
Latest News

October 28, 2024

Every year around this time, we start hearing about the left’s War On Christmas, with the banning of terms like “Merry Christmas,” or even the word Christmas itself. Then, regular as clockwork, we get the smirking denials from the left that a “War on Christmas” exists. Like their denials of Biden’s cognitive issues and the endless failures of their economic policies, their certainty is impervious to all evidence. Latest case in point…

The Neiman-Marcus Christmas catalog, with its opulent gifts for the well-to-do, has become a Christmas tradition that always sparks fun conversations. But after 98 years, it is suddenly no longer called the “Christmas Book.” It’s now titled “A Neiman’s Fantasy,” and the generic cover shows a fashion model with no images suggestive of Christmas time. They’re referring to it as the “Holiday Book,” but it features no references to any holiday. Astoundingly, the company declared the change to be, “in the spirit of inclusivity as it welcomes customers of all backgrounds, religions and traditions to celebrate the season.”

What season? Yes, nothing screams “inclusivity” like erasing one of the most important holidays of Christians.

Many longtime Neiman-Marcus employees are furious over the change. This is what they feared would happen when the Dallas retailer was taken over by a new corporate owner. The CEO, Geoffroy van Raemdonck, announced last year that five percent of the workforce would be cut. One anonymous worker told the Daily Mail that if the CEO and his team “put as much time into running the business as they did on expressing viewpoints about DEI, we would be buying Saks or launching an IPO. Instead, my job is at risk because of our business failure.” Another said, “The book didn't need a name change. Personal opinions about inclusion - from Geoffroy and his leadership team - changed this.”  

Neiman-Marcus may be the next company to learn the hard way the lesson of “Get woke, go broke.” But of course, they'll deny it's because they joined the War On Christmas. That doesn’t exist.

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