
Latest News

September 23, 2024

I’ve gotten used to Democrats lying to me about things I remember living through, but the length of time between the actual event and the gaslighting keeps getting shorter and shorter. In the early 2000s, they were lying about the Reagan 1980s being a terrible time for the economy. At least they let a few years pass to allow memories to grow fuzzy. Now, they’re lying about Trump losing jobs, when it was only four years ago that we saw his booming economy kneecapped by COVID lockdowns that the Democrats rabidly supported.

But Nancy Pelosi just set a new speed record for shortest time between the lived experience and the lie, telling a reporter who asked if the anointing of Kamala Harris undermined democracy, “We had an open primary, and she won it. Nobody else got in the race.”

Actually, RFK Jr. tried to get in and was blocked. They had a rigged primary that Biden overwhelmingly won. Then he was pressured (largely by Pelosi) into giving up the nomination, which was handed to Harris on a silver platter without her winning a single primary vote.

In short, if you believe Pelosi’s story, you either really haven’t been paying attention or you’re less than six weeks old.

RELATED: This video is a perfect antidote to Pelosi’s jaw-dropping whopper about Kamala winning the open primary. It’s a Tik-Tok video by a Democrat of over 20 years who’s walking away because he realizes his own party is the true threat to democracy. And he’s renamed it with the perfect moniker: They’re now the “Trust me, bro” Party.

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