
Latest News

October 9, 2024

One of the current scare stories being told by the Democrats is that Georgia’s pro-life laws prevented a young woman from receiving surgical care after a miscarriage and caused her death. That’s false: No pro-life laws criminalize miscarriages or ban medical care for them, and that poor woman actually suffered a severe infection after taking the abortion pill and was scheduled for the surgery, but it was too late.

In fact, it’s the abortion proponents who, in their zeal to eliminate any impediments to abortion, are endangering women’s health by hiding the possible serious side effects of abortion drugs. But maybe the truth will finally start to become known, now that a group of 10 scientists from the Charlotte Lozier Institute have filed a lawsuit against Sage Publishing.

Just The News reports that the scientists claim the academic journal retracted and removed articles and studies about the potential dangers of the abortion pill in 2021 and 2022, just before the Supreme Court heard arguments about allowing the abortion pill without a doctor’s prescription. This prevented the Court from seeing their research. The plaintiffs say that this not only harmed their reputations, it blatantly placed politics over science and publication ethics. Not to mention women’s health care – which, ironically, is one of the left’s fuzzy euphemisms for “abortion.”

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