
Latest News

January 20, 2021

Tuesday, on his last full day in office, President Trump gave a farewell address. Some “news” channels which are now in the full-time propaganda business didn’t even air it, but you can watch it at this link, and you should.

It’s a reminder of some of the many great things about the Trump Administration that his critics refused to give him credit for even as they benefited from them personally. (I’ve been especially annoyed recently to hear Joe Biden branding the coronavirus vaccine roll-out as a “disaster,” when (A.) it’s only been a disaster in Democrat-run states; (B.) he and his fellow Democrats mocked Trump for saying there would be a vaccine by the end of 2020, and for his efforts at creating one, which worked; and (C.) when Obama/Biden were in office, they were completely ineffective in dealing with pandemics such as swine flu.)

But Trump also warns us about the sudden, anti-American turn of the left; the blacklists and censorship and intolerance; the bigotry and class warfare; all the things they once claimed to oppose and are now rushing to impose. It’s going to be a hard two years until the 2022 elections, and there’s no guarantee that things will change even then if conservatives get demoralized instead of getting organized and fighting back, the way the (peaceful) Tea Party movement did in 2009. He also reminds us of the importance of engaging with hearts and minds, not with violence.

This is Trump at his best and most presidential. I wish he’d spoken like this sooner and more often. The partisan media may ignore this speech, but I predict it will become historic, as the American people begin to realize how badly they were gas-lighted by the media. While I hope and pray that President Biden will keep his word to be a unifier and that America will heal and prosper, I suspect that Americans will soon start to miss Trump's pro-American, pro-growth, pro-freedom policies, even if they don’t miss the tweets.

Also, the media treated First Lady Melania Trump shamefully for four years, and then they also ignored her farewell message. I think you will want to see that as well.


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