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September 9, 2024

We see it over and over:  What the left accuses Republicans of doing is what they themselves are doing.    Virtually everything they say is an exercise in projection.  Case in point, the Transition “Integrity” Project (we added the quotation marks).

Do you recall TIP, the so-called academic workshop held in June 2020, well before the Trump-Biden election?  It’s deja vu all over again, as they’re dusting off the same strategy proposed at that workshop to keep Trump from taking office in January ‘25 should he win re-election.  And their idea of interfering goes far beyond Trump’s honest questioning of election results and a protest he wanted to see held peacefully and patriotically.

As Mike Benz of the Foundation for Freedom Online explains, the 2020 group was chaired by CIA-credentialed Rosa Brooks from the Obama administration.  TIP was a tabletop simulation of four different scenarios for “how to stop a Trump coup,” attended by what Benz describes as a group of “military, intelligence, political statecraft people whose jobs in the past have been overthrowing foreign countries when they have authoritarian dictators who are holding on to power.”  The professed purpose was to come up with a plan in case Trump lost the election and refused to give up the presidency, as if that really would’ve happened.

Sandwiched among these four scenarios, placed discreetly at number three, is one in which Trump had actually WON the election.  Yes, Simulation #3 was called the “CLEAR TRUMP WIN.”  These sneaky state-crafters were looking at ways to run Trump out of office even if he had won, legitimately, in the Electoral College.  In case you doubt that this study was overtly political, the person leading this simulation was none other than former Hillary campaign manager John Podesta, who now happens to be Biden’s “climate czar” in charge of nearly $400 billion of White House funds.

The goal in Simulation #3, Benz notes, was to prevent Trump’s certification by “invoking a breakdown on January 6.”  He says “they ran a crisis simulator for how they could get their assets, including in left-wing street-muscle paramilitary groups” such as Black Lives Matter and Antifa, to be “receptive to a Biden call to take to the streets, to shut down the country, to basically terrorize the country…”  This would even progress to having states threaten to secede from the Union.

If Trump were to win the Electoral College vote but refuse to accept the popular vote, the Biden campaign would demand concessions, notably statehood for DC and Puerto Rico and a division of California to create more Senate seats.

They even came up with what they called a “breakaway American region” --- giving it a fictional name, “Cascadia” --- consisting of California, Oregon and Washington State, with the idea that the whole West Coast could threaten to secede if (duly-elected) Trump were allowed to remain President.  They would call for the dissolution of the Electoral College and demand that popular vote, from then on, be used to determine election outcomes.

Of course, this would invoke a Constitutional crisis, and “they would have run [Trump] out of office, color-revolution-style,” in order to stop the threat of destabilization supposedly caused by his re-election.

One reason such a workshop was held, Benz points out, was to provide an “academic, journalistic predicate” to this type of action, “to be able to give gravitas [and] institutional support to this technique should they need to use it.”  You and I know this is Third-World, banana republic stuff, but they would be slapping a veneer of legitimacy on it.

So, that was 2020.  But they’re apparently already cracking open the same playbook; according to Mike Benz, Rosa Brooks and her same group conducted a similar exercise earlier this year.  Benz sees this as no accident, saying they’re doing just what they did before.  In his words, they’re “laying a predicate for extra-constitutional action.”

There’s some confusion, though, that we’d like to see Benz address.  Something called the “2024 Transition Integrity Project” is out there, but it’s from a VERY different group, launched by Mike Howell of the Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project.  They conducted a workshop this spring, and their report reads like the kind of objective exercise that should’ve been done in 2020 --- and would’ve been if that one hadn’t been run by nutty anti-Trumpers.  This new one is actually useful.

For when you have time --- it’s 66 pages --- their full report is an excellent read.

But to say the original 2020 Transition “Integrity” Project had anything to do with integrity is like saying Orwell’s Ministry of Truth is about telling the truth or his Ministry of Peace is about keeping the peace.  In order to stop what they call Trump’s threat to democracy and stay in power themselves, they’d gladly turn us into a banana republic-style country with Kamala Harris nominally in control.

Our thought that the original Transition “Integrity” Project is primarily an exercise in projection is shared by Cornel Law Professor William Jacobson, who calls their claims that Trump would incite violence “psychiatric-level projection” and notes that left-wing radicals rioted during Trump’s inauguration in 2017.

There’s more on this group at the link below, and it’s a must-read to see what we might be dealing with this time around.  Not surprisingly, they’re united by opposition to President Trump and a desire to scrap the Electoral College, which they describe as “profoundly anti-democratic.”  They’d love nothing better than for the radical West Coast to drag our entire country so far to the left that it falls off the map.  In fact, none of their scenarios include even the possibility of Trump winning the popular vote, only the electoral.

You’ll see more about Rosa Brooks here, along with John Podesta and the other usual suspects.  “Republicans” include rabid anti-Trumpers Bill Kristol and Michael Steele.  Brooks happens to be on the advisory board for George Soros’ Open Society Foundation, and at the Open Society Institute in New York, she has also served as special counsel to their president.  That should give you a good idea of who’s funding this.

For when you have time, here’s the full 22-page report (thanks, Judicial Watch!) from the original TIP workshop.  If you want an idea of what they might be cooking up, you’ll find it in here.

Tell us again, WHO’S the real threat to democracy?

Of course, much more has been going on to interfere with a free and fair election.  Last week, we told you about the DOJ’s new/old “Russia Russia Russia” push and postulated that it was a pretense for censoring virtually ALL pro-Trump posts online.  On his Friday podcast, Dan Bongino warned of the same thing:

“The press conference [Thursday] claiming Russia’s interfering with the election, trying to help Donald Trump, is clearly a plot to tar conservative voices in anticipation of the election...This is obviously a plot before the election to get you to distrust conservative voices…”

“The liberals needed something prior to an election, because they’re losing,” he said.  (He noted that this was right after Trump’s superb job on last week’s HANNITY townhall, but we think this plan has been long in the works, just in case.).  “They need a Russia Hoax so that everyone can respond to a conservative on Twitter and say what, folks?  You guessed it: “Oh, are you paid by Russia, too?”

“Are people working with the feds right now to try to ensnare other conservative influencers into this...alleged operation?” he wonders, warning, “Be very careful who you’re emailing...and be very careful you’re not talking to someone with the feds on the other end of the line.”  Apparently, they’re looking specifically for pro-Trump messages to see if they can somehow tie them to Russia Russia Russia.

Remember Andrew Weissmann, big-time Russia Hoaxer and special counsel Robert Mueller’s second-in-command?  Bongino notes that Weissmann was hypothesizing about why the two founders of what they’re alleging is a “Russian front” company were not charged by the DOJ, only two lower-level employees (who didn’t even know the money was coming from Russia).  Weissman said his suspicion was that “the founders were charged a while ago, under seal, and flipped; i.e., are cooperating with the [U.S. government}.”  This tweet seems, to Bongino, to be an unwitting acknowledgement that this whole thing was probably a federal op the whole time.  So be careful you’re not being taken in by one of these.

“I would not be the least bit surprised,” he said, “if this entire thing was, in fact, started by the federal government in an effort to rope in conservatives, not an investigation that caught conservatives.”

As for Russia’s actual involvement, Bongino doesn’t think Putin even cares who wins.  Whoever does win, Putin’s objective is to sow chaos, and he is going to get it.  This man is a former head of the KGB; he wants the UNITED STATES to lose, regardless of who’s in office.  (Do you doubt this?  Then why wouldn’t Putin have helped Trump by admitting the Hunter laptop was NOT “Russian disinformation.”  It makes no sense.)

Here’s Friday’s Bongino podcast.  The discussion starts about 5 minutes in.

Keep listening, and he’ll talk about Democrats starting to sow doubt about election machine integrity (!), now that they’re scared senseless of a Trump win.  Which brings our discussion full circle, right back to “transition integrity”…

Finally, in keeping with our theme of “for this election, get ready for anything,” Kash Patel, Trump’s former director of national intelligence, believes Kamala Harris might be installed as President before Election Day, as an “October Surprise.”  His thought is that Biden might choose to secure legal protection for his family in exchange for leaving office early, making Kamala (technically) the incumbent and giving her a political boost.

“I think it’s in the works,” he said.  Patel thinks the agreement would be that, once the election was over and she became President, she would pardon Hunter and the entire family, including President Biden, as Patel says presidential pardons are “prospective.”  (They are??)

There’s one major flaw in this plan.  What if Trump wins?

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