and letting them in. I am sad when even the places I go for truth don't tell the correct story.

  • Lisa Aldrich

    01/07/2021 12:31 PM

    I am aghast at the violence. I think it was staged. I don't know by whom, but it was done with the idea of getting the right to get over and get along, except whomever is doing this doesn't get the idea that conservatives aren't going to get along with corruption, unfair treatment and all the rest that we've seen this summer. It is up to the democrats and the tepid swamp establishment to fix the problem of not getting along with the conservative movement. Fox fired Glenn Beck when he was number 1 on the network and put on The Five. It hasn't worked because some folks on there are not really out to get along, they want us to go along with their control, plans, etc. We aren't going away. The violence yesterday was not the Conservative party, it was either planted obstructors or a small group of abberrents. We are the party of law and order. We Back the Blue. So, we don't agree with storming the capital as much as we want to get redress of our grievances over what we consider to be a fraudulent election. Note how the left considers what happened yesterday (violence on politicians' place of business) MUCH MORE TERRIBLE than the violence looting rioting stealing killing on streets and places in America along with the shutdowns of so many thousands of business owners due to Covid when our party calls out as wrong the violence perpetrated yesterday (still not knowing but hearing reports that Antifa was involved though maybe not). The other party did not call out the violence this summer and said "people will be people" and other such nonsense while bailing them out of jail free with money made from BLM/ACTBLUE/Democratic Party. And Chuck Schumer likens yesterday to Pearl Harbor when at that time according to Wikipedia:

    (Casualties and Losses)
    4 battleships were sunk, 4 battleships were damaged, 1 ex-battleship was sunk, 1 harbor tug was sunk, 3 cruisers were damaged, 3 destroyers were damaged, 3 other ships were damaged, 188 aircraft were destroyed, 159 aircraft were damaged, 2,335 killed, 1,143 wounded, 4 midget submarines were sunk, 1 midget submarine grounded, 29 aircraft were destroyed, 74 aircraft were damaged, 64 were killed, 1 sailor captured
    (Civilian Casualties)
    68 killed, 35 wounded, 1,143 wounded

    So, yesterday's riot at the Capitol Building was nothing in comparison. And it isn't sacred ground as claimed. Sacred ground that has been attacked (by Covid) is the loss of the ability to attend our churches or perhaps some of the churches that burned in the riots this summer.

    Yesterday's attack was wrong and it was violent. But it was nothing different from all the BLM and Antifa violence this summer.

    That's all I have to say.


    01/07/2021 12:30 PM

    You are the only one we can count on to get this story straight. I don't believe that those wer Trump suporters, but Libs doing the dirty work.