
Latest News

May 4, 2023

Lady Gaga may claim to have a “Poker Face,” but the new face of women’s poker has a white beard. In Florida and Nevada, casinos are banned by anti-discrimination laws from barring men from women’s poker tournaments. So Dave Hughes, 70, entered the women's no-limit Texas Hold-‘Em Tournament at Florida’s Seminole Hard Rock Casino. He beat the 82 other participants, all women, and won over $5,500.

As that story makes clear, the women were not happy about this. Poker Hall of Famer Linda Johnson said, "I love ladies-only poker tournaments. I would have no problem with them having a men's only and I wouldn't enter it as I would not qualify for it. I would have no problem if they had a tournament for 26-year-old, motorcycle riding, Mohawk-haircut seniors and I wouldn't enter it because I wouldn't qualify.”

Limiting women’s events only to people who qualify? What a crazy, bigoted idea! Why, it’s as if she’s claiming that men and women are different!


Related: More biological science denial from the left as a man gets awarded first place in the “women’s” category in New Mexico’s Tour of the Gila cycling race.

The win sparked (long-overdue) public outrage and prompted champion cyclist Hannah Arensman, who has faced unfair competition from males for the past few years due to this pandemic of insanity, to announce her retirement from the sport.

It would be much better if all female athletes simply refused to compete against males. If the organizations that represent women’s sports won’t stand up for women, then let them go have a pound-sand competition, and the women can organize their own events. Female athletes can get along a lot better without these woke women’s sports leagues than the leagues can get along with nobody competing except guys in drag.


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  • Ross Ziesemer

    05/04/2023 03:54 PM

    "It would be much better if all female athletes simply refused to compete against males."
    I agree 100%. It would also be good if the organizers of the events would just not award first place to the male competitor but instead award 1st place to the woman who actually won.
    I'd be interested to see the outrage from that!