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April 27, 2021

Rob Natalson at the Epoch Times has an excellent column on the history of why the Founders specifically barred the District of Columbia from becoming a state in the US Constitution (Read it sometime, Speaker Pelosi.)

“Many participants in the debate over the Constitution expressed concern that residents of the capital district, who would consist largely of government employees and their families, would reflect solely the interests of the government upon which they were dependent. They did not want dependents of the federal government unduly influencing state or national elections.

The Founders also recognized that denying the vote to residents of the capital district would not leave them without influence. On the contrary, prior history showed that those residents would have an outsize influence—partly by reason of their proximity to federal institutions and partly because many would be government officials or employees. Allowing them to participate in national elections would unfairly magnify their power further.”

So making DC a state is fine, if you think that the people currently running the government need to be given even more power than they already have. Our wise Founders not only anticipated that, they could see what a terrible idea it would be from over two centuries in advance and headed it off at the pass.

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  • Gary Steele

    04/27/2021 04:48 PM

    Changing constitution always bad idea and treasonous

  • Cliff Garrison

    04/27/2021 04:19 PM

    Washington D.C. was never meant to be a residential area for the private citizen; it was meant for elected officials and their assistants.

  • Sara Broussard

    04/27/2021 11:30 AM

    I want to receive the AM and PM Newsletters. I was receiving them and for some reason unknown
    to me I stopped getting them. Please start them up again. I miss them!!! Thank you!