
Latest News

April 18, 2021

I mentioned yesterday that Coca-Cola, realizing its anti-election integrity law virtue-signaling had poked the bear and ticked off millions of Coke drinkers, is suddenly making conciliatory noises about the importance of giving a respectful hearing to all sides of an issue (which would be nice for all corporations to have as a default position, rather than having to be forced into it.)

Or maybe they just saw the results of this new poll by the Daily Wire.

At least 64% of respondents said they are less likely to support big businesses that take public stands on political issues, and 70% agree with the statement, “Corporations and sports teams should generally stay out of politics.” New flash: we watch sports to ESCAPE politics. When asked about the individual provisions in the new Georgia election law, large majorities agreed with all of them. For instance, 78% support voter ID, and 76% believe campaign workers should leave voters alone while they’re waiting in line to vote (they must’ve dealt with them before.)

Among Major League Baseball fans, 54% agree with the provisions in the law that MLB moved the All-Star Game out of Atlanta to protest. Fifty-eight percent of all respondents, including a majority of non-white Americans (!) and nearly half of MLB fans, believe politicians and the media are exaggerating to make the Georgia law sound worse than it is. And in what should come as a four-alarm warning to the MLB, its already-negative ratings are climbing: 44% of respondents now have an overall negative view of the MLB after the decision to move the game; and of those who already viewed the MLB negatively, 79% now view it more negatively.

But it gets worse: another poll by Rasmussen that I previously mentioned not only found that 51% of Americans (including 30% of Democrats) think cheating affected the 2020 election, but large majorities of all racial groups reject the claim that voter ID discriminates against some voters. And brace yourselves, woke CEOs: 59% of whites, 56% of blacks, and 63% of other minority voters believe it’s more important to make sure there’s no cheating in elections than it is to make it easier to vote. In fact, 34% of voters think it’s already too easy to vote!

(FYI: the least surprising finding was that strong Biden supporters are the group least likely to say preventing cheating in elections is a higher priority than making it easier to cast ballots.)

All this begs the question: why are these corporations, whose boards and CEOs are paid outlandish bucks to maximize stockholder returns, alienating millions of customers to placate a tiny minority of leftists who insist that their radical views are the only acceptable ones and if you disagree, you’re a sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic Nazi? Would you buy a soda from someone who told you that? I'd be afraid to drink it if they gave it to me for free.

If we allow these corporate elites to impose vetoes over laws passed by the people’s elected representatives, then we’ll no longer be living in the United States of America but in the State of Serfdom. Here’s a warning about where it could lead, and why the claim that they’re private companies so they can do whatever they want is high-sounding hooey.

Let’s hope these polls and boycott calls are sending a message that Americans will not tolerate rule by arrogant oligarchs. This is still a free market system, and we can and will take our dollars elsewhere. More alternatives are popping up every day, as smarter business people see the giants’ blunders and rush to take advantage of them.

And if you happen to be a stockholder in one of these companies whose leaders put flaunting their liberal politics above padding your retirement account, you can go to a stockholders meeting (with Coke, you’ll have to show a photo ID to get in), stand up and tell them off, then vote to replace them. Let them take their golden parachutes and land in Portland or Minneapolis, if they love competent, peaceful leftist rule so much.

FYI: there are a number of services that will allow you to set up a trading account for free and buy a share of stock in any company. Here’s one that one of my writers uses, just as an example if you’re interested.

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  • cliff cusick

    04/19/2021 08:37 PM

    Kansas and other states have almost same law. When we vote we place Drivers license or ID card on barcode sensor, reads our information ie address party etc. then we receive ballot and am directed to which area we need to cast vote. I suspect in 2022, there will be a run on paper ballots.

  • Kevin Thomas Dean

    04/18/2021 09:52 PM

    As soon as businesses learn to stay out of politics, this entire bunch of politically correct BS will rapidly reverse the course it's on.

  • Karen Toohey

    04/18/2021 07:27 PM

    I'm also suggesting that here in Australia that those products and companies are not supported. If all of these new ideas are accepted in America it would take only a little while that they would be thought about here. We don't need that kind of angst. Keep your American company policies in America and leave us alone.

  • George L Blanks

    04/18/2021 03:40 PM

    And let us NOT forget Coca Cola internal training class for employees on "Try to be less White".

  • Charles Allen

    04/18/2021 03:24 PM

    Before Ted Turner CREATED the demand for TV baseball with his SuperStation programing of the Braves (he was looking for cheap programing and he owned both of them), the world got along very well with one or two games on one network station on Saturday afternoon and local radio broadcasts. It could happen much TV is just background noise in the house?