
Latest News

July 11, 2022

As expected on Friday, President Biden issued his executive order to try to make it easier for women – sorry, “birthing people” – to get abortions. Here’s an explanation of what’s in it:

It appears that Democrats’ greatest fear is that the people of the individual states will actually have some say over abortion laws and not have it dictated to them by Washington. Biden’s statement included what we’ve come to expect from him, such as claims that Republicans have an “extreme agenda” on abortion. Or so says a man who claims to be a Catholic and who once opposed abortion himself, but who now thinks his party’s agenda is not extreme, even though 49 out of 50 of its Senators voted to allow the killing of babies in the womb right up to the moment of birth, a practice so barbaric, it’s mostly allowed only in nations such as North Korea.

The statement also included the expected fuzzy euphemisms for abortion, some blatant politicizing of the issue (elect more Democrats so they can ignore the Constitution and impose abortion by federal law), some likely fake news when Biden repeated a viral claim about a 10-year-old rape victim being denied an abortion that is looking more and more like propaganda from a pro-abortion activist…

And of course, numerous gaffes, including a moment when Biden read his stage directions off the Teleprompter out loud…

…followed by the White House and its sycophants insisting that we didn’t actually see and hear what we just saw and heard.

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