
Latest News

August 10, 2021

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo continues to resist stepping down, even as the threat of impeachment grows after the state Attorney General’s report detailing multiple accusations of sexual harassment. But that might be only one of his problems, since one of his accusers has dropped her anonymity protection and filed a criminal complaint against him with the Albany sheriff’s office.

In an interview with CBS, Brittany Commisso explained why she hadn’t spoken up before. She said, "People don’t understand that this is the Governor of the State of New York. There are troopers outside. They are not there to protect me, they are there to protect him. I felt as though if I did something to insult him, especially insult him in his own home, it wasn’t going to be him that’s going to get fired or in trouble."

Ms Commisso also probably assumed that the media would cover for the popular Democrat Governor and attack his accuser, smearing her a “nut or slut.” Even now, when forced to face the truth, they still won’t own up to their shameful, partisan actions.

Why is this all so sickeningly familiar to those of who lived through the 1990’s?

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