Having served their purpose as security/partisan media prop, thousands of National Guard troops in DC, who were already insulted by having their patriotism questioned and their political views investigated, were kicked out of the Capitol and told to go sleep on the ground in a parking garage with one electrical outlet and one bathroom for 5,000 troops. After a huge public outcry, including from Democrats such as Sen. Kyrsten Sinema, they were allowed to move back the next day.
Many are demanding to “get to the bottom of” who is responsible for this unconscionable treatment of our troops, but Matt Vespa at Townhall.com says the answer is obvious, but the media don’t want to report it.
With such disrespectful treatment, it’s no wonder Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is recalling Texas Guard troops immediately, after already threatening never to send them to DC again.
As one Guardsman put it, “Yesterday, dozens of Senators and Congressmen walked down our lines taking photos, shaking our hands and thanking us for our service. Within 24 hours, they had no further use for us and banished us to the corner of a parking garage. We feel incredibly betrayed.”
I’m sorry to say that I suspect that’s a feeling they’d better get used to. It’s also a feeling that this article in Redstate suggests may be hitting suburban Republicans who voted for Biden because they didn’t like Trump’s personality. They may quickly discover to their regret that good, pro-American policies are more important than mean tweets.
If Trump’s rhetoric was indeed the factor that cost him suburban votes, then it’s all the sadder that he didn’t heed the advice my writer Laura Ainsworth tried to give him way back in September. Reading this article again now, it’s almost scary how prescient it was.
Permalink: https://www.mikehuckabee.com/2021/1/national-guard-troops-used-as-props
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