
Latest News

October 19, 2022

Ohio Senate candidates Tim Ryan and J.D. Vance had another debate this week. To try to recover from the shellacking he got last time, Ryan went on the offensive. Offensive is the right word, too, since his strategy seemed to be to lie about his opponent right to his face. Not a good strategy when the person best able to correct you is standing right there. Read more about it here:

In Utah, Independent candidate Evan McMullan and Sen. Mike Lee also debated last night. Pretty much the same okey-doke. Here’s a report on that from Lincoln Brown at PJ Media.

And in Georgia, gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and Gov. Brian Kemp debated. Abrams again denied her previous election denials, which, as her many previous quotes at the linked article show, is denied by the historical record.

By the way, Abrams also denied that she’s behind in the polls. Next, she’ll deny that denial is a river in Egypt.

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  • Amelia Little

    10/27/2022 02:20 PM

    In Utah, McMullin seems to forget that Lee shouldn't have to worry about bipartisanship in regards to romney. Perhaps he either doesn't know or forgot romney ran as Republican--but has sided with democrats most of the time. Sure hope voters never vote for RINO romney again.

    Abrams--worried about "most vulernable" unable to get covid treatment. Well, seems getting treatment wasn't so hard--as long as you submitted to remdesivir and other "approved" treatments that were not very effective. And, yes, hard to get treatments that not only many US doctors advocated, but also had proven effective in other countries. Imervectin--which is NOT a "horse drug" but has a human component which the left wanted covered up. And HCQ which President Trump mentioned--from information from his "panel" (which included flip flop fauci) and was approve by FDA til the left raised a stink. I don't think she has ever given up on the "rigged" election that caused her loss. She also hasn't paid attention to "the science" because even now, there have been changes and corrections from cdc about the covid.