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February 11, 2021
- February 12, 2021

“The Party of Science!” Part 1

While President Biden expects Americans to remain huddled in their homes indefinitely to avoid spreading the coronavirus, he’s ending construction of the border wall and also doing away with President Trump’s border security measures that keep asylum seekers outside the US while their cases are being considered. He’s going back to the disastrous Obama-era “catch and release” (inside the US) program, except with one big difference: these days, all those Central American migrants who will be streaming across the border and getting released into the US if they are caught just might be carrying COVID-19.

Understandably, this has border towns rather worried about their people’s health (not to mention Biden’s mental health.) They still don’t have enough vaccines for their own people, and they may soon be inundated with migrants who may be carrying the virus, or at the very least, aren’t vaccinated and could catch it and need medical care, or spread it.

Maybe if we’re lucky, they’ll be carrying that special strain of COVID that BLM protesters have, the one that doesn’t spread as long as they’re doing something Democrats approve of.

“The Party of Science!” Part 2

In his zeal to undo everything the eeeeeevil Trump did, no matter how much it helped Americans, President Biden canceled the Keystone Pipeline project. This angered Canada, will kill up to 11,000 union jobs, and could lead to higher fuel prices for everyone.

But since he did it to appease the Democrats’ environmental lobby, then all that pain must be worth it to halt the damage the pipeline would have caused to the environment, right? After all, his campaign website claims that he will get the US to a 100% clean energy economy with net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, and this must be part of it. Well, about that

The oil still has to get from Canada to the refineries on the Gulf Coast somehow, and if it doesn’t flow through a pipe, it will have to be transported by train. According to an analysis by the group Energy Equipment & Infrastructure Alliance, moving the same amount of oil that the pipeline would have moved will take 645 loaded tank cars a day moved by diesel trains, which will then have to return to Canada to be reloaded.

That will require burning 136 million gallons of diesel fuel a year, which will churn out over 1.5 million tons of CO2, the equivalent of adding about 490,000 new cars to the roads. That’s all a net CO2 addition, because the Pipeline would have generated no CO2 emissions.

This doesn’t even take into account the added risk to the environment from leaks and train derailments. Moving it by truck or ship would be even riskier. Maybe John Kerry could take the oil with him on his many private jet trips.

So killing the Pipeline not only angers Canada, throws Americans out of work and makes fuel more expensive, it will also be considerably worse for the environment and contribute heavily to the alleged “climate crisis” that Biden claims is his #1 priority.

That leaves only one reason for doing this, unless it’s payback to Warren Buffett, who profits off of trains: it’s the opposite of what Trump did, so it must be good, right? In fact, his radical environmentalist supporters think it’s only a start; they want to shut down all oil pipelines to “save the environment.”


If there are any responsible adults still remaining in the high levels of the Democratic Party, they need to intervene and take Biden’s executive order pen away from him, the same way families sometimes have to admit that it’s time to take grandpa’s car keys away before he hurts any more people

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  • Joanne Balice

    02/12/2021 07:55 PM

    He's closing the border of Florida, but opening the border to all the illegals coming in. Just when you thought they couldn't get any dumber, they prove you wrong.

  • Linda Green

    02/12/2021 03:22 AM

    Absolutely right!!