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September 23, 2024

Oprah spent an hour and a half “interviewing” Kamala Harris on Wednesday (it was actually more of a celebrity-studded longform campaign commercial), but one topic that was not on the menu was immigration.

Not that we put much stock in polls ourselves, but neither of them would’ve wanted to bring up the new FOX NEWS poll that shows Trump favored by registered voters over Harris by 54-44 percent as the one they trust to do a better job on it.  Still, the famed talk-show host --- who, like Michelle Obama, surely could’ve had the nomination over Kamala if she’d wanted it --- did bring up Springfield, Ohio:  “We feel for our fellow citizens in Springfield, do we not…?  The Haitian families, the-the-the non-Haitian families, everybody having to deal with this LIE [emphasis hers]…”  In other words, what President Trump said about what’s allegedly been happening there.

Has Oprah personally jetted to this town of about 60,000, to see for herself what her fellow citizens in Springfield are actually experiencing due to the sudden addition of about 20,000 Haitians?  The crime; the frequent car wrecks; the crowded hospital; the housing shortage; and, yes, the disappearing geese, long before they would’ve flown south for the winter?  Trump is reportedly working on making such a trip himself in the next couple of weeks.

Former presidential candidate and now-Trump supporter Vivek Ramaswamy has already done this, holding his own townhall meeting for Springfield residents, some of whom couldn’t get into the packed venue.  He listed the growing problems that communities face when they have unfettered immigration: “communicable disease going services strained, Medicaid running out of money and run very poorly, schools under strain, welfare, food stamps…”  He drew applause for his comment that he doesn’t believe people who are going to be dependent on the “entitlement state” should be allowed to come here to live.

FOX NEWS’ Trace Gallagher spoke with a couple of Springfield residents Wednesday night, one of whom described the increase in car accidents in his town.

“I mean, it’s pretty much every day,” Terry Adkins said, “four, five, six a day at times.  No insurance, no driver’s license, obviously not much in the area of skill of driving…running over everything.  It’s terrible, it’s unsafe.”

(Roads are mostly completely unmarked in Haiti, and anything goes, with speeding and aggressive driving the norm.  Here’s more information about the extremely unsafe conditions there that the State Department has taken down; scroll down to “Threats to Safety and Security:

Lifelong Springfield resident and Clark County GOP chairman Donny Diller, who was one of those who couldn’t get into the filled-to-capacity room for the townhall, said residents have lost their social services because of the huge demand.  He credited the rumors about what’s happening in the town for bringing Vivek there, saying that “people need to be heard” and referring to the situation as a “tinderbox.”  Residents attend city council meetings every couple of weeks, expressing their concerns and disagreeing over whose problem it is and to whom they should complain.

Adkins agreed about the finger-pointing, saying city leaders want to push the responsibility onto the federal government, which in turn pushes it to the state.  Citizens are “just looking for some sort of step in the right direction, and there’s just no transparency from our city leaders.”

Diller made it clear that he doesn’t blame Haitians for wanting a better life, but at the same time, it’s hurting people who lived there for decades.  Cultural differences aside, “we’re talking about a strain on society,” he said. “I mean, you’re breaking everything.”  They’re “playing catch-up” while “running out of food...running out of resources.”

Springfield residents would like to see traffic laws equally enforced after horrific accidents like this one, in which the driver wasn’t charged even for his expired license plate.

Lincoln Brown at PJ MEDIA grew up in Springfield and laments seeing it transformed into “a case study for the core issues of the election.  He says the Left, as it typically does, “has carefully avoided the crisis there to fan the flames of anti-conservative animus.”  (Or, we would add, they just dismiss it as a lie, as Oprah is doing.)  Brown wisely puts nothing past them in their effort to win this election and is concerned that they’re planning violence for Springfield in the coming weeks.  He finds the thought of his city being used in that way by political opportunists “revolting.”

One Springfield resident posted on TikTok that a police watchtower has already been erected downtown, and a pallet of bricks has been left there --- maybe to be used for some small construction project, but, she wondered, is it?  Again, fellow conservatives, I can’t tell you how important this is:  DO NOT TAKE THE BAIT.

Perhaps Oprah would like to do a townhall in Springfield herself and hear the truth from residents.  But if she really wants to talk about a LIE, she should check out the new report from a retired Border Patrol sector chief in San Diego who says the Biden-Harris administration tried to hide the extent of the border crisis there, specifically the immigrants’ ties to terrorism.  News is exploding from the border right now thanks to testimony Wednesday on Capitol Hill.  (See RELATED READING at the end.)

Or maybe Oprah would love to sit down one-on-one with Trump running mate and Ohio Sen. J. D. Vance, who’s being demonized simply for daring to talk about what many Springfield residents (he’s from the area) have been writing to him, instead of waiting for the media to do their jobs and pick it up since they typically don’t.  I’m sure J. D. would gladly accept an invitation to be interviewed by her and answer any questions put to him, by her or any member of her audience.  Think that will happen?  No.

For illustration, here’s another video from TOWNHALL you won’t want to miss...

It not only highlights the sharp wit of J. D. Vance, but also features a video clip from a Springfield city meeting back in March --- before any of the animal stories became public and were, according to ABC NEWS, denied by the city manager --- in which that same city manager said “quite a few people” had confided in him anonymously about something that “bothered him very much”:  “some pretty horrid things happening to domesticated animals in the neighborhood.”  Another city official asked if he had evidence because he’d been told the same thing.  (Of course, eyewitness accounts aren’t proof, but they ARE evidence.)

So, this city manager told ABC in advance of the Trump-Harris debate that there had been no credible reports?  What might have really happened is that he told them what now appears to be the truth:  that there had been stories but no conclusive proof, and the debate moderators then twisted that to say there had been “no credible reports.”

Also, consider that there has to be a reason for residents to make these reports anonymously.  As with whistleblowers, they may be afraid of retribution --- from the alleged pet-abusing Haitians, sure, but also from the media who want to suppress the story and won’t hesitate to destroy their lives by labeling them racists, liars, and instigators of violence.

That’s what they call Trump, but his mention of these reports during the debate has called attention to the larger issue of totally unchecked immigration and what it’s doing to the very concept of being American.  John Daniel Davidson, senior editor at THE FEDERALIST, has a must-read commentary addressing this, saying that without our common culture, we’ll just be a Balkanized nation with no shared sense of purpose and way of life, “just a random assortment of different peoples who came here to make a buck.”

He says those who demand we somehow absorb vast numbers of immigrants so completely unlike us “have reasons and interests of their own quite apart from what’s best for America and its people.”


As for the testimony Wednesday on Capitol Hill, we have several reports, starting with the one from that retired Border Patrol sector chief in San Diego saying the Biden administration suppressed stories about the terrorist ties of immigrants.  Aaron Heitke told the House Homeland Security Committee that they’d seen an “exponential increase” in these “Significant Interest Aliens” but that he was told he couldn’t let anybody know about that.

According to a new House Homeland Security Committee report, more than 85 percent of the immigrants arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border are released into the U.S. interior.  DHS has also cut detention space in what the report calls “a comprehensive and unlawful agenda of mass ‘catch and release,’ which has led to the release of millions of inadmissible aliens into American communities.”

Oh, the report gets worse.  This is an epic catastrophe that Oprah won’t be talking about. And how do the 45 percent in that poll who think Harris will do a better job on “immigration” reconcile this with the fact that it all happened under her watch, due to the very policies she and Joe Biden imposed?

Also, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has all but abandoned its offices in Eagle Pass and Del Rio, Texas, essentially leaving this South Texas part of the “High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area” wide open.  There’s essentially no staff.  When asked about this, the DEA said, “For security purposes, DEA does not comment on staffing in its offices.”

But Kamala will crack down on the border if she wins, right?  Because she “pledged” to.  Well, left-wing groups that support her are betting she won’t, and that’s one bet it would be stupid to take.  They know she’s lying and only pretending to be tough right now, and we know it, too. They literally “trust her” to be lying. Ironically, I do, too.

Speaking of that Kamala Harris informercial hosted by Oprah, here’s a great write-up of it by Nick Arama at, complete with video clips and quotes of the baffling word salads and circuitous non-answers Harris dispensed whenever she was asked a question requiring a specific answer.

The only newsworthy moment came when she again tried to deny being a gun control radical, claiming, “I am a gun owner,” then blurting, "If somebody breaks into my house, they're getting shot. Ha ha ha! Sorry, probably shouldn't have said that! Ha ha ha! But my staff will deal with that later. Ha ha ha!"

Actually, nobody will break into her house because she has 24/7 armed Secret Service protection, just like Oprah and all the liberal celebrities on that show have armed security. When they attend awards shows, there’s more firepower around them then the IDF carries into Gaza. But they want to make sure YOU don’t have guns to protect yourself and your family.

So where does Kamala go after this? How can she possibly find a more doting tosser of puffballs than Oprah to pretend to interview her? I’m just waiting for the announcement: “Tonight on MSNBC, using advanced split-screen technology, Kamala Harris interviews herself!”

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