
Latest News

January 22, 2022

Tristan Justice at The Federalist confirms what many of us have suspected from the start: Nancy Pelosi’s (highly) Select Committee on January 6th isn’t seriously interested in getting to the truth about the January 6th Capitol riot, but in abusing power to target and harass political opponents and rifle through people’s private communications as part of a fishing expedition for anything they can smear Trump with.

As Justice points out, the Committee has issued 84 subpoenas, but only 8 (fewer than 10%) are to groups or individuals with any connection to the Capitol riot. One is for an Arizona Republican who was nowhere near Washington at the time, but he runs a PAC that’s working to unseat Committee member Liz Cheney. No suspicious conflict of interest there!

Meanwhile, one person who unquestionably bears responsibility for the riot is Pelosi herself, who rejected activating the National Guard to provide security SIX times. But she’s not being investigated. The former Capitol Police Chief said Pelosi’s rejection of proper security fails to fall under the category of “facts and circumstances around January 6th.” Question: is he one of the authorities who cleared the cop who killed Ashli Babbitt without even interviewing him?

And speaking of this committee’s abuses of power, Glenn Greenwald details how they colluded with JP Morgan and its lawyer (former Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch) to obtain a private citizen’s financial records without the protection of judicial review.

Greenwald writes that the Committee has been “secretly obtaining private information about American citizens en masse: telephone records, email logs, internet and browsing history, and banking transactions. And it has done so without any limitations or safeguards: no judicial oversight, no need for warrants, no legal limitations of any kind.” They have also been “purposely attempting to prevent citizens who are the targets of their investigative orders to have any opportunity to contest the legality of this behavior in court.”

As added context, Greenwald explains how this is something that the Supreme Court barred Congress from doing in the 1950s, when they found that the House Un-American Activities Committee was conducting a separate, parallel criminal investigation unrelated to its mission, and trying to uncover political crimes committed by private citizens.

This is one of many, many reasons why I’m counting the minutes until November, when I hope that Republicans take over Congress in large numbers and literally “clean House.” That hosing out of the stables should include a thorough investigation of these corrupt “investigators.”

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  • Joseph Pagano Jr

    01/26/2022 12:37 AM

    Pelosi is a political criminal. She is a bottom of the barrel communist with no human value as a creature on this planet.

  • Linda Varney

    01/23/2022 01:56 PM

    In Britain we know she’s out to get trump,we have the same problem with starmer the labour leader ,who will lie and cheat to try and oust our boris