
Latest News

February 20, 2025

Tuesday, President Trump released three more executive orders that are going to have his critics’ heads exploding like watermelons at a Gallagher show.

The first order aims to make in-vitro fertilization more affordable. This was another campaign promise he’s making good on, despite Democrats’ claims that he would ban in-vitro fertilization because his pro-life supporters have serious objections. You can read more here about the order and the objections:

The other two orders are Hulk-like blows to the Deep State. One imposes “radical transparency” on all government agencies and departments, requiring them to “disclose details about terminated programs, cancelled contracts, and discontinued grants to the fullest extent allowed by law.” Trump said the American people have a right to know how Washington is spending (or wasting) their tax money.

But the third order is the biggest bombshell. It wipes out 90 years of bad precedent and fundamentally changes the executive branch by ending all the “so-called independent” boards, commissions and agencies that have been making decisions and regulations with the force of law despite having no input from elected officials. The only exempted agency is the Federal Reserve.

The heads of these agencies will have to establish a liaison with the White House, which will provide interpretations of the law, so that “rogue agencies” like the EPA can’t “interpret” laws to mean whatever they want that furthers their staffers’ personal political agendas.

Democrats and the media (but we repeat ourselves) will no doubt scream that this is an unconstitutional power grab by the President. But in fact, it’s a return of power to the people.

We can’t think of anything more appalling to the Framers of the Constitution than the idea of a bunch of federal plutocrats, unelected and unaccountable to the voters, making regulations with the force of law without the consent of any elected representatives of the people. That’s not democracy, it’s monarchy. They literally fought a war to rid us of that system.

Trump’s EO doesn’t just reestablish the Constitutional limits on government power, it also reaffirms our side’s win in the American Revolution.

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