
Latest News

August 7, 2024

Tuesday morning, US stock futures bounced back a bit after Monday’s historic plummet, when the NASDAQ fell over 1,000 points for the first time ever. But we’re hardly out of the woods yet. The Dow dropped over 1,000 points on Monday, on top of big losses last week. As of this writing, the Dow is back up by about 480 points.

It’s the right direction, but a long way to go. And all the factors that set off the plunge are still with us, including a weak jobs report, shrinking manufacturing activity, dismal forecasts from big tech firms, and one that the media don’t like to mention but I suspect it’s playing a big role: their huge push for Kamala Harris for President that’s giving her a poll boost.

If you thought Biden’s policies have been disastrous for America, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet if Harris gets in. Unlike Joe, she’s not a moderate in her dotage being manipulated by leftist staffers. She’s a true believer in failed far-left policies but with even less mental acuity (listen to the video of her describing the wonders of “equity” and not even realizing she’s describing Marxist-style government-imposed equality of outcomes. Or her 2021 explanation of what inflation is, and how Biden’s policies are going to end it.)

Any hopes that the Biden White House knows how to fix what they broke were undermined by tweets in which Harris mocked Trump for predicting the stock market would crash and Biden just last week declared that he had “cured the economy.”

Meanwhile, Biden’s top economic adviser, Gene Sperling, announced that he’s resigning (decide for yourself if that’s a good or bad thing), reportedly to work on Harris’ campaign. Let’s hope he does for her poll numbers what his advice has done for the Dow. This reminds me of Stan Laurel standing in the smoldering wreckage of Oliver Hardy’s house and saying, “Well, I guess I’ve done all I can do!”

All of these problems, from inflation and high interest rates to stagnant GDP growth to anemic job creation to rampant illegal immigration to the aggression from our enemies overseas were absolutely predictable based on the wrongheaded policies Biden/Harris imposed. Indeed, we predicted them all. It was easy because we lived through them before when Obama was in office.

For eight years, the US economy struggled to deal with all the obstacles placed on it by the government. I wrote something then that’s just as timely now: The US economy is like an Olympic swimmer who’s so strong, he can stay afloat even with a concrete block tied around his neck (the block being leftist policies.) If that swimmer can tread water at all, the Democrats and the media give the credit to the concrete block. But even the best swimmer can only stay above water under those conditions for so long. Our choice in November isn’t just between Trump and Harris, it’s between throwing the economy a life preserver or an even bigger anchor.

RELATED: Team Trump already has an ad out on the “Kamala Crash.”

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