
Latest News

October 7, 2024

Whenever I see polls showing a virtual tie between Trump and Harris, I’m always stunned at the ability of the mass media to brainwash the public. Anyone old enough to vote has just lived through the best A-B comparison of the diametrically-opposed policies of each candidate and their very different results. Frankly, I think anyone who’d actually prefer four more years like 2022 to four more years like 2018 needs to have his head examined. (I leave out the pandemic era because that was a black swan event from China that I don’t blame on either Administration.)

But let’s say you suffered a severe head injury and can’t remember anything before last Monday. Just the A-B comparison of the two candidates over the past week should be enough to send you rushing to vote for Trump. Consider what we’ve seen:

While Trump was on the ground in Georgia almost immediately after the devastating hurricane, personally delivering needed supplies, meeting with officials and making a deal with Elon Musk to restore Internet communications, Biden was vacationing on the beach as usual while Harris was vacuuming up cash for her campaign back in California.

The federal response to the hurricane was slammed as not only inadequate and incompetent, but for getting in the way of local rescuers and hindering their efforts. We were told that FEMA was short on resources because this Administration had blown so much of its budget on helping illegal aliens. Then that was denied as a false rumor, even though it came straight from the head of Biden’s DHS.

Biden’s spokesperson, Karine Jean-Pierre, called it “categorically false” that FEMA funds were spent on illegal immigrants, which made for a great A-B comparison with her statement from September 2022, when she explained how the Administration was helping local communities deal with all the migrants: “FEMA Regional Administrators have been meeting with city officials on site to coordinate available federal support from FEMA and other federal agencies."

(Note: The Administration claims that this funding came from a different part of FEMA’s budget than disaster relief. So if the money comes out of a different pocket, it doesn’t cost them anything. Government logic at its finest.)

The contrast between the two candidates was also striking when Trump returned to Butler, Pennsylvania, the site where he was shot by a would-be assassin in July. A massive crowd estimated at between 60,000 and 105,000 turned out. Trump opened with one of the greatest lines in history: “As I was saying…”

He spoke for 90 minutes, mixing rousing political rhetoric, policy statements, his trademark humorous ad-libs and a moving tribute to Corey Comperatore, who gave his life shielding his wife and daughters from the shooter’s bullets, and two other supporters who were wounded.

Here’s a round-up of stories on the rally from

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris gave a speech at a rally where her teleprompter malfunctioned, and she just kept repeating the words “32 days” (until the election) over and over with panic in her eyes, like Rosie the robot from “The Jetsons” with a blown fuse.

She also went on what she must’ve assumed would be another friendly outlet, CBS’ “Sixty Minutes,” and gave a virtual word salad bar of an interview that had some critics questioning whether English was her first language.

She looked equally uncomfortable when a North Carolina local gave her an earful about how bad the federal response to the hurricane has been.

Harris’ Twitter (X) account also sparked outrage by posting about how much the suffering of the poor people in Lebanon was on her mind, and how the feds were sending them $170 million in aid – just after offering American hurricane victims 750 bucks.

Harris also decided in the midst of all the hurricane damage, with over 200 people dead, hundreds missing, and countless more who have lost everything and are without homes or power, to go on a sex-oriented podcast called “Call Her Daddy” to promote abortion.

So what outlets are left that will cover for someone who can’t even string a coherent sentence together without a teleprompter? Her campaign has lined up appearances on “The View,” Stephen Colbert and Howard Stern. I’d call that “Babbling to the choir.”

NBC News’ Andrea Mitchell said on “Meet The Press” that Harris needs “to double down on doing more interviews and serious interviews because what I’m hearing from Democratic and Republican business people and a lot of men. She has such a big problem with men. I think there’s an undercount of the Trump vote. I think there’s misogyny in all of this, black and white men, big problem…Also, in the business world, they don’t think she is serious. They don’t think she’s a heavyweight. A lot of this is gender, but she’s got to be more specific about her economic plans.”

No, it’s not gender or “misogyny.” There are any number of women who could attract the votes of men, but they have earned them by being able to give serious interviews, showing their grasp of business and other issues. Harris is in trouble not because she’s a woman but because she has to do more hard-hitting interviews to show off her competence and knowledge, and she’s incapable of that because she has none.

The final disaster (up to now): After all the efforts to distance Harris from Biden’s catastrophic policies, Joe stepped up to the mic and superglued her to them, declaring that “she helped pass all the laws that are being deployed now. She was a major player in everything we've done, including passage of legislation we were told we could never pass. And she's been, and, her staff is interlocked with mine in terms of all the things we're doing.” It’s not clear whether this was just addlepated babbling or deliberate revenge for replacing him.

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