
Latest News

March 14, 2025

We’ve been working overtime to keep you apprized of the many obstacles being placed before Trump by activist attorneys and judges --- over 50 cases currently in the system.  Our link yesterday to legal analyst Margot Cleveland’s rundown of these turned out to be a great lead-in to today’s big story.

(And here’s another rundown from the Daily Caller, to give you an idea of just how many legal roadblocks the Dems are trying to throw in front of Trump’s agenda.)

Of course you know, this tactic is the left’s new “Russia Russia Russia.”  That old saw won’t work this time, since we all know it was just a huge lie, so they had to think of some other way to gum up the works.  Somebody came up with the new strategy of pushing back in carefully-selected courts every time Trump tries to exercise his presidential authority.  It’s their way of keeping the Obama- and Biden-appointed Old Guard in power while a duly-elected President sits and stews.

These esteemed members of the legal profession are the people who want to safeguard “our democracy.”

But President Trump has had enough of these clearly biased judges, and on Wednesday he made that clear by signing an Executive Order unlike any we’ve seen.  It proclaims that he as President will ignore lower court rulings against his authority until SCOTUS rules on the constitutionality of activist judges attempting to usurp executive power.

Of course, someone will immediately file a lawsuit against THAT.  Then some DC judge will file an emergency injunction against Trump, and Trump will, as he said, ignore it.

Why, he’s a dictator!  Never mind that he’s just trying to get a quick determination from the High Court, which he will absolutely abide by.  He needs this ruling to do his job.

What might have been the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back for Trump was the ruling by DC Judge Beryl Howell --- who must be projecting quite a lot when she likens Trump to a king or dictator in her written opinions ---blocking him from revoking the security clearances of attorneys for Perkins Coie.  Recall that this is the Hillary-connected law firm that helped create the Russia Hoax by paying British ex-spy Christopher Steele for the fictionalized garbage dubbed the “Russian dossier.”

(Side note:  By the way, as was revealed in the Michael Sussman case, Perkins Coie also mislabeled payments related to the dossier in their business records to hide where the money came from [Hillary’s campaign] and what it was really for.  To contrast, when an accountant at the Trump Organization later recorded payments on the perfectly legal non-disclosure agreement with Stormy Daniels as “legal expenses” --- when that actually seemed like the most appropriate category of those available --- President Trump was personally prosecuted by Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and found guilty by a New York jury on 34 counts of records falsification.)

This piece at THE GELLER REPORT also runs through a list from Margot Cleveland from last month of major cases against Trump, but if you’re a regular reader of the newsletter, you’ve already familiar with them.

Judges are doing this to Trump’s appointees as well.  New Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth was ordered to retract his statement on transgender individuals being disqualified from military service.  Good grief. 

They’re geared up to make it hard for this administration to fire anybody.  But in perhaps an easier case, let’s hope that if it’s found that a director at the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, Serina Baker-Hill, defrauded taxpayers by misusing FEMA money, she can be not only fired but prosecuted.  (In breaking news, she has now been so charged, and also with lying to federal agents.)  The same goes for the thousands of other employees who surely have pocketed money.

One judge had already ruled against Trump firing a member of the Federal Labor Relations Board.  Now another one, U.S. District Judge Sparkle Sooknanan (“Judge Sparkle”??)  issued a not-so-sparkling ruling on Wednesday that Trump did not have the authority to fire another member, Tsui Grundmann.  He had fired her last month.

This decision followed the same parameters as the ones favoring fired employees Hampton Dellinger, Cathy Harris and Gwynne Wilcox, citing the 1935 Supreme Court decision called “Humphrey’s Executor” and saying Trump’s firing of Grundmann violated federal law because it could only be done in cases of “inefficiency, neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office.”

One of these cases has got to get to the Supreme Court so they can rule on “Humphrey’s Executor,” likely overturning it, as it effectively prevents the President from assembling his own staff in his own branch of government. As we’ve mentioned, Justice Clarence Thomas has referred to it with extreme distaste: “Humphrey’s Executor poses a direct threat to our constitutional structure and, as a result, the liberty of the American people...Our tolerance of independent agencies in Humphrey’s Executor is an unfortunate example of the Court’s failure to apply the Constitution as written.  The decision has paved the way for an ever-expanding encroachment on the power of the Executive, contrary to our constitutional design.”

The left loves that encroachment, at least while Trump is Chief Executive.  Again, we think Trump must have taken this extraordinary step to get the issue before the Supreme Court as soon as possible.

Hilariously, it’s the members of the DC Bar --- that same cast of characters --- who are going to be deciding on Hunter Biden’s professional fate.  The pardon from his dad notwithstanding, will Hunter lose his law license?

It’s “a very complicated situation because of the pardon,” said Hamilton Fox of the bar’s Office of Disciplinary Counsel.  (Yes, they have one.)  Since Hunter’s record has been wiped clean, he claimed, he and his investigators have to “prove” all over again that he broke the law before they can pursue a disbarment case.

Hunter’s license was automatically suspended when he was found guilty of felonies, but the suspension is temporary while they investigate to see if the crimes were serious enough to meet the bar’s definition of “moral turpitude.”  As reported in REALCLEAR INVESTIGATIONS, “Such misconduct usually requires criminal intent or recklessness.  Offenses involving ‘violence,’ such as reckless use of firearms, and ‘dishonesty,’ such as cheating on taxes, fall into this category.”

So one would think that, without his dad’s pardon, Hunter would meet the bar set by the Bar to have his license suspended long-term or even to be permanently disbarred.  With that pardon, Fox says, they essentially have to convict him all over again.

But Paul Kamenar, counsel to the National Legal and Policy Center, calls that “a lame excuse” and says there’s no need to re-try the case against Hunter.  Apparently, the DC Bar’s own senior ethics adviser, Saul Jay Singer, has said a presidential pardon shouldn’t affect Bar discipline.  Kamenar questioned Fox’s impartiality, given that he’s a Democrat donor and, like Hunter, a Yale Law alumnus.

More details here on the demonstrated biases of the DC Bar; for when you have time, excellent reading...

Speaking of firing, those who accuse Trump and DOGE of using a chainsaw when a scalpel would be more appropriate might not know that, as reported by THE WALL STREET JOURNAL, Biden (or whoever was wielding the autopen) added more federal workers during his last two years than had been hired during the previous 13.  Did you know that 25 percent of jobs added to the U.S. economy in the last 2 years were government jobs?

This hugely bloated work force has got to be pared down.  J. Peder Zane at REALCLEAR POLITICS quipped that he has faith that these talented, hardworking people are “supremely positioned to prosper in the far less taxing private sector.”

“Their new jobs may not be as rewarding as dispensing green energy grants at the EPA or conducting tax audits for the IRS,” he said, “but if anybody can bounce back, they can.”

Glenn Reynolds in the NEW YORK POST makes the case that for this reform to stick, it’s going to take changing the system itself, especially as it involves NGOs (non-governmental organizations).  Watch DC judges try to twist and tie the law into a million tiny knots to stop Trump from doing THAT.

RE:  BIDEN “AUTOPEN” STORY.  We’re still assessing opinions on this explosive story, waiting on several preferred legal experts who’ve been quite slow to weigh in.  (Admittedly, it’s complicated.)  In the meantime, here’s a commentary from Joseph MacKinnon at THE BLAZE with quite a lot of detail.

Also, check out the first few minutes of Larry O’Connor’s podcast; we’ll forgive you if you bail when he changes topic and the picture of Rosie O’Donnell comes up.  (Note:  the comments below his video about the autopen issue are mostly so uninformed you won’t want to bother with them.  These jokers seem to forget that the autopen was used not just for signing routine, inconsequential papers, but LAWS, PARDONS and EXECUTIVE ORDERS, at least some of which were allegedly signed when Biden wasn’t even in Washington.)


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