
Latest News

September 29, 2021

I was devastated to learn of the death of Devorah Sklar, a dear friend not just to me, but our entire family. Devorah fought a valiant battle against COVID in a lengthy hospital stay. On a couple of occasions when doctors had communicated that she wouldn’t make it through the night, she did. Ultimately, her earthly battle was lost, but her heavenly home was ready.

Devorah and her husband Maurice have been a vital part of our trips to Israel and the Mediterranean for several years. Maurice is a Julliard trained virtuoso violinist, whose worshipful renderings on the violin were so powerful a part of our journeys to the Bible Lands that I told Maurice that if he didn’t go on our trips, I wouldn’t either. Devorah was much more than his wife and companion. She coordinated the performances and made sure the sound was carefully prepared. She handled his bookings, sale of his vast offerings of recorded music, and served as manager, producer, and coordinator. But above all, she was a beautiful human being, who had a great sense of humor, a profound love of Jesus and loving respect for all people.

There have been countless hours spent with Devorah and Maurice on our many trips across the globe. They have become cherished friends with whom I have loved sharing great stories, delightful meals, and genuine Christian fellowship.

I’m heartbroken. Devorah was so full of life and spirit and joy! I cannot even fathom how much I will miss all of those things from her! Pray for Maurice especially. Surround him with prayers and affirmation.

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  • Eric Cartman

    10/19/2021 02:20 AM

    Maybe if she had posted less antivaxx-memes on social media and instead get vaccinated she would still be alive. I'm pretty sure she did not go to heaven and went straight to hell.

  • Gayle Bolton

    10/01/2021 07:24 AM

    My deepest condolences to Maurice to the passing of his wife. Like so many behind the scenes that make the magic happen, I was not aware of her, but on day one as I sat on the southern steps of the temple and heard Maurice play Exodus..... I have not been the same person since. Please let Maurice know that he and his wife, as a team, were touching lives. Since that trip I went from strictly having a Sunday school understanding to someone who reads, prays and grows in my faith daily. Right after Maurice played Exodus, I shared with Janet that my great uncle, Dr Samuel (Peck) Royall Norris, had delivered Pat Boone in Jacksonville Florida. I was equally bold over to meet Pat Boone at dinner that evening. You see, Maurice kicked off my God story, and now sadly today I learn that his wife, who I didn’t know, had a huge hand in it too..... but God knew! Please give Maurice and his family my sincerest condolences. Thank all of you for the impact you had on me!

  • Jann Bowman

    09/30/2021 01:23 PM

    I’m so sorry for your loss.