
Latest News

April 21, 2021

By now, you know that “the MyPillow guy,” Mike Lindell, has been sued by Dominion Voting Systems for defamation over his claims that their machines could be –- and were –- hacked and the vote changed in the 2020 election. They seek damages of $1.3 billion.

In this poker game, Lindell will see their $1.3 billion and raise them another $.3 billion. That’s right, he’s suing THEM for $1.6 billion. He filed his suit in the U.S. District Court in Minnesota, where his company is based. In case you didn’t see that story, it’s in THE EPOCH TIMES.

The complaint opens this way: “Freedom of speech, and free and fair elections, are two pillars of our constitutional order. Intersection of the two --- debate in the public square about elections --- is therefore a matter of grave constitutional concern. Discussion of election integrity must receive the highest protection under the First Amendment.”

Indeed. Now tell that to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and other social media platforms that censor any questioning of the outcome of the 2020 election. It’s about time someone started defending the First Amendment, especially when it comes to elections.

“[Dominion has] engaged in a scorched earth campaign,” the suit says, “debasing the legal system through a practice that has become known as ‘lawfare.’ Dominion’s purpose is to silence debate; to eliminate any challenge to the 2020 election; and to cancel and destroy anyone who speaks out against Dominion’s work on behalf of the government in administering the election.”

“Dominion is using today’s cancel culture to eliminate dissent and to cover up the election issues that compromised the 2020 result.”

You can read the entire complaint here.

Lawyers for Dominion say Lindell is lying about links between them and alleged election fraud. As we’ve reported, they’re also suing attorney Sidney Powell and have sent threatening letters to dozens of others, who mostly issued groveling apologies and CYA statements devised by their attorneys. That’s the “lawfare” Lindell’s suit is talking about, and he will not back down.

Concerning Sidney Powell, recall that she recently corrected a report that said she was trying a novel defense: arguing that her claims against Dominion were so crazy, no one would believe them; hence, no damages. As we clarified, Powell is NOT using that line of argument as her defense. In fact, it was Dominion who characterized her claims as crazy and unbelievable; her attorneys apparently were just turning that argument around on them.

We haven’t seen proof that voting machines were hacked or that election fraud changed the outcome, but we believe anyone who professes knowledge of such proof should have their day in court and should not be censored.

In general, news outlets are reporting that Lindell has pushed “false conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.” According to BUSINESS INSIDER, the Dominion suit “alleged Lindell used those false theories to juice his company’s profits by integrating his pillow advertising into the right-wing media ecosystem.”

That claim seems ridiculous on its face. As a conservative Christian businessman, Lindell had already “integrated” into “the right-wing media ecosystem.” He didn’t have to do something like this. And as evidence that he really believes his allegations and isn’t just doing this to make money, Lindell claims that his business LOST $65 million in deals with retailers over this issue, and he says that business is not coming back. The lawsuit points to these. He’s talking about huge retailers like Bed, Bath & Beyond; Kohl’s; and Costco.

Mike Lindell is much too smart as a businessman to do something this controversial in the hope of making money. He had to know the opposition he would face. The man obviously loves his country and believes in what he is doing. Saying Lindell did this to make money, as Dominion’s lawsuit claims, is kind of like the left’s allegation that Donald Trump ran for President to make money. Look at what politics has done to complicate their businesses and do the math; it makes no sense.

Nevertheless, as reported in FORBES, Dominion accuses Lindell of lying about their voting machines “because the lie sells pillows.”

Figuring out how to make that case might be keeping their attorneys awake nights. I know a good cure for that: a MyPillow, a mattress topper and some soft Giza Dream Sheets.

Before Dominion sued him, Lindell made it clear he would welcome their lawsuit, as it would give him the opportunity to investigate the company. “I welcome Dominion to sue me,” he said in January. “I welcome it. Please.” And he hasn’t backtracked one bit on his claims, saying he plans to release several self-produced documentaries on the election. The announcement of his lawsuit was made during a livestream on his new alternative social media platform, “Frank,” at At the time of this writing, very early Wednesday morning, there were still some glitches to be worked out on the site, with Lindell alleging a massive cyberattack.

On Monday, Lindell filed a motion to dismiss Dominion’s lawsuit against him, arguing that the CEO “knows that his statements regarding problems with the voting machines are true” and thus can’t show he was deliberately trying to defame them with false claims.

Lindell has got none other than Alan Dershowitz as an informal legal adviser. “I’ve been defending the First Amendment for 60 years,” Dershowitz said, “and I’m not going to stop now.” He said it was an important First Amendment case.

The NEW YORK POST has a story about Dershowitz getting involved.

Yes, the POST story does refer to Lindell’s claims of fraud as “baseless,” but never mind that, because dismissing them outright --- currently obligatory at most news outlets --- is premature. They're not proven, but they're not debunked, either. The point of election integrity for 2020 might be “moot,” as the Supreme Court is so fond of saying, but we have another election coming up in another year and a half, and if by then there’s any question about electronic voting left unresolved, we’ll have to go back to doing it the old fashioned way, with pen and paper in a contained system.

So if Dominion can prove they have a secure electronic system, they’d doggone well better do it, or else they need to be out. And that won't be Mike Lindell's fault.

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Comments 1-19 of 19

  • Genii Picard

    05/22/2021 06:30 PM

    Mike, I feel like I can call you Mike because I sort of feel like I know you. I read your book, "What are the odds" and I feel like this is what that "very important" time is that you made notes about and put behind your picture so many years ago. You have your "platform", and your assignment.

  • Gail Graham

    05/22/2021 12:37 AM

    I agree with Mike Lindell....I believe the voting machines WERE hacked. And if that is true and 'they' get away with it, we'll never have another honest election E V E R.

  • Mary C. Gaskill

    04/29/2021 05:13 PM

    In the past few years, I have followed information on voting machines. Since I read that George Soros has invested in voting machines I suspected there would be problems. I was fortunate enough to watch a video produced? by Mr. Lindell concerning the way voting machines could be used to change voting results. It was professional, had several experts testifying who explained how it could have been brought about. It is very believable---it should be watched and evaluated.

  • Loretta and Earl Niehusen

    04/25/2021 03:44 PM

    I'm praying for Mike Lindell and I do not shop at Kohl"s, Costco, or Bed, bath and beyond anymore.
    Mike is right. I talked to our election commission fella in Wi and asked him why Alzheimer people can vote when they don't even know anything at that point about voting and they do have to have another person do the voting for them and he said Alzheimer patients have a right to vote too. I don't think they do unless they know who they are voting for!!! And someone else does not have to put the vote in for them.

  • Pamela Dashiell

    04/25/2021 12:11 PM

    There is proof of 2020 election fraud as has been shown through Maria Zack, founder of Nations in Action who revealed in Dec. 2020 the collusion of several countries to electronically interfere with with our US Election of Nov 3, 2020. There were involvements in the US Embassy in Rome with several resignations in the Italian government and the arrest of Arturo D'Elia, who is now in hiding until he will appear in court with confession of his participation in these actions. The mainstream media is touting this illegal voter fraud as a conspiracy, but it is not. There IS proof.

  • Jeaneene Nooney

    04/24/2021 11:21 PM

    This is great!! Thanks Mike, for stepping up to the plate! Thanks for being a man!
    Prayers for you buddy!!!

  • Mary Powell

    04/24/2021 04:40 PM

    Go get them Mike! I don't just like what Mike is doing, I LOVE what Mike is doing. TRUTH will PREVAIL! God Bless Mike and all his legal team! And may God Bless Mike's business as well!

  • Bob Watkins

    04/23/2021 04:17 PM

    SIC'EM, LINDELL !!!!

  • LaVoe Potter

    04/22/2021 04:40 PM

    Oh, happy day; news I can trust!! Each day I look forward to your “Newsletter” & search for it among hundreds of political email solicitations. I especially enjoy the daily scripture “headline”.
    God bless you & your staff. God bless your family.
    Thank you!

  • Kent Widmayer

    04/22/2021 02:26 PM

    You guys need to get your facts straight. Mike Lindell is NOT suing Dominion for 1.6 million dollars. If you watched the live stream you should have got this. The company My Pillow is suing Dominion. That would be the employees who are stock holders. Mike Lindell is not the company. He said this over and over again in the live stream.

  • Betty Windham

    04/22/2021 12:44 PM

    I believe Mike Lindell is one hundred correct in his claim. Why would all the states in question quit counting? Never stopped before. The machines are designed to elect the people they choose not we the people want. If this is not fixed we might as well forget about fair elections. Paper ballots count by hand.

  • Mark H.

    04/22/2021 11:42 AM

    Ridiculous. Lindell may be sincere, but he's sincerely wrong. Freedom of speech does not include the right to defame. There is a difference between an allegation and proof, and even though apparently at least half the country doesn't know it, judges generally do (and so do those who've backed down before Dominion's lawsuits). Lindell proved in his nutty video that he's as gullible as a child, and the launch of his "Frank" site indicates he might need a vacation. Good thing he has a large stock of pillows; he'll need something to land on.

  • Stewart Weiner

    04/22/2021 08:04 AM

    Go for it, Mike. Half of our country is behind because they know the truth too.

  • Dianne Kaffes

    04/22/2021 06:25 AM

    i hope he wins , believing he will and take down Dominion, I am so tired of these corrupt people using their machines to put in corrupt leaders and acting like they did nothing .infringing on my rights to what I voted for

  • Jacque Ostby

    04/21/2021 09:41 PM

    No! Mike is not suing them. My Pillow Co. is suing Dominion

  • Bob.R

    04/21/2021 08:22 PM

    I know Dave Allen, that's his type of joke. ????
    HEY MIKE LINDELL, move that decimal right 4 more spots (1.6 Billion to 16 Trillion) then SHARE that fine with all of us who lost our GREATEST POTUS IN MODERN TIMES.

  • Rich Simcoe

    04/21/2021 08:03 PM

    How was Dominion allowed to do what they so blatantly did? And why would you trust them again instead of some other option?

  • Douglas Hendricus Alsem

    04/21/2021 07:50 PM

    Any time a Dominion voting machine is connected to the internet there is a serious problem of hacking and switching of votes, this happened and has been proved. There is no explainable reason that there should be an external internet connection, but that is what the Venezuela designed machines are designed for, fraud is guaranteed.

  • dave allen

    04/21/2021 01:47 PM

    alas, you invite leftists to "do the math". you know how their math works... 0+0=1,000,000 reasons they are right, and 10000+10000=0 facts contradicting their narrative.