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March 2, 2022

This is an interesting article by Tom McTague in the Atlantic, about how Western nations are rallying to support Ukraine and its courageous President Zelensky without actually getting into the fighting themselves.

He makes the point that Zelensky has suddenly come to embody many old-fashioned Western virtues reminiscent of great men of the last century like Winston Churchill: those who were willing to stand and fight against impossible odds for their country and their independence.

For too long in America and other Western nations, we’ve allowed these traits that should be celebrated to be denigrated and for heroes like Churchill to be maligned and “canceled.” Now that we’re seeing one rise in front of our very eyes, people worldwide are rallying to support him. They can see the truth about what’s good and right when it’s not at a distance and being obscured by lies and propaganda. It’s as if nobody needs an old-fashioned hero – until we need one. This has prompted some commentators to ask how we can expect our leaders to fight for traditional Western and American values when they don’t even believe in them themselves anymore.

Of course, this is the Atlantic, so McTeague gets some things wrong due to political bias (for instance, it’s idiotic to claim that the “Trump view of the world” is that China and Russia are no worse or better than the United States. If any politician of recent years believed in American exceptionalism and calling out bad guys on the international stage, it was Trump, and he was roundly attacked for it.) But if you’d like some food for thought, this is at least a good appetizer.

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