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August 10, 2021

Here’s a lesson in why it’s so hard to tell real demands from “social justice warriors” from hoaxes created by people mocking social justice warriors. It’s almost impossible to make the hoaxes more ridiculous than the real thing. But craven leftists filled with white liberal guilt don’t care out ludicrous they are; they just hear “Jump!” and ask, “How high?”

My question: How high were the officials at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who approved urinating away $50,000 on this?

They actually spent 50 large to move Chamberlain Rock, a 42-ton boulder that had been sitting on campus since the dawn of time, after some leftwing activist students declared it a "racist monument." Why? It’s named after Thomas Chrowder Chamberlin, former university president and geologist. He’s never been accused of anything racist (although I’m sure he was a racist, as was everyone who isn’t in 100% agreement on all things with a 2021 social justice warrior.) But one newspaper article, one time way back in 1925, referred to the rock by a racist name. That's it: that's the extent of this rock's connection to racism. But naturally, that’s so triggering to students who know zip about history and have never even read a newspaper that $50,000 had to be spent to haul it off campus lest it start them literally shaking with moral outrage.

The college says private donations paid for it, but so what? That doesn't make it any less of a pointless waste of money. If they really wanted to help black Americans, why not give those 50,000 smackers to, say, the United Negro College Fund? But that would be missing the point, as any attempt to apply common sense to modern leftism is bound to do. The money is gone, the rock is gone, and people who might have actually benefited from that cash are left like Charlie Brown on Halloween, moaning, "I got a rock." But the leftists can enjoy their own 42 tons of self-satisfaction.

As Daniel McLaughlin at National Review Online observes, the point is power. The loud activists wanted to see just how far they could push the college leaders and still get their way. And it worked: they caved (a perfect term for people who just moved a giant rock, which I think was also Fred Flintstone’s job.)

If you wonder where the “woke” left is taking America, there’s your answer: back to the Stone Age, thanks to people like this who kowtow to stupid, childish demands. If these administrators want to remove any more rocks, I respectfully suggest they start with the rocks in their heads.

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