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July 13, 2021

Politico obtained a strategy memo by a pro-Biden Super PAC warning that focus groups show dire tidings for Democrats in the 2022 midterm elections.

The focus groups found that voters don’t like rampant crime and defunding police; they don’t understand why we need to stimulate the economy by blowing trillions of dollars on Democrat wish list items dubbed “infrastructure” when the economy is doing fine wherever it’s allowed to reopen; and even Democrat voters couldn’t name a single Biden Administration accomplishment. Well, that’s understandable.

This article also touches on something I’ve often written about: that all current so-called “progressive” policies are just attempts to resuscitate terrible ideas from the dim past that failed miserably, from socialism to segregation. This article spotlights the Dems’ “PRO-Act,” the forced unionization bill that would enrich their union boss supporters while destroying freelance and contract jobs, and the Green New Deal that promises countless good-paying “green” jobs.

As noted by Stacey Lennox, this is an attempt to revert the dynamic 21st century gig economy back into an outdated model of big unions and government make-work jobs that failed to end the Depression when it was tried in the 1930s. It’s yet another reason why “progressives” should more accurately be called “regressives.”

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  • Ingrid Forsberg

    07/17/2021 01:08 PM

    This isn't about this article. I live in California & I'd like to know which person you think might best replace Newsom. I fully hope & expect him to be recalled. I don't want a RINO. I don't want a globalist. And I don't want a wishy-washy.