
Latest News

February 3, 2022

New Mexico Democrat Senator Ben Ray Lujan, 49, suffered a stroke and had to undergo surgery to ease swelling in his brain. He’s “resting comfortably” in the hospital, and his office issued a statement saying he’s expected to make a full recovery, but there’s no word on how long he will be out. Our prayers are with him and his family.

Of course, in Washington, no human tragedy or problem is so serious that someone won’t view it through the lens of political advantage.

Chuck Schumer had scheduled a marathon of votes on Biden nominees this week, and now he's frantically rushing to delay them. If Lujan can’t come to work for a while, there goes Schumer’s ability to force the leftist agenda onto Americans with a 50-50 tie vote plus Kamala Harris. If Lujan is out for too long, then a new Supreme Court Justice might have to wait until after the election and be vetted by the new Senate who will actually represent what the American people want as expressed in the 2022 elections.

It’s cynical but that’s how they think in DC. But if they're thinking Sen. Lujan’s health crisis will affect their hopes of resurrecting the “Build Back Better” spending bill, it makes no difference. Joe Manchin already made it clear this week that the version of that bill that passed the House is “dead.”

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