Facebook has started partnering with churches to make the platform a virtual home for religious communities and to help their message and services “go further farther on Facebook.”
I admit to having mixed feelings about this. Anything that helps spread the Gospel is good. And all their talk about reaching the world with your faith is certainly a tempting apple to dangle. But Facebook has a reputation for getting people dependent on it, and then cutting off, or threatening to cut off, access if they decide your message doesn’t jibe with their Silicon Valley leftist views.
Do you really think they wouldn’t try to tell any church that, for example, held to the Biblical definition of marriage that it was guilty of hate speech or homophobia as an excuse to deplatform it if it didn’t change its beliefs?
So I would warn churches to be very cautious in dealing with Facebook and not let it become a deal with the Devil. Use it to get the word out, organize the church picnic, or share your services with shut-ins. But never let it replace real fellowship in person in the church. Don’t let it erode human interaction, or replace your church socials, newsletters and email lists. Most importantly, never let it become the exclusive channel through which you communicate with the world. Let it be just one of many tools you use, so that if you are suddenly banned, it’s no big deal.
Remember that Mark Zuckerberg seems to think he’s God, and that what Zuckerberg giveth, he can taketh away.
Permalink: https://www.mikehuckabee.com/2021/7/facebook-and-the-gospel
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