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October 4, 2022



Good evening! Blessings on you and your family and from all the Huckabee staff! Thank you for subscribing and I hope you enjoy today’s newsletter.



Lord, you are my God;

I will exalt you and praise your name,

for in perfect faithfulness

you have done wonderful things,

things planned long ago.

Isaiah 25:1


October 2 marked the one-year anniversary of the birth of the “Lets’ Go, Brandon” covert anti-Biden meme.

I have to agree with Stephen Green of PJ Media: it seems so much longer than one year. But then, so does any 12-month period under this Administration.

Staying away from this film was good taste, not hate

Gay “comedian” Billy Eichner is very peeved at red state movie goers for failing to show up for his in-your-face gay romantic comedy “Bros,” which flopped spectacularly last weekend with a paltry $4.8 million gross against a $22 million budget. Eichner went on a (WARNING!) foul-mouthed rant against his potential audience, which is par for the course for him, since he’s previously ranted his bilious hatred of Republicans, Christians and Trump voters. He claimed he didn't want us to see his movies, so he got what he asked for.

Now, apparently, because we didn’t rush to the theaters to pay to support him, we’re a bunch of homophobes. Never mind that, as various conservative commentators have noted, back in the '90s, the gay-themed comedy “The Birdcage” (which was actually funny) made the equivalent of a quarter billion dollars in today’s money.

Also never mind that the people he really should be cursing are his fellow gay Americans. As John Nolte at Breitbart points out, had just 20% of the gay population bought tickets, it would've been a hit. But math suggests that 95% of them proved their good taste by staying away, too.

Maybe next time, don’t curse out your potential audience. Or don't make a movie nobody wants to see. I’m only kidding, of course. With any luck, after this fiasco, there won’t be a next time.

The Left’s War Against Free Speech

It’s a big week for all the folks who think George Orwell’s “1984” isn’t a novel, it’s a how-to guide.

First up, the Republican National Committee accused Google of trying to interfere with the midterm elections by sending 22 million of their fundraising and get-out-the-vote emails to spam folders so that recipients will never see them. Google claims this is entirely nonpartisan, but the RNC cites a study that found Google routes Republican emails to spam at a rate 820% higher than similar Democrat emails. Remember when Google’s motto was “Don’t be evil”? Boy, that sure seems like a long time ago.

This next story is described as a “bombshell,” but only because it confirms what many of us have long suspected, and what we wrote about in this newsletter.

We now know more details thanks to an investigative report by that exposes the successful effort by various unelected federal officials and a group ironically named the “Election Integrity Project,” which collected a lot of our taxpayer dollars to help censor 20 conservative news outlets during the 2020 presidential election. These included Just The News, as well as the New York Post, the Epoch Times, the Washington Times and others. They also identified a list of alleged “repeat spreaders” of “mis- and disinformation,” that included President Trump, his sons and a number of conservative media figures.

I assume they mean “misinformation” like New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop expose that unimpeachable liberal outlets like CNN and the New York Times falsely branded as “Russian disinformation” – at least until long after Joe Biden was safely elected, and now they admit the Post story was correct.

Please read the entire story at the link, and follow the links in it to the Just The News report and the original study it’s based on from the Foundation For Freedom. It shows that the rather absurd “Disinformation Czar” lady who was dumped after her weird combination of Mary Poppins and Big Brother spooked the nation was only the tip of the iceberg. She was an attempt by various federal agencies to put an official title and an organizational structure onto their long-running, widespread, unconstitutional and covert effort to monitor, suppress and criminalize free speech. Her quick ejection hardly spelled an end to that nefarious effort, just a frustrating minor setback. Rest assured, the unholy alliance of Deep State censors and biased private media companies continues, and will only grow like kudzu until a Republican Congress and President can come into power and rip it out by the roots.

Side note: I’m almost disappointed to see that a search of the report turned up only two mentions of my name, both for allegedly repeating such “misinformation” as concerns about the reliability of Dominion voting machines. I’m proud that we’re so accurate, but I would also take pride in being on these awful peoples’ enemies list. As for the examples they cite, as much as liberals love the words “context” and “nuance,” they completely missed it in our case.

For instance, we didn’t “spread” claims that Dominion voting machines were rigged or hackable. We merely reported the fact that many people were suspicious of the machines, and in the interest of citizens having faith in elections, called for a complete and transparent investigation – which, by the way, we’ve still never had. Instead, we’ve seen a lot of untrustworthy liberal media outlets slandering anyone who voices such concerns while the principals fight like demons in court to keep from allowing anyone to look at the records.

That’s certainly a great way to build trust in the system, as borne out by polls showing that even after nearly two years of the media bullying us to parrot that any suspicions about the 2020 election are a “Big Lie,” a recent CBS poll found that 32% of Americans think there were widespread fraud and irregularities, only 28% think there were none, and only 64% believe Biden was the legitimate winner.

Before the press starts yelling, “Republican disinformation,” I’d love a poll to find out how many Democrats believe Trump was the legitimate winner in 2016. We know Hillary Clinton wasn’t one of them.

Next, in the grand tradition of school boards writing to Attorney General Merrick Garland to ask him to treat upset parents as “domestic terrorists,” the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association and the Children’s Hospital Association have written to Garland, requesting federal action against opponents of “transgender” surgery and chemicals for kids. They call this “evidence-based health care,” but we non-quacks call it “child abuse for money.”

As usual in these cases, this is painted in black-and-white terms, with the criticism of their barbaric practices described as death threats, bomb threats and other threats of violence. To be clear: none of that is acceptable, and anyone who makes such threats against anyone else deserves to be investigated by law enforcement. But pardon me if, having seen this scenario too many times before, it appears to be yet another example of painting all legitimate criticism as “threats” and all objections to their pronouncements as “disinformation” in order to abuse government power to arrest, deplatform and silence their critics, even those who never threatened anyone.

From COVID protocols to the mutilation of children, we are plagued with the most arrogant, least expert “expert” class since the Dark Ages. They are so cocksure that they’re right about everything that one particular overpaid example even declared that he WAS “Science” and should not be questioned. Or there’s this UN official who thinks the UN “owns the science” on climate change.

And California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who never met a leftist totalitarian edict he didn’t like, has signed into law a state bill penalizing doctors for spreading alleged “misinformation” about COVID (I look forward to seeing Dr. Fauci prosecuted under it. Only kidding; I actually look forward to the SCOTUS striking it down as unconstitutional.)

Here’s how “science” (and medicine used to be a science before it was politicized) works: it’s the very process of questioning and testing the orthodoxy. If a million pompous jackasses with multiple degrees believe one thing, and a smart high school dropout working out of his garage proves them wrong, then garage guy is the one who’s right. Anyone who declares “The science is settled,” might as well be saying, “I don’t know what ‘science’ is.” Look at all the things the CDC is now admitting about COVID vaccines, spread and treatments that got you censored for “disinformation” a year ago.

As for the doctors who think the permanent mutilation of confused children is a “best practice” that must not be questioned, I have a book to recommend to them that perfectly describes their mindset. It’s called “Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus” by Mary Shelley. It’s about a doctor who mistakenly believes he’s God.

Finally, Stewart Baker at compiles a list of some of the most prominent attempts to censor speech by social media companies just in the past week.

One update: YouTube has restored the video they censored of a speech by incoming conservative Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni. They claim that upon closer review (which I read as “public outrage and widespread bad publicity after people noticed"), they determined that it did not violate their “community guidelines” after all. Imagine that.


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  • James Drury Jr.

    10/04/2022 07:33 PM

    Thanks Mike & staff!

  • Paul Kern

    10/04/2022 06:35 PM

    So now we see 1984 on steroids! What next? The Storming of the Bastille? By a public " sick and tired if being sick and tired!" Most of these articles have been public knowledge for some time now.