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April 29, 2023



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11 Truth shall spring out of the earth,
And righteousness shall look down from heaven.

12 Yes, the Lord will give what is good;
And our land will yield its increase.

Psalm 85:11-12 NKJV

Huckabee Preview

Join me tonight for a fresh new springtime episode of “Huckabee” on TBN, as gardening expert Jamie Yost gives us some tips on how to turn your patio and backyard into your private oasis. I’ll also talk to former Secretary of Agriculture and North Dakota Governor Ed Schafer, and discuss the weaponized Deep State with former Trump Deputy Assistant Kash Patel. One of my favorite comics, Rik Roberts, will bring the laughs, and we’ll top it all off with classic music from multiple gold- and platinum-selling country artist Mark Wills!

Catch it all tonight at 8 and 11 EST, 7 and 10 CST, and Sunday at 9 EST/8 CST on TBN. To find out how to watch TBN, from local cable and broadcast channels to streaming, visit and click on “Channel Finder” on the top menu. You can stream previous episodes, highlights and online-only “Digital Exclusives,” including extended interviews, “In Case You Missed It” and “Facts of the Matter” segments, plus extra performances by our great musical and comedy guests and links to all their sites, at You can also find past shows, highlights and digital exclusives on YouTube and my Facebook page.


Justice Alito makes news

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito gave a rare interview to the Wall Street Journal. Among other topics, he said of the advance leak of the Dobbs Decision that overturned Roe v. Wade that it made the Justices “targets of assassination. He said, “It was rational for people to believe that they might be able to stop the decision in Dobbs by killing one of us,” and that the leak was designed to put pressure on the Justices to intimidate one or more into changing their votes. 

Even though the Supreme Court Marshal didn’t find enough evidence to charge the leaker, Alito said, “I personally have a pretty good idea who is responsible, but that’s different from the level of proof that is needed to name somebody.”

You’d think that since the Biden DOJ was able to track down hundreds of anonymous people who walked past the Capitol on January 6th, they would be able to find enough evidence to charge the SCOTUS leaker if they were given the clue of having the #1 suspect’s name. But considering they continue to allow threatening protests outside the Justices’ homes in violation of federal law and have made no arrests in that crime that’s being perpetrated daily right in front of their faces, I wouldn’t hold out any hopes of the leaker ever being charged – at least not until Merrick Garland is blessedly unemployed.

A good week

This was a good week for Republicans and election integrity. I already told you about the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals upholding Florida’s common sense election integrity laws against a challenge by Democrat lawyer/election termite Marc Elias. Now, the North Carolina Supreme Court has issued a ruling that could add up to four Republican seats to the House and protect the GOP majority in 2024.

In a 5-2 ruling, the recently-turned conservative court overturned a previous ruling that accused the legislature of gerrymandering and reinstated its Congressional district map in place of the court-drawn map that favored Democrats. They also reinstated the Voter ID law and the law blocking felons from voting that the previous court had blocked.

I’m sure there will be howls of rage from the left, because to them, gerrymandering is like insurrection or book-banning: something that’s only bad when anyone other than them does it. But in issuing the ruling, Chief Justice Paul Newby added an explanation that I think should be carved into stone and mounted in every court in America:

“The courts are not designed to be thrust into the midst of various political disputes. Such engagement in policy issues forces courts to take sides in political battles and undermines public trust and confidence in the judiciary. Choosing political winners and losers creates a perception that courts are another political branch. We are designed to be a government of the people, not of the judges. At its heart, this case is about recognizing the proper limits of judicial power.”

Expect more howls from the left about that, since they not only see the courts as a political branch but limits on power are also something that is only good when they're enforced against Republicans.

Another good omen for the GOP in 2024

Popular former West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice announced that he’ll challenge vulnerable Democrat Sen. Joe Manchin, who hasn’t yet decided whether he’ll run for reelection. Manchin is already being challenged by GOP Rep. Alex Mooney, who trails Justice in polls at the moment by 55%-25%.

This is about as likely a GOP pickup seat as you’ll find, especially after Manchin went along with Bidne’s misnamed spendapalooza bill, the “Inflation Reduction Act,” in exchange for some promises that were immediately broken. Manchin made the fatal error famous from the movie “Animal House”: “You (bleeped) up. You trusted us.”

Keep the newsletter going: By Mike Huckabee's book: The Three Cs That Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism and the Constitution

America faces a war of values that will determine its future and likely decide if it will continue as a great nation on the world stage. Mike Huckabee and Steve Feazel sound a needed alarm to Christians and conservatives to answer the call to action and push back against the forces that desire to move America from its heritage and founding principles. It is time for God's people to take an active role in the political arena, not with violence, but with votes and voices that proclaim and defend the values that made our nation the brightest light of freedom the world has ever known.

Learn more about my book: The Three Cs That Made America Great: Christianity, Capitalism and the Constitution - Mike Huckabee

Bucking Biden

Senate Democrats have lined up to assure us that Joe Biden is mentally sound and physically robust enough to remain President until 2028. And if they have enough party loyalty to lie like that, then it should give you an idea of just how wrong they think he is that several of them joined with Republicans in backing a bill they’re daring him to veto.

It’s to reinstate tariffs on Chinese-made solar panels. Biden put a moratorium on the tariffs. Critics say that not only is China unfairly subsidizing its solar industry to keep the panels cheap so they can destroy the American solar panel industry and American jobs, but that China's solar panel industry is dependent on forced labor (i.e., slavery) of Uyghur Muslims.

That linked article includes a couple of points that should be highlighted. First, some leaders of the solar industry in the US oppose the resolution because they say keeping those Chinese solar panels cheap is somehow necessary to help the US solar industry grow. Second, we learn that just between October 2022 and January 2023, US Customs impounded more than 2,600 shipments of Chinese solar panels ($800 million worth, even at cheap subsidized prices) because they were found to be in violation of the Uyghur Forced Labor Protection Act.

Didn’t America fight a Civil War to settle the question of whether protecting a domestic industry and keeping its product (cotton) cheap was a good enough reason to turn a blind eye to slavery?


ICYMI: After Activist FIREBOMBING Attack, Google CENSORS the VICTIM 

Horrifying stor

I wish I could share this horrifying story with all the liberal feminist women who reflexively vote for Democrats because they think that’s the party that defends “woman’s rights.”

Right now, the Biden “Education” Department is trying to force schools to allow boys who claim to identify as girls to join girls’ sports teams (where some of them are seriously injuring their actual female teammates) and to use girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms. Girls are naturally reluctant to have males watching them change, shower or use the bathroom (and even do it themselves next to them), but their rights to privacy and safety have taken a back seat to the “right” of “trans” students to do whatever they want. And the latter are becoming increasingly threatening and militant about it.

I already told you about the “trans” person who went on social media to call for carrying guns and using deadly force against anyone who objected to them going into a women’s bathroom. Well, here’s someone who might’ve listened to that. It’s very disturbing footage from a Riverside, California, high school of an 18-year-old male student who claims to identify as female viciously beating two girls who objected to him entering their locker room.

It’s very hard to watch, but I wish all feminist Democrat voters would force themselves to. I can’t imagine a more literal illustration of what Democrat Party leaders who’ve sided with the radical trans movement are doing to women’s rights.

A lawsuit to try to block Tennessee’s ban on giving “gender-affirming treatment”

The Biden “Justice” Department announced that it’s filing a lawsuit to try to block Tennessee’s ban on giving “gender-affirming treatment” (i.e., dangerous chemicals and irreversible body-altering surgery) to minors. They claim that preventing confused minors from mutilating themselves somehow violates the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause (minors need protection from these people!) and these procedures are “critical, medically necessary care for transgender minors.”

Kurt Schichter had the perfect tweet in response to that: “It’s an emergency! This young boy thinks he’s a girl and we must cut his p***s off immediately.”

For liberals who keep insisting that America needs to be more like liberal European nations, how do they explain why Finland, Sweden, France and the UK have all recently started pulling back from this barbaric practice?

I’d also like to know why the Biden DO“J” hasn’t filed suit against New York. That liberal state bans tattoo artists from giving a tattoo to anyone under 18, and other than earlobe piercing, any body piercings of a minor must be approved in writing and signed by a parent or guardian in the piercing artist’s presence.

Why? Because people under 18 are considered too immature to understand the gravity of making permanent alterations to their bodies, so it’s the responsibility of adults to protect them from making bad decisions they will later regret. Unless, of course, those decisions are to take dangerous chemicals that block their puberty or to surgically remove their breasts and genitals, then it’s “medically necessary care.”


Shocking report

A think tank called the Center for the Environment and Welfare released a report on the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) accusing the nonprofit of deceptively using donor money to support “radical and elitist” anti-farmer policies while doing little to fund animal shelters.

The report claims that the ASPCA has, according to recent tax filings, “$390 million in revenue and $575 million in assets, including roughly $11 million in offshore Caribbean accounts.” The same filings show that ASPCA CEO Mark Bershadker was paid $856,785, and there are 259 employees who make six-figure incomes. Yet the organization operates only one animal adoption center and allocates only about 2% of its budget to grants to community animal shelters.

As shocking as this report is, it is important to point out that the ASPCA is NOT affiliated with local SPCA groups and shelters. Please don’t let the anger this story might elicit prevent you from supporting the hard work of local animal shelters that are hurting for funds and are grateful for and make good use of any donation you can spare. My writers Pat and Laura, who share their home with 12 rescued parrots, also want to mention that there are many struggling shelters for parrots and other exotic birds that are often abused or passed from person to person because they live so long and require far more attention than many people realize. Bird and exotic animal rescues are often overlooked and deserve your support as well.



Dumbest comment of the week

It’s always a daunting task to pick the dumbest comment of the week out of Washington (Kamala Harris is disqualified because she’d win every week), but I think Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm takes the prize for declaring that she wants to make every one of the military’s non-tactical vehicles electric by 2030.

The comment drew immediate mockery, including photos of tanks with extension cords plugged into them. This is the kind of comment that could only come from a clueless, hothouse-bred liberal who’s spent her entire career in Ivy League schools, law and leftwing politics and zero time in the military.

I could explain for those who can’t grasp the obvious what the problem is, but a hat tip to “Shark Tank” judge Kevin O’Leary, who is an expert at spotting dumb ideas, for expressing it perfectly. He told Brian Kilmeade of Fox News why “it’s not going to work”:

“Last time I looked, there are no charging stations on the battlefield, and I think you have to think about people sacrificing or risking their lives, defending the country, having the very best equipment they possibly can…When you’re in a battle, you don’t know where you have to go next or how far you have to go and you certainly don’t have time to charge up for 20 minutes, having a coffee while you’re being shot at.”

Hey, people in Los Angeles do it all the time!




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