
Latest News

April 29, 2021

Well over a month after being appointed to fix the mess President Biden created at the border, Vice President Kamala Harris has yet to even visit a border state. But yesterday, the White House announced that in June (!), she would visit Guatemala, to look into the “root causes” of why so many people from Central America want to come to the USA. Before leaving on her trip, I assume she also plans to reinvent the wheel.

While I certainly hope she can solve the baffling mystery of why people would rather live in the US than in Guatemala, officials in states that are currently dealing with the Biden Border Blunders aren’t buying her excuses for not coming to the actual site of the problem. For instance, one Texas lawmaker blasted her “excuse” of not coming to Texas because of COVID, when she’s “been jet-setting around this country, going to all the different blue states, talking about this infrastructure plan and everything else.”

If I might point out another reason why that’s a phony excuse: she’s been vaccinated for months!

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  • Clifford K Graham II

    04/29/2021 04:37 PM

    Well, the USA is such a horrible racist place to live that non-caucasians walk hundreds of miles and sneak in illegally.