
Latest News

June 27, 2022

Now that I’ve covered all the screaming people who don’t understand what this ruling means in depth, here are some stories about what it actually does mean. First of all, it doesn’t mean that the Court is about to overturn same-sex marriage or legal contraceptives. The decision authored by Justice Alito makes it clear that this applies only to abortion and Roe and Casey. Here’s what it means and why even liberals like Ruth Bader Ginsburg always knew it was a badly-flawed ruling.

And if Democrats really think Republicans want to take away contraceptives, why have Democrats repeatedly blocked Republican efforts to make oral contraceptives available over-the-counter, so they’ll be easier to obtain and cheaper?

President Biden’s claim that the ruling makes the US an “outlier” among nations when it comes to allowing abortion is, like most things he says, nonsense. In fact, most nations have abortion laws more restrictive even than some red states. This actually moves us away from extremes like China and North Korea and more toward the abortion laws in Europe.

As I’ve been telling people for years, this doesn’t mean abortion is now illegal nationwide. It means it’s up to the states to decide. Some states already had laws restricting abortion ready to go that would be triggered if Roe was overturned, and the first to take effect was in Missouri.

But 12 other states had similar trigger laws, and up to 26 are considered “certain or likely” to ban abortion to at least some extent. Other states will no doubt legalize abortion up to the moment of birth. California Gov. Gavin Newsom wants to make his state an “abortion destination,” surely the sickest appeal to tourism this side of package tours of Vlad the Impaler’s castle. I pray that once the hysteria calms down that people in those states will change their hearts and minds and realize what a horrific stand they’re chosen to take.

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