
Latest News

August 1, 2021

The only good thing I can say about Attorney General Merrick Garland and his stewardship of the Biden “Justice” Department is that at least he’s not a Supreme Court Justice. During his brief time in office, he’s obliterated any sense of the DOJ as a fair and impartial arbiter of laws and the Constitution and is rapidly turning it into the kind of politicized enforcement arm of the President that we normally see in banana republics.

Here are just a few recent stories out of the DOJ:

They’re threatening states that conduct ballot audits…

They’re threatening states that pass laws to safeguard election integrity…

They’re suing Texas because Gov. Greg Abbott is trying to stop the feds from transporting COVID-positive illegal immigrants around the state. Imagine if this Administration went to this much effort to keep COVID-positive illegal immigrants out in the first place...

They dropped charges against five suspected Chinese spies while hounding Trump supporters like Inspector Javert…

They declared vaccine mandates legal, even while admitting that some legal scholars say they’re not…

And now (surprise!), the Biden DOJ has ordered the IRS to turn over former President Trump’s personal income tax records to his rabid haters in Congress for them to fish through.

The DOJ memo said, “Executive Branch officials must apply a presumption that Legislative Branch officials act in good faith and in furtherance of legitimate objectives.”

So I’ll give Biden’s and Garland’s “Justice” Department this: they may no longer be providing justice, but at least they’re trying to give us some much-needed laughter.

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