
Latest News

April 10, 2021

Good evening! Today's Evening Edition includes:

  • Daily Bible Verse
  • "Huckabee" Preview
  • Welcome news
  • Biden's Border Czar is already stepping down
  • Fun With Juxtapositioning
  • Congratulations are in order
  • Reader Writes...
  • America The Beautiful


Mike Huckabee


"Huckabee" Preview

By Mike Huckabee

Join me tonight for a terrific new episode of “Huckabee” on TBN. I’ll talk with a man who’s at the center of one of the biggest stories in the news, Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp. Author and columnist Gordon Chang will fill us in on the rising tensions with China. We’ll also have plenty of great entertainment, including laughs from comedian Chad Thornsberry and some crazy news “In Case You Missed It.” Country and gospel superstar Gordon Mote will sit in with the Music City Connection all night, then perform with his wife Kimberly. And since Keith Bilbrey has to be away this week, we have a surprise fill-in announcer who’s a country music legend.

We get the show on the road tonight at 8 and 11 EST, 7 and 10 CST, and Sunday at 9 EST/8 CST, on TBN. To find out how you can watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, and extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests, all at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.

Welcome news

By Mike Huckabee

The Supreme Court struck down California’s outrageously unconstitutional ban on in-home Bible studies and other religious gatherings. Yes, under the guise of “public health,” the state actually banned people from gathering to pray in their own homes.

But as writer Bonchie at rightly points out, the horrifying part about this SCOTUS decision is that it wasn’t unanimous. It was 5-4, and guess who joined the three liberals in backing California’s power to trample on First Amendment religious freedom protections? That’s right, Chief.

Biden's Border Czar is already stepping down

By Mike Huckabee

President Biden’s “Border Czar,” Roberta Jacobson, is already stepping down from the job she assumed only a few months ago.

The White House insists this has nothing to do with the fact that Biden’s perverse policies have turned the border into a chaotic, lawless, overcrowded humanitarian and security disaster, to put it mildly. Jacobson issued a statement claiming that the Administration will continue “to drive toward the architecture that the President has laid out: an immigration system that is humane, orderly and safe. I leave optimistically. The policy direction is so clearly right for our country.”

Really? I’d say he’s “driving toward the architecture” of our immigration system in the same way that an elderly man who should no longer be behind the wheel plows through the architecture of a 7-11.

Jacobson also claims she always intended to stay in this job for only 100 days. Since Vice President Kamala Harris is now supposed to be in charge of overseeing the border, let’s see if she can manage to go more than 100 days without ever visiting there at all.

PS – It seems that 275 sheriffs along the border don’t agree that Biden’s policies are making the border “humane, orderly and safe.” Some of the words they used to describe the situation in an emergency letter to Biden include “illegal immigration,” “transnational gangs,” “guns,” “dangerous drugs,” “human trafficking,” “sanctioning lawlessness” and “victimization of the people of the United States.”

The good news: Biden is acting to get rid of the guns. Except he wants to take them away from the people of the United States.

Fun With Juxtapositioning

By Mike Huckabee

Here’s our new “Climate Czar” John Kerry erroneously predicting in 2009 that by the summer of 2013, the Arctic would be completely ice-free due to catastrophic global warming.

And here’s Kerry today, jetting off to a climate meeting in Asia to lecture us about the dangers of emitting CO2 while his family was taking a ski vacation from Boston to Idaho in a private jet that spews 40 times more CO2 per passenger than flying commercial.

Well, maybe he’s just trying to help make sure that first prediction in 2009 finally comes true.

Incidentally, be sure to click the first link to check out the great cartoon and the list of all the erroneous apocalyptic predictions from the “The Science Is Settled!” crowd.

Congratulations are in order

By Mike Huckabee

Congratulations to Greg Gutfeld, who just launched the only nightly conservative comedy/talk show. His opening night scored more viewers than Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert, and came in a very close second to Colbert for its debut week.

Why, it’s almost as if there’s a giant, underserved audience that doesn’t want every talk and entertainment show to be nothing but snide insults to conservatives and lectures about Democrat talking points. Whoever would’ve guessed that?

PS – Be sure to watch “Huckabee” tonight on TBN!

A Reader Writes Back...

Like the reader attached to this email... I’m worried about our future as well as my grandchildren’s. I always shake my head and wonder why we Republicans can’t get our act together. Why reactive and not proactive. Having a great plan ahead of time. Health insurance as an example. How do we gets kids today to see where we are headed without these good plans. I want courageous people in leadership. Am I expecting too much?? Thanks for your daily messages of hope. So appreciate you and yours.

America The Beautiful

(This is a repeat.  We will have a new park image tomorrow)

God's creation is all around us. To learn more about Kobuk Valley National Park, visit its website here.

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Comments 1-19 of 19

  • Ray Treacy

    04/12/2021 06:22 PM

    Mike,Took me a while to catch on but I figured out why we can’t secure our own borders. It isn’t because we can’t do it or don’t have the capabilities, it is because we don’t want to do it. Biden didn’t change the laws for those seeking asylum the problem is too much corruption on both sides of the border. It’s that simple. We are not enforcing existing laws.

  • Judy Radley

    04/12/2021 11:58 AM

    Here is truth explained between two brothers of the same family, mine. One has a Master's Degree in Theology, the other has a Master's Degree in Biology, and this is about one debate they had between them recently, one brother stated, "my science has been proven for 100 years," and the other said, " yes, but mine has been proven for 5000 years, and is still being proven today".

    The one who has the longer lasting answer is my brother who is currently a pastor of a small community church, and who also has about 500 viewers of his Sunday worship service's streaming, in addition to his in-person worship services, and at least 50 viewers who stream his daily devotionals every day, 7 days a week. So I say, 'the science is settled' that God IS most powerful over anything science can try and convince that it is the only thing that can prove facts. Science is truly just theory with maybe some numbers to show statistics, but you know that saying, 'statistics are created by liars to try to prove false data over factual data'.

    So the two brothers in my personal true story each have proof that their facts are proven, but the only difference is one has unseen proof that has visible proof to back up the facts, and the other one has only visible proof, but NO unseen proof to back it up, well, actually, manufactured visual proof that is manipulated for political narratives to fools. The other has more proof which is visual, physical, emotional, written by God's actual hand in the tablets of the 10 Commandments, and when that didn't work, His love for us is so much that He gave His only Son to save us from ourselves, and THAT is STILL living today. Whereas scientific proof is limited to its application, once science has cured or fixed something with certain conditions, then its done. Where God's love for us, His Children, is continuous forever and unconditional.

  • Sharon Faulkner

    04/11/2021 08:30 PM

    I think the Left, Democrats and Rinos are right when they say that sex isn't determined at birth -- after all, they were born without a pair !!

  • Philomena zitzer

    04/11/2021 06:47 PM

    Just wondering why the border states don’t have the right to protect their own state lines. Why can’t they implement plans to individually protect their borders? Also, there HAS TO BE SOMETHING THAT BIDEN IS DOING THAT IS IMPEACHABLE! He is putting our country in danger!

  • Joyce F Birch

    04/11/2021 04:02 PM

    I enjoyed your show last night, great entertainment. I just love your opening remarks. I wish Greg Gutfeld all the best with his show.
    Thanks again for another great newsletter.

  • George Trever

    04/11/2021 11:32 AM

    Should ask Kerry how is it that the atmospheric concentration of CO2 was five times that of present day during the last ice age (per ice core analysis.) If CO2 only accounts for 6% warming, then how is it that water vapor accounting for 94% warming is not the focus of Climate Change. Here is New Mexico, we are doing our part for not having much water vapor to keep every one else warm.
    Good technical reading is: Bruce C. Bunker, PhD, "The Mythology of Global Warming," Nov 2018. If possible, it would be great to have him interviewed on your program and FOX. Need to educate the public about the Global warming hoax and focus on the causes of earth rotation movement and solar radiance variations. You will notice that no one ever mentions these two factors; maybe it is Nature that having a good joke on the Democrats.

  • Stephen Russell

    04/11/2021 11:29 AM

    Rules for Radicals: apply same to Dems as they do US
    United we can
    Use every means Legal to win
    Or we lose
    2022 ahead.

  • William Fuhrer

    04/11/2021 10:54 AM

    Oprah once upon a time thought that Donald Trump would make a GREAT President then Donald Trump that Barrack Obama was born in Africa and everything changed instead of what he was proposing socialist media easily got the Blacks to believe he was an extreme racist. If different persons in political positions would have worked like great people should have and protected the cities that they were paid to protect and protect the vunerable the United States would be in a much better state than it is

  • Jerry

    04/11/2021 09:39 AM

    The fact Biden and Harris are not being removed from office should alarm every freedom loving person on the planet and if the communist controlled people could understand freedom they would be also. Like a woman scorned the chances of recovery is slow if at all most Americans will get to feel that misery if Biden and Harris are not removed from office. The peeling of Freedoms layers in America are happening faster than people know and the layers are being replaced with layers of Government control. Every American that loves its freedoms have to stop the peeling away the freedoms they love every American has to do its part for children and grand children sake Yes its that close to losing the second most precious possession we have freedom and the first is to have One God before us.

  • Stephen Russell

    04/11/2021 09:29 AM

    Fight Fire with Fire:
    Time we USE Saul Alinskys book on the Dems
    See Dan Boginio on Watters World 4-10 show, FNC
    Apply nationwide
    ALL conservative groups
    Tactics from book
    Make= or Nothing changes
    One of the tenets in book is Money & People are Power

  • Douglas Noel

    04/11/2021 08:19 AM

    It seems abundantly clear that Kamala Harris took the job with the expectation that she would receive all of the benefits and not have to do any of the work except talk. Her non-actions are evident that she is not capable of doing even the job of the vice-president and verifies the actions of the voters that she lost her effort to every job prior to this appointment. Biden's expectation that his assignment of her to this position may be logical in that it is what a real vice-president should be capable of doing, however it is abundantly clear he was deluded in so thinking.

  • Jerry

    04/11/2021 08:09 AM

    Biden and Obama are all about terrorist and unsettling behavior look at the Iran deal funding a terrorist nation to help create terror in the Middle East today Biden is creating a huge fund for the Mexican Cartels operating expenses to smuggle people, drugs, gang members, and Cartel members. all while abusing young women sexually into the US while gaining enormous amounts of money; the sex abuse is just one of Bidens issues as he continues his war on women. Biden is really a scumbag advertised as a nice man he IS nothing more than a thug in a powerful position nothing more than a Mexican cartel leader a disgraceful human being brought and bought to America the gift the CCP gave to America that keeps on giving.


    04/11/2021 07:34 AM

    Mike. I love your Daily newsletters and appreciate your time and efforts in reporting on the real conservative rational view of the world. I thought you might also like to hear some beautiful gospel music written and sung by a 70 year old woman who's faith and music is her whole life - because money is not something she has. We just put up a youtube channel for her and the 35+ songs she has written. Hope you get a chance to take a look. Judy Corrette's Gospel Music Thank you for all you do. Keep up the good work!

  • Jerry

    04/10/2021 11:48 PM

    The Biden administration neglect to prosecute violence lawlessness is designed to destroy civil society the msm is aiding in this process the corporations are heavily involved in the process all involved are paving the way to a communist environment the corporations goes along with the unrest to appease the CCP without the blessings of the CCP corporations will not be able to sell or operate in China watch all corporations that work against Georgia new voting laws these are the ones working for the CCP

  • Carl T Smith

    04/10/2021 10:33 PM

    Actually, Anyone who stays with the biden puppet show past 100 days is Totally Delusional. The alternative is Indoctrinated morons or just plain dumb!

  • Floyd A Unger

    04/10/2021 10:11 PM

    Thank r

  • Eveline M Garrison

    04/10/2021 08:58 PM

    This question has nothing to do with your news letter but I hoping you can enlighten me. I keep getting request from senators and congressmen for donations to help them fight legislation such as the "for the people act". Why do they need money from me to do this? Isn't this what they are paid to do? What exactly are they doing with this money?

  • Sylvia Sawyer Sebelist

    04/10/2021 08:31 PM

    I took time to read most of it after doing your survey iappreciate wht you Thanks

  • James Drury Jr

    04/10/2021 08:15 PM

    Thanks Mike & Staff!