
Latest News

August 22, 2023

If you’ve been reading the newsletter, you’re up to speed on the “Biden Inc.” investigation even before the news appears in most conservative media.  Most of yesterday was a re-hashing of what you already know.  But John Solomon broke significant news.

First, the backstory:  As you know, Hunter made a call to “DC” when he was at the Four Seasons Hotel in Dubai with his Burisma associates.  That was December 5, 2015.  Only five days later, Papa Joe Biden flew to Ukraine and spoke before their parliament.  That’s the same day he threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees unless the lead prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, was fired.  In March 2016, the prosecutor “resigned under pressure” from the Ukrainian president, who, in turn, had been pressured by then-Vice President Biden.    

Joe Biden has always maintained that, yes, he did push for Shokin’s firing, but it had nothing to do with Hunter’s connection to Burisma --- it was consistent with existing U.S. foreign policy recommendation, put together by an inter-agency task force.  But now Solomon has the State Department’s internal documents from that task force, courtesy of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), and they tell a very different story.  The task force advised Biden in October 2015 that the $1 billion SHOULD be given to Ukraine, because the prosecutor’s office was doing a swell job with its anti-corruption efforts!

That was the last recommendation made by this task force.  They even put it in the form of handy talking points, which, according to State Department documents, Joe Biden related to the president of Ukraine in a phone call on November 4, 2015.  At that time, Joe told the Ukrainian president they would get the $1 billion guarantee.

But it was soon after this phone call that “life got tough inside the Biden family,” Solomon told Sean Hannity Monday night.  Reporters for THE WALL STREET JOURNAL and THE NEW YORK TIMES had begun asking questions about the investigation into Burisma Holdings and Hunter’s presence on the board, and Burisma “began to panic.”  So around Thanksgiving of 2015, Joe and his office worked on a “new talking point,” according to Solomon, “one they didn’t even share with the ambassador, who was in Kiev representing the United States…”  The White House decided they would call for the prosecutor to be fired if they wanted the money.

“Joe Biden wasn’t carrying out U.S. policy,” Solomon said.  “He CHANGED U.S. policy.”  In other words, the story being drilled into us by the media that Joe was only fulfilling existing foreign policy is a gigantic LIE.  Hey, what’s one more?

Solomon believes the whistleblowers in the Biden case “changed history.  There’s no doubt that them coming forward changed the dynamics inside the Justice Department and between [them and] Hunter Biden’s lawyers.”

He pointed to one document in particular that contradicts what we’ve been told about Hunter having no impact on foreign policy.  There’s a classified email to leaders in Washington from George Kent at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine (remember him from Trump’s first impeachment?), saying, “Somebody should tell Joe Biden his son Hunter undercut ALL of our anti-corruption activities in Ukraine.”

“The documents contradict everything we were told in the original narrative about Ukraine.”

Hannity also spoke with two House committee chairmen Monday night:  Jason Smith of Missouri, who chairs the Ways & Means Committee (the committee that deals with tax information), and Jim Jordan of Ohio, who chairs the Judiciary Committee.  They say more House subpoenas have been issued to IRS and FBI investigators involved in the Hunter case.

Recall from yesterday that Biden’s attorneys actually threatened the DOJ with putting President Biden on the stand and creating a “constitutional crisis” if Hunter had to face charges.  (As if they cared about causing a constitutional crisis.)  “The idea that Joe Biden’s gonna testify is ridiculous,” Jordan said Monday night.  “Can you imagine putting Joe Biden on the stand right now and him facing cross-examination --- I mean, there is NO WAY that’s gonna happen.  But this is the pressure campaign they were putting on the DOJ.”

Recall also that without the announcement of the whistleblowers getting ready to testify, Hunter’s “sweetheart” deal would have been twice as sweet, with all charges dropped.  Incredibly, Hunter would have received “future immunity” without having to plead guilty to ANYTHING.  The fact that the DOJ had agreed to this should tell you all you need to know about the politics of ‘justice’ in 2023.

The reason the IRS whistleblowers came forward was a “red line” that was crossed during a meeting on October 7, 2022, with Delaware U.S. Attorney (now Special Counsel) David Weiss and four other people, when Weiss allegedly told them he didn’t have independent authority to bring charges.  The two whistleblowers followed protocol by going first to the Ways & Means Committee because of the personal financial information involved in the case.

But did you know that Hunter’s attorneys demanded that the DOJ prosecute the whistleblowers?  Yes, it’s true.  Even though IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel had confirmed the rights of agency whistleblowers to make protected disclosures to Congress, Hunter’s attorneys called for them to be prosecuted because they’d divulged details about the probe to Congress, and what they said had “played a role in influencing the outcome.”  They said that for this reason, the whistleblowers broke the law and should be PROSECUTED.

What really happened was that, in revealing to Congress what they felt was wrong about the investigation, they helped prevent Hunter from getting an unacceptable sweetheart deal.  (NOTE:  Judge Maryellen Noreika helped, too.)  In other words, by allowing whistleblowers to “interfere,” the whistleblower law worked exactly as it was supposed to.

House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer of Kentucky called this what it is:  witness intimidation on the part of Hunter’s attorneys.

Jason Smith told Hannity that the two whistleblowers gave consistent testimony and characterized what they said as shocking.  “But you know who was not shocked about their information was the Department of Justice,” he said, “because, in fact, the [DOJ], just as the whistleblowers highlighted...used numerous tactics that delayed the investigation to such a degree that the statute of limitations expired for some of the most egregious crimes of 2014 and 2015 tax years.”

Of course, you know about their other transgressions, such as going straight to Hunter’s lawyers with tip-offs that interfered with the IRS investigation.  The DOJ and Hunter’s legal team really were working on the same side:  both sidin’ with Biden.

But then Jim Jordan brought up something mind-boggling that might get lost in all the other Biden corruption news.  We’ll let him tell it:

“...In 2019, Biden’s legal team wanted to meet with him to talk about things, and he said, ‘I can’t meet with you that day because I’M TALKING WITH THE IMPEACHMENT LAWYERS [emphasis ours].’  So, is he talking with Daniel Goldman, the lawyer for Adam Schiff?  ...Who’s he talking to?  Because it was all about Burisma…” was in 2019 that the FBI got Hunter’s laptop, and KNEW it was Hunter’s laptop, and knew all about Burisma, yet held onto it during Trump’s first impeachment when it would have been exculpatory for him.  Now we learn that Hunter himself was actually in contact with the Trump impeachment lawyers at this time!  What in blazes was going on here?  This has the potential to be the most shocking revelation yet.

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