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August 27, 2024

While FBI case agent Kyle Seraphin was investigating the January 6 pipe bombs, his team was tracking an individual linked to a DC Metrorail card, a 55-year-old Air Force contractor, as a person of interest.  They had also discussed that this man might be a relative or acquaintance of the person who “placed” the bomb, who was thought perhaps to be, based on physical characteristics and other evidence, a black woman.

But after being pulled from the case and moved to New Mexico, Seraphin became a whistleblower and was later suspended.  He believes his suspension was because he had given what were supposed to be protected disclosures to Congress.

Today, congressional investigators are the ones trying to get to the bottom of the January 6 pipe bomb “discovery,” which occurred just at the time when then-VP-elect Kamala Harris, was, inexplicably, visiting at the DNC headquarters building and the 2020 vote certification was getting underway.  They’re looking into whether the DNC bomb might have been planted not the night before but just a little before 1PM, while Kamala was already inside.  Dan Bongino is convinced that the same-day drop is what happened, but who was the “bomber” from the night before?  Was that event staged for the video cameras?

That would seem to be the only explanation for why the bomb wasn’t found until a little after 1, after a canine bomb patrol had already swept the area a few hours before.  (A Homeland Security Inspector General report from August 2 calls the sweep “substandard” because there was no “technical expert” at the scene and the sweep didn’t include “the immediate area” where the bomb was found, but that still doesn’t explain why the dog didn’t detect the black powder.  Trained dogs can sniff it out from much farther away than that.)

On the other hand, maybe the bombs were inert, and didn’t HAVE black powder.  Seraphin says the briefing he got in March 2021 said they were insert.  But the FBI has insisted since the investigation began that they were viable.  So, they were telling one thing to the public and something else to their own agents?  Why, that would never happen…..

Capitol Police audio (at the link below) shows that the RNC bomb was discovered first.  Capitol Police responded by sending counter-surveillance units around the area to other high-visibility targets to look for other explosives, and that’s when they “found” the DNC bomb.

The new video (also at the link) is from the night before, near the RNC headquarters, and it’s much clearer than the weirdly grainy video that the FBI originally released of the hooded suspect sitting on the bench outside the DNC.  (This was 2021 --- why would any security video have been of such terrible quality?)  It was provided exclusively to BLAZE NEWS after being discovered by social media user “Armitas.”  (We wish writers Steve Baker and Joseph Hanneman had included more information on how this video came to be found and turned over to them after all this time.)

The opening shot was taken from across the street, diagonally at the corner, and shows a person in a light gray hoodie walking quickly around the corner --- that corner building must be the Capitol Hill Club --- towards the alley leading to the rear of the RNC building.

A Capitol Police squad car with its emergency lights on is parked directly across the street at that time.  The reflection of the red-and-blue lights appears on the subject’s clothing.

Baker and Hanneman provide a detailed timeline for what was captured on video, but mostly it just raises questions, such as why the squad car was there at that particular time and why it had its lights on.      It looks as though something was going on.

Kyle Seraphin, after looking at the video, noticed that a wave and acknowledgement by the “bomber” to someone in a Capitol Police SUV was “too long to acknowledge someone you don’t know.”

“And why would you draw attention to yourself like that if you’re carrying a bomb in your backpack?”

There is apparently more video that is still being withheld.  As reported by THE BLAZE, “Discovery of the new video raises questions about why the footage has not been disclosed to the public in the nearly 44 months since January 6, and why yet more cameras with clues to the pipe bomb mystery are being withheld by federal authorities.”

So far, we can’t say what this means, only that it raises new questions and should not have been the first look we’ve had after all this time.



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