
Latest News

August 26, 2021

In a 4-3 ruling, with the three liberal Justices opposed, the Supreme Court upheld a lower court’s order to the Biden Administration to reinstate the Trump “Remain in Mexico” policy, requiring asylum seekers to stay on the other side of the border while their applications are considered. Border states sued, arguing that Biden’s move had brought back “catch and release” inside the US and spurred a massive wave of illegal immigration that endangers their citizens’ health, safety and security.

Biden’s laughably-named “Department of Homeland Security” expressed disagreement with the ruling, saying, "DHS has appealed the district court’s order and will continue to vigorously challenge it. As the appeal process continues, however, DHS will comply with the order in good faith.”

That would be a refreshing change, to see the Biden Administration actually complying with a Supreme Court order. FYI, the appeals process normally ends when the Supreme Court rules against you.

In the meantime, if the DHS actually has any real interest in homeland security, they might ponder on whether there are any negative ramifications to the current policies of having an open border, releasing illegal border crossers inside the US, and encouraging America-hating jihadists all over the world by surrendering to the Taliban.

In a related story: If you forgot about the massive security problem represented by our porous border, that’s not by accident. Even though the illegal immigration crisis is worse than it’s ever been, the Biden lapdog media have been doing their best to wish it away by simply ignoring it. Newsbusters reports that coverage of the issue on the Big Three networks’ nightly newscasts has dropped by 96% since March, even as the crisis worsened.

The good news is that viewers are figuring out that they can’t rely on these sources to tell them the truth about what really matters, and they’re tuning out in droves.

In Sunday’s cable news ratings, normally a big day for news networks, Fox News had 16 of the top 17 shows, with CNN’s highest place being “CNN Newsroom” at #15. MSNBC didn’t place a single show in the top 30. It’s no wonder, considering the jaw-dropping ways they are trying to ignore, spin, rationalize or blame Trump for Afghanistan.

The article linked above includes a screenshot of a recent MSNBC web homepage that doesn’t mention Afghanistan at all. The big story isn't about American lives being in jeopardy but the host of “Jeopardy!” stepping down over some offensive jokes he made years ago.

I assume people who want to avoid offensive jokes are no longer watching MSNBC.

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  • Betty Myers McDaniel

    08/29/2021 02:43 PM

    What about finishing the wall? Has Biden completely ignored that"