
Latest News

February 9, 2022

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi loves to lecture us all about our carbon footprint and how we’re destroying the Earth and causing climate change with our selfish, CO2-creating ways. But according to FEC campaign filings, between October 2020 and December 2021, Pelosi spent over $500,000 on private jets.

This was during a time when she led a 21-member congressional delegation to the UN Climate Change Conference in Scotland (which I bet could’ve been conducted over Zoom.) While there, she piously said of the climate “crisis,” "For me, it's a religious thing…I believe this is God's creation, and we have a moral obligation to be good stewards."

I believe that, too, which is one reason why I travel on commercial airliners that create far less pollution than private jets. Also, I don’t have big piles of money to waste from campaign donors, taxpayers and suspiciously lucky stock investments.

I should also point out that Speaker Pelosi claims to be a good Catholic while fighting any efforts to limit abortion, so her concept of a “religious thing” is likely a lot fuzzier than mine.

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  • Term Limits

    03/11/2022 11:05 PM

    It is indeed unfortunate that the Speaker of The House lives a lifestyle that is a true paradox of the Statesman that our Beloved Republic deserves.


    02/13/2022 02:27 PM

    There ought to be a law that all congressional members fly anywhere on a public airline since they're in the employment of the American people. They can't take private jets anywhere, except when they're no longer a public servant.

  • Barry Bathhouse

    02/11/2022 04:26 PM

    Please retire you effen loser