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December 6, 2023



Blessings on you and your family from all the Huckabee team! 

Mike Huckabee


For to us a child is born,

to us a son is given,

and the government will be on his shoulders.

And he will be called

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,

Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

- Isaiah 9:6

Apparently only American liberals like Hamas

Shortly after the October 7th attack on Israel, we linked to an article by an expert on the region, explaining why no Arab nations wanted to let the Palestinians establish a homeland within their borders, despite having far more land than Israel. It was because their leaders have a history of spreading violence and instability wherever they go, and on more than one occasion, they became such a threat that host nations had to use military force to drive them out of their countries. This is why Egypt had its military on its border, not because they thought there was a danger of Israel invading, but to keep the Palestinians out.

Now, here’s more confirmation of that from Matt Vespa at Townhall, recounting what was allegedly said at a recent joint summit of the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. While they publicly criticized Israel and threatened sanctions, it was reported that privately, many Arab leaders made it known that they want Israel to keep going and annihilate Hamas because they don’t want to have to deal with them, either.

Senator Durbin keeps his idiotic idea streak alive

Democrat Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin had a drizzle of a brainstorm this week, proposing that we solve our military recruiting crisis by letting some of the millions of illegal immigrants in the US earn citizenship by serving in our military.

I suppose you could argue that they’ve already proven their ability to invade a foreign nation successfully. On the other hand, it’s not a fair test because any nations we’d be at war with would actually defend their borders.

As noted in that article, Durbin is a huge proponent of laws that deny guns to American citizens, but he’s all in on letting illegal aliens have access to high-powered weapons and sensitive US military info. I’m sure we’d be able to find some who would be more than happy to take us up on that deal.

By the way, to prove we’re even-handed, here’s the liberal “fact-checking” site Politifact’s attempt to debunk this story by admitting that while there has been a surge in Chinese nationals coming across our Southern border, there’s no hard evidence that it’s anything to be worried about. Other than if you’re one of those rightwing nuts who’s worried in general about having a wide-open border that lets anybody come into the US, including military-aged males from China.

Related: Nick Arama at picked up on the fact that Dick Durbin tacitly admitted that this Administration has made such a woke mess of our military that they can’t get enough young Americans to join and have been reduced to trying to bribe illegal aliens to defend America.

And Another One Bites The Dust:

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum ended his longshot campaign for the GOP Presidential nomination Monday. He helped bring a businessman’s perspective to the race. Let’s hope the next President is someone who understands and appreciates that perspective and will make good use of Burgum’s talents in Washington if he decides not to run for a third term in North Dakota.

The Democrats’ latest lie

You almost have to feel sorry for the Democrats these days (BIG “almost.”) After three years of them being in charge of the nation with results akin to trusting the Three Stooges to housesit, the public is finally wising up to all their false narratives that are being debunked (Russia collusion, the “very fine people” lie that even got dismantled again last week on Bill Maher’s show)…

…And of course, the January 6th Kangaroo Kommittee show trial…

They now seem almost punchy as they scramble for any desperate, transparent falsehood to cling onto power. We’ve seen the hysteria ramped up to 11 over the past couple of weeks, as they screech that Donald Trump is a fascist and Hitler, an existential threat to America, and he’ll end democracy and weaponize the government to throw his political opponents in prison (Uh, guys?…That’s you.)

But this latest lie really takes the cake. They lifted a line out of a Trump speech and claimed he was “admitting” that he’s waging war on democracy. Problem: If you listen to the sentences before and after it, it’s clear that he was saying it's the Biden Administration that's waging a war on democracy.

How clear? So clear that even the notoriously left-leaning “fact-check” site ruled that it was clear he was talking about his opponents.

And how is the left reacting? If you guessed that they’re attacking Snopes for telling the truth and whining that they’ll never read it again, then give yourself a cookie. But not a very big one because that reaction was pretty easy to predict.

Another reason why Disney fought Florida for control

We’ve discovered yet another reason why Disney fought tooth and nail to keep control of the Reedy Creek district in Florida where its theme parks are, and not to have it taken over by a state oversight board. According to an audit conducted by the Central Tourism Oversight District, for years, Disney has been proving the truism that “absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

The report found that Disney was operating essentially as an “experimental absolute monarchy,” a private corporate kingdom that had accrued so much power that they could have built a nuclear power plant if they’d wanted (that would explain the six-foot mice.) 

The company dominated the Board of Supervisors, using employee benefits like free passes to buy loyalty and ensure board decisions favorable to Disney (aka “corruption.”) They exempted themselves from paying hundreds of millions of dollars in fees normally used to build and maintain infrastructure. Despite bringing in more and more workers, they used their influence to prevent the board from spending money on essential civic projects such as affordable housing, schools or public transportation.

You can read more about the Corporate Kingdom at the link. As you do, remember all the “progressives” who claim to oppose corporations and capitalism and champion workers’ rights, public schools, public housing, mass transit and all the rest of the things Disney quashed – but who sided with Disney in its fight to maintain its ironfisted grip on power just because the person trying to loosen it was Ron DeSantis. Politics uber alles!

Related: The Babylon Bee had some fun with the notion of Disney boycotting Twitter (X) because it allegedly doesn’t live up to Disney’s high moral standards.

Juvenile but irresistible

John Kerry is accused of gas emissions that for once have nothing to do with taking private jets to climate conferences.

PS – A reminder that Kerry is always emitting gas, just usually from the other end.

J6 audio:  assistant Capitol Hill police chief failed to give ASSISTANCE

Former U.S. Capitol Police Lieutenant Tarik Johnson, who was present at the January 6 riot but for some reason shrouded in mystery was never called to testify before Nancy Pelosi’s J6 Kangaroo Kommittee, has announced on “X” (the platform formerly known as Twitter) that he’s releasing police scanner audio recordings from that day suggesting a “set-up” and cover-up of what really happened.  He has always maintained that all the officers “should have been more prepared that day.”

Johnson’s announcement comes on the heels of House Speaker Mike Johnson’s release of all the security cam video from the Capitol building.  Out of concern for his own safety, Tarik Johnson has already entrusted the recordings to Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch and has indicated that he’s given a journalist working with THE BLAZE “permission to receive the info and do whatever he believes is best with that info in the unlikely event I disappear.”

He said on X that he had wanted to check with his attorney before releasing the audio to make sure of all the legal ramifications of doing so.  “[My lawyer] stated he didn’t see any and if something arose we would deal with it together,” Johnson said.  “So it’s a go!!!!!!!!!!”

He asked for patience, as he is not a tech person and was having to figure out how to load 12 hours of audio on his page in addition to working his regular job and dealing with “family stuff.”  He thinks he’ll have it all uploaded by Wednesday, though.  (One question:  how did Lt. Johnson happen to come into possession of this much recorded material?  The story doesn’t tell us.)

The first release of audio has already taken place, on Sunday, and it does call into question the actions taken (or not) by then-Assistant Chief Yogananda Pittman, who was sitting in a command center that gave her access to radio traffic and a 360-degree view of the outside of the Capitol, plus additional views inside.  Chief Steven Sund, he said, was on the phone trying to obtain assistance from the National Guard and other law enforcement agencies.  Johnson was specifically asking Pittman for help, and not getting it, as the audio makes clear.  Johnson has spoken publicly about this before, but finally now we can hear the audio that backs him up.

Matt Margolis reports for PJ MEDIA that “the J6 police scanner audio indicates that Pittman appeared unavailable or uncooperative in aiding Sund's efforts to deploy the National Guard. The recording supports the criticism of Capitol Police for its failure to take decisive action to safeguard the Capitol and members of Congress, especially in light of prior warnings of potential violence. The audio corroborates Sund's claims after the riot when he revealed that multiple requests for the National Guard before and during the riot were denied.”

As reported by REDSTATE, Johnson also “called out Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger for opposing the release of the J6 footage and using non-disclosure forms to keep officers silent.”

Though we would say there’s blame to go around (Nancy Pelosi, for one), Tarek Johnson blames Pittman for the disaster that unfolded:  “We now know Pittman was the one that caused what occurred on J6 but [Manger] is fighting Speaker [Mike] Johnson from releasing all the video footage, ensuring all the NDAs [non-disclosure agreements] USCP [U.S. Capitol Police] employees were forced to sign remain in place and declining to allow anyone to see the LWOP deal negotiated with Pittman so she could get her retirement and take a job gifted to her in California making over a quarter million dollars annually.  And, I almost forgot, ensuring USCP whistleblowers don’t get proper protections when they want to report corruption or malfeasance within the Department.”

Johnson is referring to the job Pittman got as UC Berkeley’s chief of police.  Prior to this, she had become the interim chief of the Capitol Police when Steven Sund resigned two days after the J6 debacle.  In her case, this appears to be yet another example of someone in DC failing upwards.  Or had she simply been doing a superb job of following orders?

Reading this glowing press release, one would certainly never know of the controversy surrounding Pittman’s response (or lack thereof) on January 6.  She said on the day she was sworn in, “The events at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 --- I certainly don’t want to talk about that today...but it’s part of my journey and something I will build on.”  Let’s just say that she had plenty of reason not to want to talk about what appeared to be a spectacular failure on her part.

On the other hand, according to a Berkeley Police Department write-up on her selection, she has “demonstrated commitment to the values of diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging and justice, and she has developed expertise in modern policing principles.”  Well, that’s the important thing.


RELATED J6 NEWS:  Almost three years after the protest and riot of January 6, 2021, the “Justice” Department is still busy targeting J6 protesters.  Actor Siaka Massaquoi had his home raided in 2021, and now, almost three years after the protest, he has been arrested and charged with four misdemeanors.  Numerous celebrities and commentators have spoken out in support of him, including Elon Musk, who said that “this has gone too far.”

Video from the Capitol building that day shows Massaquoi just inside the threshold of a door for about a minute, apparently trying to help the police direct foot traffic out the door.

Massaquoi is a conservative and a Trump supporter, and one has to wonder if the FBI was making a peripheral point by arresting him the day he attended the DAILY WIRE’s new movie LADYBALLERS, which dares to make fun of biological men competing in women’s sports.  Whether that’s a coincidence or not, his arrest also comes a couple of months after he joined with a group to sue the FBI, Director Christopher Wray, the DOJ, and Attorney General Merrick Garland.

This class action lawsuit was filed on behalf of people “who were peacefully protesting in Washington DC on January 6, 2021, but who did not commit any felonies or engage in any violence, but have been subjected to unconstitutional, illegal surveillance by Defendant Wray and his agents in the aftermath.”  They allege that Wray and Garland have turned the FBI into their personal “Gestapo” to “target, arrest, and wrongfully prosecute” those who protested on January 6.

And now Massaquoi finds himself to be Exhibit A.  Must-read details here...

Here’s today’s link to continually-updated bulletins on the war in Israel from Fox News…

The latest: The Israeli military says they’ve killed about 5,000 Hamas troops and roughly half their mid-level battalion commanders, but the terrorist group’s top leaders, Yahya Sinwar and Mohammed Deif, remain alive (but if I were them, I wouldn’t sign any long-term leases.) The IDF has disrupted Hamas’ ability to act cohesively in Gaza. Their final stronghold is Khan Younis, the second most populated city in Gaza, and the IDF is pressing its advance there.

In a story that will surprise nobody other than those with blinders on and fingers in their ears, IDF forces showed off a huge stockpile of weapons, including large rockets. RPGs, grenades, small arms and other equipment that Hamas had stashed next to a medical clinic. An IDF spokesman said, “All of the terrorist infrastructures were found near civilian buildings in the heart of a civilian population." That is deliberately endangering civilians by using them as human shields, and, to enlighten the President of Turkey, it’s what we call a REAL “war crime.”

Sean Hannity’s Townhall with President Trump

Last night, former President Trump sat down for a townhall in Iowa hosted by Sean Hannity. It’s a shame that so many Trump Derangement Syndrome sufferers refused to watch it, since they get all their impressions of what Trump is like from deeply twisted secondhand reports.

When you see him speak yourself, you start to realize how much of what he says is sarcastic, often hilarious, humor that’s reported by the media as if he’s deadly serious. Like his response to claims he would be a “dictator”: he said he would be for one day when he ordered the border secured and oil producers to “drill, baby, drill.” It’s already being “reported” by leftist outlets that Trump “made serious threats” and admitted he'll be a DICTATOR!!!!

He also said he thinks Biden is in such physical and mental decline that he won’t be the nominee, hinting it would likely be Gavin Newsom. He joked that if he ever took Biden up on his threats to “take him out back of the barn and beat him up,” he would just blow on him and knock him over.

Here are five key moments from the townhall…

And the full show, if you have a cable subscription.

GOP Primary Debate News

Meanwhile, the next GOP primary “debate” airs tonight at 8 EST on NewsNation ( We’re down to four candidates (Haley, DeSantis, Ramaswamy and Christie, who barely qualified at the last minute.) The moderators will be Megyn Kelly, NewsNation anchor Elizabeth Vargas and Washington Free Beacon editor-in-chief Eliana Johnson.

IRS whistleblowers provide more Biden evidence to Ways and Means Committee

On Tuesday, IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler gave closed-door testimony once again to the House Ways and Means Committee, the only committee that can deal with confidential tax info and vote to make it public.

After hearing the testimony, the committee voted to release “56 new pages of evidence showing that then-Vice President Joe Biden used multiple email aliases and private email addresses to communicate with his son’s business associate and main financial architect.”  According to their press release, “The President appears now to not only have had knowledge but also been intimately involved in Hunter Biden’s business dealings.  The material released today further corroborates the previous testimony of IRS agents Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley highlighting the incredible level of access Hunter Biden and his business partners had in Joe Biden’s public office while working for foreign businesses.”

These pages “directly refute previous public statements the President has made that he had no knowledge of his son’s business dealings.”  I’d venture to say that, regardless of whether they’d admit it publicly or not, at this point EVERYONE knows he’s a liar.  That might apply especially to his lying allies in Congress and the “Justice” Department.

Committee Chairman Jason Smith gave the two whistleblowers well-deserved credit for their work through “months of testifying for hours [14 hours] and producing hundreds of pages [1100] of documentation.”  And then it wasn’t over, as they testified publicly before the House Oversight Committee.  The two have been attacked mercilessly --- Ziegler, who is a Democrat and gay, remained anonymous as long as he could --- but their story has never changed and their credibility is intact.  “The same cannot be said for President Biden,” Smith said.

According to Smith, VP Biden “appears to have treated Air Force 2 like a corporate jet, traveling to Ukraine and Mexico, to advance Hunter Biden’s business interests.”  And the documents they saw in Tuesday’s hearing show that “right around the time of the international trips like those to Ukraine, Joe Biden was emailing his son and his son’s business partner from private email accounts and using aliases while Vice President.”

The IRS investigators had put together a document with data on 327 emails showing the VP’s correspondence --- via email aliases --- with “a key Biden business associate,” identified as Eric Schwerin, whom Chairman Smith describes as “the architect of the Biden family shell companies.”  The frequency of “alias” correspondence between Schwerin and Joe Biden “increased dramatically,” Smith said, “during times when Vice President Biden traveled to Ukraine.”  This was during the time Hunter was on the Burisma board.

Materials presented at the hearing show that Kevin Morris’ $2 million “fix” of Hunter’s delinquent tax bill came in February 2020, just weeks before the Super Tuesday Democrat primary election, “in an attempt to clear up one of the single biggest political liabilities of the Biden campaign.”  One email from Morris to a Biden family accountant expresses the need to reconcile Hunter’s tax bill because it posed a “considerable risk both personally and politically.”  So, what would the Federal Election Commission say about this?

The Ways and Means Committee also looked at Joe Biden’s relationship with Hunter’s Chinese associates, specifically CEFC’s Patrick Ho, whose documented role at the company “was to bribe world leaders to advance the company’s interests.”  His conviction in 2018 was for doing that very thing in Uganda and Chad.  The IRS whistleblowers provided documents that showed Mr. Ho gave Hunter $1 million “for legal services that were never provided.”  And when Ho was arrested in 2017 for the aforementioned bribery of African officials, his first call was to the President’s brother, James.

The press release goes into more detail and even has some handy charts with revealing timelines.

Ziegler testified about the mysterious financial relationship between Hunter Biden and Democrat donor Kevin Morris, who paid Hunter $4.9 million for “personal expenses” starting when Joe Biden was running for President.

It was supposedly in the form of a “loan and gift.”  Well, which?

Ziegler said that starting in 2014 with his Burisma income, Hunter “appeared to follow a pattern” of avoiding taxes by falsely claiming his income was a loan to him.  (Recall that the DOJ conveniently let the statute of limitations run out on the 2014-2015 tax years that covered his lucrative time on the Burisma board.)

Later, he tried to claim millions in income from Hudson West III was a loan to him, but his own tax accountants drew the line.  He was following the same pattern in 2020, 2021 and 2022 with the money paid by Morris, a wealthy Hollywood lawyer/producer who has been described as Hunter’s “sugar daddy.”

Morris also paid Hunter’s delinquent tax bill, reportedly approximately $2 million.

As reported by JUST THE NEWS, Ziegler and Shapely “have alleged that the U.S. Justice Department interfered with the investigation and thwarted some of the action they were ready to take based on several leads.”

Morris stepped in at one point to pay $160,000 of Hunter’s delinquent taxes from 2015 because it was “a point of contention” between Hunter and his ex-wife.  Ziegler testified that “Hunter may have been in breach of his marital separation agreement and Hunter’s ex-wife at the time was having an issue renewing her passport due to the delinquent tax debt.”

Here’s the full report from JUST THE NEWS…

The House Oversight Committee has been busy, too, releasing bank records that tell more of the tale.  JUST THE NEWS reports that these offer more evidence, both direct and circumstantial, that Joe and Hunter Biden co-mingled their finances, during Joe’s time “in and out of the White House.”

On Monday, Hunter’s attorney Abbe Lowell pushed back on the story of Joe Biden receiving monthly payments of $1380 a month from Owasco PC, an entity that was receiving Chinese funds paid to Hunter.  Lowell said it was to pay his father back for the use of a Ford Raptor truck that Hunter had been using during a period of financial struggle.  But Lowell, in classic slick-attorney fashion, is sidestepping the issue.  As JUST THE NEWS explains, “Lowell’s explanation for the payments does not address the origin of the funds or about the possible flow of foreign funds between son and father.”

The first payment to Joe was made September 17, 2018, which is also the date of one of the final payments made to Hunter by Hudson West III, a joint financial venture between Hunter and Chinese energy tycoon Ye Jianming.  It was shortly before this payment that Wells Fargo started asking questions about Hunter’s accounts.  “The accounts for Owasco PC and Owasco appear to fund primarily personal expenses --- what is the purpose of the accounts?”

“Payments from Hunter’s business entity to Joe Biden are now part of a pattern revealing Joe Biden knew about, participated in, and benefited from his family’s influence peddling schemes,” Oversight Committee Chair James Comer said in a statement on Monday…

Marjorie Taylor-Greene put it more bluntly on Tuesday, saying of the monthly payments, “Joe Biden claims this was a loan repayment.  Everybody knows what this is.  It is literally the most simple form of money laundering.”

JUST THE NEWS has much more detail about the various transactions and examples of the Bidens’ financial co-mingling, even including the expenses on upkeep of Joe Biden’s lakefront home, which Hunter was paying.

Comer’s report about the monthly payments to Joe Biden was predictably trashed in the media.  MOTHER JONES writer (I won’t call him journalist) and MSNBC “analyst” David Corn swallowed Abbe Lowell’s comment hook, line and sucker and dismissed the payments as “a loan for a truck.”  The WASHINGTON POST also went with the story that Comer had mischaracterized a car loan payment.  CNN, too.  NEW REPUBLIC claimed it was a “huge, hilarious mistake.”

We get the impression that the banks and IRS investigators see this quite differently.


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  • Dave Newbry

    12/06/2023 05:32 PM

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