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October 14, 2024

The BREITBART headline captured it well:  “Kamala Harris posed for second VOGUE cover as Hurricane Helene destruction and death toll mounts.”

Where did anybody get the idea that the Democrat Party was about compassion?  Oh, I remember; it was from the Democrats themselves.  (They also lie to me repeatedly that “Donald Trump never cared about anything but himself.”)  And with their lousy sense of timing, they can’t even manage to LOOK compassionate, not even when it counts the most, right before an election.  In other words, they’re not even good at faking it.

Kamala’s latest let-them-eat-cake moment was on October 7 --- yes, the anniversary of Hamas’ slaughter of at least 1,200 Jews, with hundreds more taken hostage, including Americans --- when she took time out of her busy schedule of leading efforts to help devastated hurricane victims (kidding) so she could pose for VOGUE with celebrity photographer Annie Lebovitz.  The cover photo was previewed for the media on Friday.

Whoever orchestrates these things must have looked at Kamala’s slipping polls and decided she desperately needed a quick boost with...what, rich, left-leaning women?  That in itself doesn’t seem like the best focus for the campaign, but it was their choice.  On the other hand, they might not need to concentrate more on fundraising at this point, as they’ve reportedly raised A BILLION DOLLARS, not counting this in-kind contribution from VOGUE.  They are rolling in money like Scrooge McDuck.

VOGUE --- I’ll get to them later --- gave Kamala the cover for their latest online edition, bumping singer Billie Eilish, who remains the cover of the print edition because there wasn’t enough lead time to bump her from that, too.  (Eilish herself is such a leftist that she was presumably fine with this, maybe even honored to help beat Trump and elect a far-left non-white woman, never mind that the candidate is an idiot.)

As BREITBART reports, “On the day of the photoshoot, which was not on her official schedule, Harris posted on X a website and phone number that survivors could contact for FEMA assistance.”

(NOTE:  This isn’t the first time Harris has been spirited away to an event that wasn’t on her official schedule.  There’s also that little matter of her unscheduled visit to DNC headquarters, where a pipe bomb happened to be “discovered” at the entrance on January 6, 2021.)

Perhaps Kamala was just too busy picking out jewelry for the shoot to remember that many residents had lost their phones and computers in the flood.

Not only did Kamala get the cover --- “The Candidate for our Times,” ugh --- but there’s also a fluffy interview.  VOGUE posted the following on X, and have your barf bags ready:  “Only rarely are individuals summoned for acts of national rescue, but in July, Vice President Kamala Harris received one of those calls.  With President Joe Biden’s decision to end his re-election campaign, the world looked to Harris with hopes and doubts.”

Even the leftist DAILY BEAST called this a “gushy profile.”

If Kamala Harris is the candidate for our times, I would have to call our times The Era of Brainwashed Morons.  On the bright side, the world looking at Kamala with doubts is the one thing the editors at VOGUE got right.  Even so, they’d probably chalk those doubts up to misogyny and racism, not the fact that she is a mediocrity who, hand-in-hand with Joe Biden, is responsible in large part for massive increases in inflation, crime, uncontrolled immigration and global instability, failure on every front.

And speaking of Biden, do the rocket scientists running the fashion world actually believe he’s the one who made the decision to end his re-election campaign?  Um, that was not his decision; he held on tooth-and-nail.  It took that disastrous debate --- which he almost certainly was set up for --- and pressure from Democrat leadership to end the campaign for him.  The “pro-choice” party gave him no choice.

Using the word “rescue” was particularly tone-deaf, as legitimate rescue efforts were going on throughout the Southeast.  Real rescuers were recovering bodies while phony rescuer Kamala posed wearing, according to VOGUE, “her own Gabriela Hearst suit and Tiffany earrings.”  This decidedly non-middle-class suit reportedly cost over $3,000.  It looks okay in the photo --- which is much better than her first VOGUE cover --- but most of the time on the campaign trail, Kamala has looked as though she takes fashion advice from Hillary Clinton.

Recall that in all the time she was First Lady of the United States, the coolly sophisticated Melania was never once invited to be on the cover of VOGUE or other major fashion magazines, despite the fact that she’d had a successful modeling career and could be said to be as iconic fashion-wise as First Lady Jackie Kennedy.  One has to wonder if the editors at these magazines got together one day for a long lunch at the Four Seasons and, over many bottles of fine chardonnay, decided to blackball her, much as snobby sorority sisters do during rush to exclude the girls they decide aren’t a good fit.

If (when!) Trump wins this time, and Melania is a second-time First Lady, their rejection of her is bound to be even nastier, but she seems not to care.  It’s easy to understand why she keeps her distance from politics as much as possible, and it says a lot for President Trump that he supports her in this.  I hate to see spouses used as campaign props.

Bob Hoge at REDSTATE examined a particular claim in VOGUE’s fawning Kamala article, which quotes California State Senator Scott Weiner (a story for another day) as saying “she was held in very high esteem” while working as a San Francisco city attorney in the early 2000s.  Take a look at these dismal performance reviews from her time as a prosecutor, and you will come away with a much different impression.  On a scale from 1 to 5, she and her team got mostly 2’s.  She scored badly on such basic considerations as being “thorough, helpful and proactive” and showing “good judgment.”  Oh, well, you don’t have to demonstrate those qualities as President; you just have to not be Donald Trump.  This is a must-read…

REDSTATE’s Teri Christoph asks, “What in the world happened to VOGUE?”  I would offer this:  The fashion magazines, led by VOGUE’s Anna Wintour, have leaned Democrat for decades.  Of course, they featured Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton and Jill Biden on their covers, and all three First Ladies have been portrayed as goddesses in their pages.

The political slant of fashion editors has long centered on two issues:  sexual orientation and “women’s reproductive health” (abortion).  They added “equity” and DEI.  And then they went off the rails when Trump ran for President as a Republican and beat Hillary.

As I’ve said often, TDS is a terminal brain-wasting disease.  Those brain cells aren’t coming back, and it’s not as if those afflicted have many to spare.  Exceptions exist, of course, but the typical leftist fashionista reminds me of a beautifully groomed and pampered Afghan hound, but with far less intelligence.

The other thing that has always chafed me about VOGUE is that their content is not just geared to leftists but to very, very rich leftists who blithely jet around the world --- while showing they care about the planet by buying “sustainable” products --- and fill their custom closets with high-end designer “pieces” that individually can cost more than a new car.  You know who I mean, the AOC supporters who’ll be paying $75,000 apiece this year (up from $50,000 a year ago --- inflation!) to attend the Met Ball, where they’ll chat about Donald Trump caring only about his rich friends.

Kamala’s people probably thought posing for pictures was a relatively safe campaign activity for her, as she didn’t have to TALK.  But I think there will be a huge backlash from this photo shoot that they’re just too tone-deaf to anticipate, and it seems to have already started.  Here’s a sample, coming from both the left and right…

BONUS FUN:  Hilarious memes abound, of course.  Here are a few from TWITCHY; these really get good about halfway down, starting with the cover of...VAGUE.

RELATED: The online magazine Evie was launched to give women an alternative to the increasingly leftist march of almost all women’s fashion and lifestyle magazines. This is an article about why it was needed…

And here’s its website, if you’d like an antidote to the toxic leftism of Vogue, Elle, et al…

Evie Magazine

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