
Latest News

December 23, 2024

On Christmas, we celebrate the birth of the One who told us, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.” But on holidays like this that emphasize parties and socializing, many people feel lonely or abandoned. This year, even people who normally get invitations may be feeling lonely and isolated. They may not realize how many people really do care about them. Let this story from Linda in North Carolina be a reminder:

"Several years ago, we had a family up the hill who were having a very rough time. They had broken glass in their windows, no heat and no prospects for a nice Christmas.

We got neighbors together and one day when they were gone, the men went up and put in new glass, bought heaters and warmed up their trailer and went to get them a Christmas tree. The ladies and kids made ornaments, went to stores and got donations of toys and clothing, food and electric blankets. We all met at the trailer, cooked, decorated, put up the tree, wrapped packages, and made beds with the new blankets then went to our home to wait for them to return.

A while later, the family came running down the hill in the snow and flew into our house, trying to tell us through tears what someone had done. The mother couldn't believe that so many people cared about them. She didn't realize it, but being able to do that for them made Christmas very special for all of us.”

Thank you, Linda, for that perfect story to remind us that the gifts that give us the most satisfaction aren’t those we get, but the ones we give to others.

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    12/27/2022 02:33 PM

    Stories about neighbors helping and blessing their neighbors are wonderful I remember Jesus said to love your neighbors! He also said give and it will be given to you, good measure pressed down, shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap for with the measure you use it will be measure back to you!

  • margy s ahearn

    12/26/2022 07:45 PM

    I love your web site but I was trying to find more informaiton about Dr OZ and his memory drug and cannot - so how can I post this? thank you margy

  • Philinda Minor

    12/26/2022 04:34 PM

    A wonderful story of neighbors caring for their own. A very sweet story.

  • Keith Nation

    12/26/2022 04:07 PM

    I retired in 2016 from the army corps of engineers as a head Lock operator on the Ohio river. Sadly over the 15 plus years there I realized that this time of the year was the highest suicide rate of any time of the year. Just above our locks was a series of bridges which became a focal point for jumpers. Up on an occasion I had the chance to talk to a possible jumper and his story was what so many had. The sense of no one cared about them, they had nothing in there life, they were homeless you name it. Luckily or hopefully that I had the time to share with him he changed his mind for the time being. I reached out to him to contact me if he needed someone but mainly to think about someone in his family, his Mom or his daughter and just stop and think how they would feel if he had not reached out to them. No matter what has ahold of you drugs or alcohol clouds the mind and stops you from thinking someone cares.
    This time of year I have two words to share " Reach out" it could save someone. Earlier I mentioned hopefully, it was because that time I did not have to help pull somebody from the river. God bless everyone and pray our country can pull it's self together this coming year. Thank you governor for the chance to comment