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July 22, 2024

Biden’s announcement was inevitable; Dems playing it according to plan

Shocking!  Staggering!  Unprecedented in American history!   That’s the way the past few weeks of the presidential campaign have been reported, but for us, every bit of it has been utterly predictable --- even the assassination attempt --- for the past couple of years.  All of it has seemed inevitable.  It’s been sad but not surprising.

As we watched the cognitively disintegrating President Biden being thrown to the wolves in a debate against Trump, it seemed that this event almost certainly had been set up by his own party.  Their leadership, knowing Biden couldn’t win, needed him to crash and burn at that particular time, and he certainly didn’t disappoint them.  The whole world watched in horror as Biden’s mental deficiencies were on full display for a straight 90 minutes.  And after the debate, his cringeworthy follow-up performances reinforced his inadequacy.

So it was completely predictable --- inevitable --- that Biden would, just a few weeks later, be “persuaded” to drop out of the race, as everyone knew there was no possible way he could win (no matter how much rigging and table-tilting the Democrats and the media did).   As of Sunday, this “persuasion” has indeed happened, whether Biden is aware of it or not.  At the time of this writing early Monday morning, we’ve not seen an in-person acknowledgment of it by Biden, only posted statements that could have been written and sent by anyone.  Seems very coup-like.  (Democracy?  Hahahahhaha!)

Something else was completely predictable: that Biden (or whoever wrote his posts on X) would pay lip service to an endorsement of Kamala Harris, which also happened on Sunday, though it was as a curious afterthought in an additional post rather than in the original long statement.  Democrat delegates of all 50 states quickly gave their support to Kamala, but it still seems probable to us that even after Biden’s obligatory endorsement, she’ll somehow end up being upstaged by a different nominee.  As of now, they are not bound to vote for Kamala or anyone else. 

If there’s one thing we know about the Democrat Party, it’s that they’re ALL ABOUT WINNING, and Kamala is not a winner.  According to pollster and political analyst Matt Towery, the most recent polls in swing states showing her doing even worse than Biden among independent voters.

Hillary Clinton quickly endorsed Kamala, but a number of notable Democrats have not --- most notable of all (at least at this writing), President Obama and former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  Barack Obama wouldn’t endorse the first liberal black woman in the running to be President?  What??  That seems significant.  He said this:

“We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead.  But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.”

Gosh, something tells us he already knows who the nominee will be.  But what about the presidency RIGHT NOW?  It’s only the Republicans who are talking about who might be capable of serving as President between now and January 20.  As Ben Domenech told Mark Levin Sunday night, “I don’t think we can afford to have a Commander-In-Chief over these next several months who is just going to be completely AWOL, incapable of doing his job.  What does that mean though?  It means that the alternative is Kamala Harris, which can’t give anybody any kind of confidence or faith in the leadership that we have in our country, given the bizarre path, the DEI-based path, that she took to the vice-presidency.”

We’ll just have to hope that opportunistic dictators around the world will refrain from pulling something dastardly in the next several months, even though it might seem to be the best possible timing for them.

Domenech continued: “...At any point in the last six to eight months, they could have been honest about what was going on here, even going back years, and I think that really would, you know, be received in a much more honest and, frankly, positive way.  But instead, they lied to us…for months and months and months.”  But now “the world is on fire around us, and we simply don’t have someone who’s in charge.  And that’s something that is unacceptable.”

He believes the voters will hold them accountable but that it will be a challenge, because “the media’s gonna do everything that they can to lie once more about the capacity of Kamala Harris to lead this country, to lead it through some of the most challenging situations that we face, particularly in foreign policy but in the economy, on the border, and everything else that she’s shown she has no capability to deal with.”

It seems unlikely the media can overcome Kamala’s deficiency in those areas.  So something is bound to happen fairly soon to keep Kamala off the top of the ticket, even if by then the 25th Amendment has been invoked and she has been sworn in as President.  (That seems inescapable; as the argument goes, if Biden can’t run for President, he can’t be President, either.)  Whatever deal she strikes, at least she’ll know the history books will cite her as the first black female --- or even female --- President of the United States.

But the problem, as Democrats see it, is that she just can’t win an election.  (She’s never won even one primary election for President, in 2020 or 2024, and yet here she is.  Talk about failing upward. So much for democracy.)  One senior congressional source told the NEW YORK POST on Sunday that her candidacy was “absolutely ridiculous” and that “she should join Biden as he exits stage left.”

Most significantly, we know that for years, Kamala had to have been a willing, lying accomplice in the cover-up of a dementia-ridden presidency, not to mention complicit in the cruel elder abuse of a befuddled old man.  She’s right up there with Jill Biden when it comes to that.  The equally dishonest media will try to suppress that fact.  But we don’t think this will ultimately matter much, as party leaders will likely install someone else as soon as they sense the time is right.

Monica Crowley, who has long considered Michelle Obama to be the go-to candidate for the Dems if they could get her, appeared with Jesse Watters Sunday and reiterated this: “...The one voice that has been silent on Kamala is Barack Obama and his wife Michelle Obama.  They’ve been very quiet.  So I think Michelle Obama still may be in the mix...There is a reason why the Democrats moved their convention to Chicago...I don’t want everybody sort of falling into this trap that Kamala Harris is the de facto candidate for the Democrats.  This story is not over yet...The left’s power brokers never move without a plan.”  The Obama Machine, which has been running this country for some time, she said, wants an Obama 4 and 5.0.  Michelle can be recruited as “the reluctant candidate,” a pristine figure, immune to criticism as a woman of color.

Gosh, has Monica Crowley been reading this newsletter for the past few years?  Sounds like it!  (On Sunday night, Vivek Ramaswamy also said a Michelle O. nomination was “on the table.”)  But President Trump says matter-of-factly that he’s not worried about Michelle, either.

There’s much more elsewhere in today’s newsletter about the reaction to Biden’s predictable announcement.


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